Aura Dione - Song for Sophie Acoustic cover
Nice song, hope you like it!:) ANd if u want to, pls subscribe!;) Thx
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Time: 01:00
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the story of sasuke x sakura and hinata x naruto
this is the story o nartuto and hinata and sasuke and sakura when they get married and have children and create their family
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Time: 01:00
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Shakira - Hips Don't Lie - Live Lounge Video of Shakira performing Hips Don't Lie on BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge on the 24th of september. Gaming prodcut review:
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Time: 01:00
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Tony D ft. Sido - Auf und Ab .... Album: Totalschaden .... letz fetz !
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Time: 01:00
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Auto-Tune the News #8: dragons. geese. Michael Vick. (ft. T-Pain)
mp3: iphone auto-tune app: We were honored to be joined in our newsmangling by Chairman Pain of the Federal Commission of T-Pain. Find him here: links to us: t-shirts: donate: twitter: facebook: Lyrics: JB: Imagine with me for a moment. Imagine an America. Imagine a world Where people pop the hood of their cars And they see stamped on an electronic motor the words: "Made in America." All: Made in America! Made in America! JB: Imagine, imagine... All: Made in America! Made in America! JB: That's what I want to imagine! All: God bless y'all. MV: Now I wanna be part of the solution and not the problem. I gotta start somewhere, gotta crawl before I walk. All: Ay! Crawl before I walk, ay! Crawl before I walk! EG & SG: Before he flies like an Eagle. EG: woo! SVP: Michael Vick served his time, he paid his debt to society and now, he has either earned or been given another chance. SVP,EG,SG: Another chaaaance! MR: Katie Couric is off today. AG: But I'm still lookin at a fine shawtay-ay-ay. MR: I'm Maggie Rodriguez. AG: Nice to meet you, boo. Let's talk about the noo-ews. MR: The city of New York is declaring a war on geese And some animal activists are crying AG: Crying? MR: Crying AG: Crying? MR: Crying foul. AG: Crying how? MR: Crying fowl. AG: oh MR: Birds can become a feathered foe if they collide with airplanes AG: True. MR: Operation Goose-Be-Gone involves reducing the population within five miles of the airport Both: Those geese are cooked. Those geese are cooked, cooked, cooked. MR: Wildlife experts and the FAA agree Both: Those geese are cooked. AG: The Federal Commission of Me agrees Both: Those geese are cooked. AG: Now they livin on a wing and a prayer Both: A wing and a prayer AG: How many geese? MR: Two thousand geese. AG: That's a lot of geese. MR: Those geese are f---ed. AG: So sad and so tasty for my helpless flyin homies. MR: The debate continues in New York, but for now Both: Those geese are cooked, cooked. CG: As you can see from the chart, A massive fire-breathing Debt and Deficit Dragon CG: I have a chart. CC: He has a chart! CG: I have a chart. CC: A dragon chart! CG: The surtax is painful to the goose, Lethal to the goose CC: Which goose? CG: The goose that lays the golden egg CC: My favorite goose CG: The goose that lays, the goose that lays, lays the golden egg. CC: That goose is cooked, cooked, cooked! JE: Am I wasted or did that really transpire? So many metaphors my brain is on fire. *phone* Ay! TPain: Ay! JE: Ay! TPain: Ay! JE: Aaaay! TPain: Tell Katie-Coo, stop screenin my calls. Or else, she gon be on Very thin ice JE: Very thin ice KC: Very thin ice All: Very thin ice JE: Sing it T-Pain, geese are on All: Very thin ice MR: Those geese are cooked, those geese are cooked, cooked. SVP: Give 'em another chance. CG: The goose that lays the golden egg! MR: Those geese are f----ed. Those geese are All: Made in America, made in America SVP: Michael Vick served his time JE: But he's on very thin ice All: Very thin ice. Very very very thin ice. CG: I have a chart. MG: I have a mullet. CG: I have a chart. MG: I'm offerin you a piece of bread. How could you possibly refuse a man with a mullet. piece of BREEAAD!
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Time: 01:00
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Jon Bon Jovi & John Elway NBC Commercial
This is a hilarious commercial with John Elway and my idol Jon Bon Jovi..^^
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Time: 01:00
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Craig David - Insomnia BRANDNEW 2008
OUT NOW ON ITUNES 'Insomnia' is Craig's first single to be taken from his new Greatest Hits album. The single was produced by Jim Beanz from Timbaland Team and will be released on November 17th a week ahead of the Greatest Hits album on November 24th.
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Time: 01:00
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Sido feat Adel Tawil - Der Himmel soll warten (+Lyrics)
ALL RIGHTS BY UMG. NOTHING IS OWNED. LYRICS: (feat. Adel Tawil) Ohhh... Okay, warte kurz, kukkt mich an, siehst du das? Ich bin cool, dies und das, ich freu mir nen riesen Ast Ich mache das hier für die Leute die das hier lieben, lasst mich einfach in Frieden, wenn ihr Sido hasst Punkt aus, ich bin ein gemachter Mann Was ich erreicht hab, eigentlich könnte man sagen, so wie's is reicht das Aber es reicht nicht, nein, ich kann nicht bescheiden sein Ich will so vieles noch erleben vor dem Greisenheim Ich will den Jackpot im Lotto gewinnen Und damit alle meine Schäfchen ins Trockene bringen Ich will high und frei sein, wie eine Flocke im Wind Ansonsten schrei ich wie ein bockiges Kind Und dann wirds wieder eklig, ich hab schon viel erlebt Ich hab aber noch so viel vor, ihr alles kukkt mir dabei zu auf eurem Monitor Bis sie mir irgendwann das große Licht ausschalten, Doch der Himmel muss es erst mal ohne mich aushalten Refrain Ich ruf es nach oben, der Himmel soll warten Denn ich hab noch was vor, der Himmel muss warten Wenn alles vorbei ist, nimm mir den Atem Doch noch bleib ich hier, der Himmel soll warten Warte mal, stopp, du kannst mich noch nicht gehen lassen Nimm dir doch lieber diese Emo's die ihr Leben hassen Ich bin noch lange nicht fertig, es fängt doch grade an Ich hab am Sack doch grad mal Haare dran, 3 Stück Ich will mein Sohn wachsen seh'n, ich will ne Tochter Und dann nach 9 Monaten von mir aus, gleich noch mal Ich will n Haus, n Affen und n Pferd Lass mich machen, all das werd ich schaffen und noch mehr Ich will Karriere machen, ich will noch weiter hoch Ich will in China mal ein Hund kosten, einfach so Ich will nach Las Vegas, alles was ich hab auf Rot Haus weg, Pferd weg, Klappe zu, Affe tot Ich will zur Ruhe kommen, kein Streit, kein Stress Vorausgesetzt das man mir noch n bisschen Zeit lässt Wenn ich dann fertig bin, hol mich da raus Doch bis dahin kommst du gut ohne mich aus Und ich sing Halleluja Refrain Ich ruf es nach oben, der Himmel soll warten Denn ich hab noch was vor, der Himmel muss warten Wenn alles vorbei ist, nimm mir den Atem Doch noch bleib ich hier, der Himmel soll warten Ohhh.... Refrain 2x Ich ruf es nach oben, der Himmel soll warten Denn ich hab noch was vor, der Himmel muss warten Wenn alles vorbei ist, nimm mir den Atem Doch noch bleib ich hier, der Himmel soll warten
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Time: 01:00
Views: 713 |
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Sasuke x Sakura e Naruto x Hinata
Sasuke e Sakura, Naruto e Hinata... São os melhores casais ^^ Por favor assiti o video e depois comenta... valeu ¢;
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Time: 01:00
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