weird fishes found after tsunami
wat are these things that came from the sea,Man hasnt found half of the sea yet so these fishes could hav come from somwere unknown mabye to far for the human to explore,so mabye dee under the sea were some of these fishes came from there could be preastoric sharks of fishes.plz rate coment and subscribe THANK YOU!!!!
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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This is a Video I made with Cool looking Fish and some were discovered after Tsunamis. The song is Mr. Wonderful just because I like the song and I think Fish are wonderful.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Strange Fishes After Tsunami In HD!
Like the title says: In this video you can see some strange fishes found on a beach after the tsunami ;) Enjoy :) NOTE: "fishes" is the plural when you have more than one species. So "fishes" is as correct as "fish".
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Fish that washed up after the tsunami that hit southeast asia in december 2004
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Weird fish show up on shore after a Tsunami
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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The Struck in tsunami Video Footages
Obaid Karki An Outcast Kabbalist Spinoziste Pantheon Hexalingual Automath Former UAE Under Secretary Independant Street-Knowledge Talkshow Guru. Unaffiliated to A State, Organized Religion, Sect or Kin. Anti Tribal Gentile. Shia News Talking Corner Islam? Your views Iran's Ayatollahs imprison countless journalists Afghanistan's Taliban burnt We have to get back to ibn Rasht to Abu Ali Sina to Abu Hamid Ghazali www shianews com hi talking corner topic id php Shia News Talking Corner The role and status of Mullahs in Syed Munzir Ali Naqvi United States Pakistan December Dear Mr A H Toor I % agree with the points raised by the editor of Shia news against the www shianews com hi talking corner topic id php YouTube pissed off Abul Kasem Alan Caruba Ali Sina Amber Pawlik Amil Imani Ayesha Ahmed Azar CBS News Associated Press Iran Hezbollah train Iraqi Shia "Secret Cells" Ali www youtube com watch?v mDNOqarcaSA&watch response Title Abu Ali Sina however after numerous hardships succeeded in reaching Gorgan He professed the Shia lsmaili i faith On account of his inclinations www ismaili net hero hero html Sherlock Holmes and me Barbara J Stock on Ali Sina's debate w I have been following a debate between a rational man Ali Sina an ex Muslim and Sunni hate Shia Shia hate Sunni and the Wahhabi sect hates everyone www freerepublic com focus f news posts Jihad Watch: Iranian backed militia groups take control of much of There will not be peace in Iraq until the sunni and shia settle thier Hey everyone Ali Sina is writing a book please check out his web site www jihadwatch org archives php Jihad Watch: Iran to strike enrichment deal with Russia Ali Sina Bat Ye'or Andrew Bostom Wolfgang Bruno Fjordman Srdja Trifkovic This is why we protected the Kurds and Shia in Iraq while now the Shia are www jihadwatch org archives php [ More results from www jihadwatch org ] [DOC] Ave sina File Format: Microsoft Word View as HTML Abu Ali al hussain ibn abdallah ibn sina ave sina was born in A D at Ashana near Bukhara the part of iran the young Bu Ali received his early www iearn org circles session projects greatHeroesIran doc Similar pages Note this RFE RL Iran Report Tehran's "Iran News" daily citing an unidentified source was held at Hamedan's Bu Ali Sina University http: www akunews org News view asp?ID www globalsecurity org wmd library news iran htm RFE RL Iran Report Iranian Drug Control Headquarters chief Ali Hashemi noted that trillion said that nine students from Bu Ali Sina University and Hamedan Medical www globalsecurity org wmd library news iran htm [ More results from www globalsecurity org ] Dr Javed Ahmad Ghamedi and Dr Khalid Zaheer vs Ali Sina Part IX Ali Sina Part IX Log in or register a new user account Comments a fight between Shia Sunni muslims that is what i have learned from the news www news faithfreedom org index php?name News&file article&sid That Golden Age of Islam :: Faith Freedom International :: Only According to Shia sources on the way to Basra Iraq the rebel army received news that Ali ibn Abi Talib had come out of Medina in their pursuit www news faithfreedom org index php?name News&file article&sid [ More results from www news faithfreedom org ] Payvand News Of Iran Archive Iran News Directory and Bazzar Mashhad's Ferdowsi University Hamedan's Bu Ali Sina Isfahan's Sana'ati and Qazvin's Azad Universities www netnative com news archive html Payvand News Of Iran Archive But whatever happens nationally Shia militias many backed by Iran are Iranian international Ali Karimi has dismissed threats players with long www netnative com news archive html [ More results from www netnative com ] Ibn Sina: Biography and Much More from Answers com Traditionally of the Ismaili Shia branch of Islam Ibn Sina's independent Bu Ali Sina University www answers com topic avicenna PoliPundit com » "The Secret War Against Iran" Since Shia radicals have been running Iran and supporting Islamic For some reason the link to Ali Sina's site came out wrong it is polipundit com wp comments popup php?p &c Sex and Islam from Guardian Unlimited: News blog Ali Sina of Faithfreedom org is not syed no where he claims that and I highly doubt he is Shia sheikhs have made allowance for un Islamic practices blogs guardian co uk news archives sex and islam html What Ariel Sharon's heart op involves from Guardian Unlimited http: worldnetdaily com news article asp?ARTICLE ID Iran: Ayatollah Khomeini and Ali Sina homa darambi Belgium: blogs guardian co uk news archives what ariel sharons heart op involves html [ More results from blogs guardian co uk ] User talk:FayssalF Archive C Wikipedia the free encyclopedia I'm dealing with a stridently Iranian nationalist editor who wants to turn one I just checked out the Ali Sina page so far as I know I was never en wikipedia org wiki User talk:FayssalF Archive C Daily Times Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Tsunami Miracle watch all non muslims
tsunami destryoed everything killed people animals but failed to even touch mosque masjid.still standing tall and shinning after tsunami.woohoooo
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 735 |
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strange fish found after tsunami. mermaid, bizarre fish, weird fish, prehistoric. mermaid.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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