An Amazon parcel exercising. [This is a re-upload. I take no credit whatsoever]
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Time: 01:00
Views: 640 |
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-DiRT 3- DiRT and DiRT 2 were huge successes, so naturally, it should be no surprise that DiRT 3 is in the works. The first official teaser trailer for DiRT 3 debuted at the ESPN X-games tonight. Unfortunately, there is no HD version online yet, as soon as one becomes available it will be uploaded to the channel ASAP If you are experience loading issues while watching the video in 360p around 0:25, switch to 480p and the video should run fine. If you are still experiencing problems with the video please leave a comment below. Rate, comment, subscribe and enjoy!
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 1064 |
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The first teaser for the third installement of the DiRT series by Codemasters
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 893 |
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The World's Farthest Basketball Shot
Evan Sellers from The Legendary Shots throws a ball from the top of the Vulcan monument in Birmingham, Alabama. To our knowledge, this is the farthest shot (direct distance from shooter to goal) ever made. Whether it's also the longest (horizontal distance) is debatable (Dude Perfect's at Kyle Field is about the same length). THANK YOU VULCAN STAFF! MEASUREMENTS: Height: The platform is 134 feet above ground level, and the ball was released from about 6 feet above the platform. The goal was 10 feet high and was placed about 10 feet below the base of the statue, meaning the height from hoop to shooter was 140 feet. Length: This is harder to tell, but we had a few people pace it off, and they came in at between 50 and 60 paces. The average person's pace is about 3 feet, so the length of the shot is about 150-180 feet. Direct distance: Since height^2 + length^2 = distance^2, the distance from the shooter's hand to the hoop is about 205-228 feet.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 1218 |
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Dude Perfectâ„¢ - World's Longest Basketball Shot - 3rd DECK VIEW
THIRD DECK OF KYLE FIELD VIEW of the World's Longest Basketball Shot - by Dude Perfectâ„¢ -From Texas A&M University's Football Stadium Make sure to watch BOTH VIEWS of this shot! SUBSCRIBE if you're up for it! (Copyright 2009, Dude Perfect, LLC, et al. All rights reserved)
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 1122 |
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Crazy Craft Walkthrough - Levels 1-13
This is a video of me, Tasselfoot, beating the first 13 levels of Crazy Craft. Game:
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 867 |
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How To Unlock The iPhone 4 Using UltraSn0w [ iOS 4.0 / 4.0.1 ]
How To Unlock The iPhone 4 Using UltraSn0w [ iOS 4.0 / 4.0.1 ] -- The Repo: -- Thanks to: Engadget and the Dev Team for embedding this video on their websites.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 812 |
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Video del experimento del Nuevo Volvo S60
Descubre lo que se siente al conducir el nuevo Volvo S60 y experimena tu lado mas transgresor. Acude con Volvo Subject60 a 5 ciudades, 5 noches, 5 fiestas. Mira como Volvo descubre la capital Europea más transgresora. Un experimento de conducta llevado a cabo encuvierdo durante una fiesta lanzamiento para el nuevo y transgresor Volvo S60. Descubre el experimento completo y el coche que lo ha inspirado en:
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 834 |
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Comic Con 2010: FRINGE panel part 2
Second part of the FRINGE panel at Comic Con 2010 in San Diego. Complete Cast with Joshua Jackson, Anna Torv, John Noble, Blair Brown, Lance Reddick, Nicole
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 811 |
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Cataclysm Beta - Inside Uldum (unfinished zone) - Blue Plz! The longest running and rantiest WoW podcast around. Music provided by Sean Beeson - - used with written permission from the artist. This is an unfinished zone that is currently inaccessible. It was available in the alpha but closed in the beta. I was able to gain access and did so for the purposes of filming because this beautiful zone, even in it's incomplete state, deserves to be shown.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 1099 |
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