Videos 10181-10190 of 11185

cassandra steen feat. adel tawil - Stadt [with lyrics]

Ich bau EiN Stadt fuer Dich.. :'D

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 484 | Comments: 0

Rihanna - Russian Roulette (Music Video).flv

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Time: 01:00
Views: 631 | Comments: 0

Augen Auf - SiDo // with Lyrics (Sing Along) for two People!

Karaoke (Sing Along) Video für 2 Leute! Bitte kommentiere und bewerte dieses Video! Hier kannst du diesen Song mit deinem Freund Singen! Stimme 1: Oben Stimme 2: Unten Viel Spaß ! P.S. Besuche meinen Channel für mehr Videos! Falls du Ideen oder Wünsche für andere Videos hast, lass es mich wissen ;-) Bitte kommentiere und bewerte! Kettenbriefeneindanke.oyla23.de Funnyfun.oyla6.de

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 904 | Comments: 0

Sido feat. Kitty Kat - Das Eine

Das Eine

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 470 | Comments: 0

Jamie T - Stick's and Stones WITH LYRICS

Jamie T's new single Stick's and Stones I have had a crack at the lyrics and i think they are mostly right, if any are not then please tell me and i will correct it, Thanks. When there's no one left to fight, boys like him don't shine so bright, Soon as I see the dust settle, he's out on the town tryin' to find trouble. When there's no one left to fight, boys like him don't shine so bright, Soon as I see the dust settle, he's out on the town tryin' to find trouble. I take a train again away from shame and blame a city pained to see, a friend I hadn't seen since I was drinking underage. I was a ten a day, how'd you say, little shit, white lightning, heightening all my courage, quick wit. We were thick as thieves and wallabies, buttoned shirts and whiskey, mutton dressed as lamb, a fan of bands like The Jam Jam Jam Jam, I don't know who I am, he said I dunno if I can, I said yeah man, you can-can. When there's no one left to fight, boys like him don't shine so bright, Soon as I see the dust settle, he's out on the town tryin' to find trouble. When there's no one left to fight, boys like him don't shine so bright, Soon as I see the dust settle, he's out on the town tryin' to find trouble. Drunk and being sick, I feel like shit, I gotta quit. I hope I haven't missed the last train gonna be stuck in Hampton Wick, With the boys across the platform shouting "lightweight prick!" I'm a featherweight champion, cheap to get pissed, wish Candy were here with me, she'd deffa deal with it, tell 'em all to shut their mouths and go suck their mommas dicks, coz she ain't no she ain't that low, three fingers down, or the other two up, and I'll sing this proud. Runnin' with believers, no time for fever, and I haven't got time for you either, with your sticks n' stones, sticks n' stones, I take 'em home on my own. Runnin' with believers, no time for fever, and I haven't got time for you either, with your sticks n' stones, sticks n' stones, I take 'em home on my own. As I travel down the track all my memories flood back. We were runnin' at ease from enemies, and rushed back to your momma's flat, it's the only place but home I feel relaxed enough to crap, I know it sounds crude, but there's something in that. How's danny doin'? Hear he's high flyin' and that, stockbroker in the city with a lady and a baby. And Fee, is she free from the demons she had? Was it two months clean, routine to relapse. Runnin' with believers, no time for fever, and I haven't got time for you either, with your sticks n' stones, sticks n' stones, I take 'em home on my own. Runnin' with believers, no time for fever, and I haven't got time for you either, with your sticks n' stones, sticks n' stones, I take 'em home on my own. She smoked all of your weed that's why the loved ones had to leave, Why when you take the lead they stab you in the back 'till you can't breathe, When you're bleeding on the floor, and no one hears your call at all, she screamed out to the party 'you are sheeps and cattle!' I was hanging out with Louie in the shooting gallery, when the news got through to me about you and Jeremy. Pat on my back, and a swig on my brew, you're still my friend, it's impossible to hate you. Cradle to the grave, I know we always misbehave, people latch down and then they rain on our parade. Girls we love leave when we want them to stay, like today, remember, what Joey say? When there's no one left to fight, boys like us don't shine so bright, Soon as I see the dust settle, let's go out and find some trouble! Runnin' with believers, no time for fever, and I haven't got time for you either, with your sticks n' stones, sticks n' stones, I take 'em home on my own. Runnin' with believers, no time for fever, and I haven't got time for you either, with your sticks n' stones, sticks n' stones, I take 'em home on my own. Runnin' with believers, no time for fever, and I haven't got time for you either, with your sticks n' stones, sticks n' stones, I take 'em home on my own. Runnin' with believers, no time for fever, and I haven't got time for you either, with your sticks n' stones, sticks n' stones, I take 'em home on my own. Please rate and comment :D

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 652 | Comments: 0

Largest Nuclear Bomb Ever Detonated

This is the Largest Nuclear Bomb Ever Detonated (That we know of) I think under the President of Vice dirty Dick the US. May have Dune worst

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 599 | Comments: 0

Craig David - One More Lie (Standing In The Shadows) Official Video

The official video for Craig David's brand new single 'One More Lie (Standing In The Shadows)', released 15/3/10.

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 690 | Comments: 0

Puppy and cat love

This is my friend keera's puppy 'KYZA'(bichon frise/jack russel) and her kitten 'COOKIE POUCH'(bengal) showing just how tolerant cats can be even if a puppy's trying to eat your ear off ;)

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 714 | Comments: 0

One More Night- Cascada

Cascada One More Night

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 578 | Comments: 0

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Trapped in the Drive-Thru

"Weird Al" Yankovic's epic 11-minute long parody of R. Kelly's "Trapped In The Closet" - from his latest album "Straight Outta Lynwood". Visit "Weird Al" online at http://www.weirdal.com Fan "Trapped in the Drive-Thru" on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/TrappedintheDriveThru Download this video on iTunes! http://bit.ly/trapped_itunes Find Doogtoons on the web! Website - http://www.doogtoons.com Facebook - http://www.doogtoons.com/facebook Twitter - http://www.doogtoons.com/twitter

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 800 | Comments: 0