Videos 2341-2350 of 11185

Norwich terrier puppy vs cat

This clip is from 2006, when my Norwich terrier was just a 4 month old puppy. Here he has a friendly fight with our fat belly cat. Check him out when he's almost 3 in 'Norwich terrier vs stuffed boar' and 'Norwich terrier vs toy'

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Time: 01:00
Views: 639 | Comments: 0

The Lion King *HD* - Part 6 of 9

The Lion King takes place in the Pride Lands of Africa where a lion rules over the other animals as king. Rafiki (Robert Guillaume), a wise old mandrill, anoints Simba (cub by Jonathan Taylor Thomas, adult by Matthew Broderick), the newborn cub of King Mufasa (James Earl Jones) and Queen Sarabi (Madge Sinclair), and presents him to a gathering of animals at Pride Rock ("Circle of Life"). Mufasa takes Simba on a tour of the Pride Lands, teaching him about the "Circle of Life", the delicate balance affecting all living things. Taking advantage of the cub's naive nature, Simba's scheming uncle Scar (Jeremy Irons) (who is very angry because Simba's birth means that he's no longer next in line to the throne) tells him about the elephant graveyard, a place where Mufasa has forbidden Simba to go. Simba asks his mother if he can go to the water-hole with his best friend, Nala (cub by Niketa Calame, adult by Moira Kelly). Their parents agree but only if Mufasa's majordomo, the hornbill Zazu (Rowan Atkinson), goes with them. Simba and Nala elude Zazu's supervision ("I Just Can't Wait to Be King") and go to the graveyard instead. There, the cubs are met by Shenzi, Banzai and Ed (Whoopi Goldberg, Cheech Marin and Jim Cummings), spotted hyenas who try to kill them, but they are rescued by Mufasa. On the way home, Mufasa orders Zazu to take Nala home so as to 'teach his son a lesson'. Once left alone, Mufasa tells his son how very disappointed he is in him and how he put both Nala and his lives in danger. He further explains to Simba that being brave doesn't mean to go looking for danger, and reveals he was scared he might have lost him. Having reached an understanding, they play together in the fields, where Simba asks his father if they will always be together. Mufasa tells him that the Kings of the Past are among the stars in the sky. They will be there to guide him and, when Mufasa's time comes, so will he. Meanwhile, Scar gains the loyalty of the hyenas by claiming that if he becomes king, they'll "never go hungry again" ("Be Prepared"). During the song, Scar tells the hyenas that for this to happen they must kill Mufasa and Simba, thus establishing his plan of regicide. Some time later, Scar lures Simba into a gorge for a "surprise from his father" while the hyenas create a wildebeest stampede. Alerted by Scar, Mufasa races to rescue Simba from the stampede. He saves his son but is left clinging to the edge of a steep cliff. Scar, instead of helping Mufasa, flings his brother into the stampede below. Simba sees his father fall and rushes down the cliff after him, only to find him dead. Scar convinces the young cub that he was responsible for his father's death and recommends that he flee from the Pride Lands. Scar once again sends Shenzi, Banzai and Ed to kill Simba, but he escapes. Scar informs the pride that both Mufasa and Simba were killed and that he is assuming the throne as the next in line. Scar proclaims that "this is the dawning of a new era, in which lion and hyena come together", thus allowing the hyenas into the Pride Lands. In a distant desert, Simba is found unconscious by Timon and Pumbaa (Nathan Lane and Ernie Sabella), a meerkat-warthog duo who adopt and raise the cub under their worry-free philosophy ("Hakuna Matata"). When Simba has grown into an adult he is discovered by Nala, who tells him that Scar has turned the Pride Lands into a barren wasteland. She asks Simba to return and take his place as king but Simba refuses, still believing he caused his father's death. Simba shows Nala around his home and the two begin to fall in love ("Can You Feel the Love Tonight"). Nala, however, tells Simba that she does not understand why he will not return to Pride Rock and they end up in a quarrel. Rafiki arrives and persuades Simba to return to the Pride Lands, aided by the appearance of the ghost of Mufasa. Once back at Pride Rock, Simba (with Timon, Pumbaa and Nala) is horrified to see the condition of the Pride Lands. Timon and Pumbaa create a diversion, allowing Simba and Nala to sneak past the hyenas guarding Pride Rock. After seeing his mother Sarabi struck by Scar for criticizing him, Simba announces his return. In response, Scar tells the pride that Simba was responsible for Mufasa's death and corners Simba at the edge of Pride Rock. As Simba dangles over the edge of Pride Rock, Scar proudly reveals to Simba that he was actually responsible for Mufasa's death. Enraged, Simba leaps up and pins Scar to the ground, forcing him to admit the truth to the pride.

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Time: 01:00
Views: 766 | Comments: 0

YouTube Diet and Fitness Questions Answered!

http://diet.com In this video Sarah takes your questions and asks them to Diet.com's fitness expert Katrina. Some topics include quick healthy breakfasts and drinking water before meals. Send Diethealth your diet and fitness questions if you would like to be featured in our next Q & A segment.

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Time: 01:00
Views: 1026 | Comments: 0

Lady Gaga - Badder Romance FULL LENGTH

Facebook fanpage - http://www.facebook.com/pages/BINK-Productionz/267331818114 So, here's the story. Two of us got Flips for Christmas. And we were all in the car, and Bad Romance comes on the radio. So naturally, we start rocking out to it, dancing in the car like a bunch of freaks. Ian, being the thinker, whipped out his Flip and started recording it. When the song was over, we realized he never hit record. First we were all "Oh maan." Then we were all "LET'S REMAKE THE ACTUAL VIDEO!" Finally we were all "WHOO! YEAAAH! (:D)/" A big thank you goes out to Lady Gaga for tweeting our video! Since then, views have exploded! So here you go. Enjoy!! Of course, our video will never be as good as the original. Rate/comment and tell us what you think!! WARNING: There are several profanities in the bloopers. In no way are we making fun of Lady Gaga. In fact, we adore her. Check out the original video here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrO4YZeyl0I Song (c) Lady Gaga / Interscope Records

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 801 | Comments: 0

Transformers 2 2009 Movie casting call part 1

CHOOSE YOUR ROBOT CAST. this is video is ONLY a WHAT IF?! Transformers 2 trailer casting call. this is unnoficial and purely just for fan viewing while we wait for Mr. Bay's TF Movie for 2009 with a good script (that nobody knows of) for everyones entertainment,- what surprises has he in store?... thank you for visiting. this is NOT THE LEAKED SCRIPT or something and entirely fictional. This video was made to aid not to disperse wrong info. just to pacify for the time while we wait and to give suggestions form fans alike. to send me free tickets will very welcome come 2009. thanks

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 794 | Comments: 0

Schwanga von Culcha Angela (Culcha Candela Hamma Verarsche)

Culcha Angela mit Schwanga (boah, wie du aussiehst), der Parodie auf Hamma!

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Time: 01:00
Views: 760 | Comments: 0

Xavier Naidoo - Gib dich nicht auf.wmv

Gib Dich nicht auf selbst wenn das alle tun gib du dich nicht auf denn es hilft alles nichts wenn du nicht an dich glaubst dich deiner Träume beraubst die du mehr den je gegen Waren eintauschst die du nicht brauchst. Die Zeit ist reif für einen neuen Versuch du hast den Schlüssel samt Schlüsselloch lange gesucht hast deinen Namen deine Herkunft einfach alles verflucht und das ganze als eine Reise in den Abgrund verbucht. es schmerzt ab und zu wer weiß es besser als du und in den schlimmsten Nächten gehen deine Augen auf und zu du kommst nicht zur Ruhe - greifst deine Schuhe und rennst in die Nacht hinaus als wäre es deine Schatztruhe. REFRAIN: Gib Dich nicht auf selbst wenn das alle tun gib du dich nicht auf denn es hilft alles nichts wenn du nicht an dich glaubst dich deiner Träume beraubst die du mehr den je gegen Waren eintauschst die du nicht brauchst. Sie zweifeln an dir sie zweifeln an sich wenns darum geht an was zu glauben dann enthalten sie sich entfalten sich nicht. Tragen weil sie mit sich unzufrieden sind meist ein falsches Gesicht die Wahrheit interessiert sie meist nicht der Krug geht solange zum Brunnen bis er bricht. er ist gebrochen du warst gebrochen du bist wieder aufgestanden und bist nicht gekrochen. REFRAIN: Komm gib Dich nicht auf selbst wenn das alle tun gib du dich nicht auf denn es hilft alles nichts wenn du nicht an dich glaubst dich deiner Träume beraubst die du mehr den je gegen Waren eintauschst die du nicht brauchst. Zu keiner Zeit darfst du nicht hinter dir stehen hör auf dich mit zweifeln an dir zu vergehn wirf den Balast ab und lass alles stehen im ersten Moment wird sich alles drehen doch danach wirst du deinen Reifeprozess sehen bleib kurz stehen und wisch deine Tränen von hier an wird es für dich aufwärts gehn bleib kurz stehen und wisch deinen Tränen REFRAIN: Gib Dich nicht auf selbst wenn das alle tun gib du dich nicht auf denn es hilft alles nichts wenn du nicht an dich glaubst dich deiner Träume beraubst die du mehr den je gegen Waren eintauschst die du nicht brauchst. Gib Dich nicht auf! Wenn du nicht an dich gla-a-a-a-a-a-ubst. Yeaaahh Gib Dich nicht auf! nun gib dich nicht auf Wenn du nicht an dich glaubst, dich deiner Träume beraubst die du mehr den je gegen Waren eintauschst die du nicht brauchst

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 733 | Comments: 0

Elektro / House Mix 2008

House Mix Elektro Mix

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 651 | Comments: 0

Me singing Marit Larsen - If a song could get me you

This is for my best friend. It is her favorite song at the moment :)

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 530 | Comments: 0