Breaking Benjamin - Lights Out (with lyrics)
New BB song from new album! 8/11 Breaking Benjamin - Lights Out from the 2009 release "Dear Agony" is copyrighted property of its owners Lyrics I am done pretending You have failed to find what's left I will suck you dry again Same are not worth saving You are such a pretty mess I will choke the life within Now you want to take me down As if I even care I am the monster in your head And I thought you'd learn by now It seems you haven't yet I am the venom in your skin And now your life Is broken After the lights go out on you After your worthless life is through I will remember how you scream I can't afford to care I can't afford to care I am suffocating You have failed to pull me in I will drag you down again Life is unrelenting Feeding lies into my head i will feed the lies you live Now you want to take me down As if I even care I am the monster in your head And I thought you'd learn by now It seems you haven't yet I am the venom in your skin And now your life Is broken After the lights go out on you After your worthless life is through I will remember how you scream I can't afford to care I can't afford to care
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Time: 01:00
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Franz Ferdinand - Take me out live on Fuse
A really good performance of Take Me Out live on Fuse tv in America, really good sound!
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Time: 01:00
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Vergleich: Peter Fox - Alles Neu, Dmitri Shostakovich - Leningrader Sinfonie
Eigentlich schon schade, dass auf Stücke großer Meister zurückgegriffen wird, diese fast 1:1 übernommen werden und der Erfolg des Liedes eigentlich wem anders zu verdanken ist.
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Time: 01:00
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Sunrise Avenue - Welcome To My Life (live in Berlin)
Welcome to my life from Sunrise Avenue, live in Berlin 19.05.09 for more popgasm:
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Time: 01:00
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Me Singing "Shark In The Water" by VV Brown
Hey there, heres a new video for you guys ! This song i heard when I was watching TV and they showed previews for Degrassi and I LOVED this song right away. Hope youu like it ! :D
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Time: 01:00
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Join our new facebook club! Over 28 Million hits! That rocks. Thanks to all of our friends and subscribers! (C) 2007 OMOVIES, LLC
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Time: 01:00
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Raumschiff Enterprise: Fun mit Kirk, Spock & Co
Einige lustige und witzige Ausschnitte aus den original Folgen, die mich immer zum schmunzeln brachten.^^ Viel Spaß damit!
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Time: 01:00
Views: 1122 |
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system of a down toxicity violin cover
toxicity cover
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Time: 01:00
Views: 650 |
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Rare mix of a great Bonnie Tyler song!
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 592 |
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ICH wusste nicht Das KEINE TOLERANZ von ghot verboten ist UND ICH BITTE LEUTE DIE WAS GEGEN HOMOSOXUELLE HABEN das nicht in soeinem lied auszudrücken DIESES LIED IST VERBOTEN UND WIRD KEINEM ZUGESANDT UND ICH MÖCHTE JEDEM AUFRICVHTGI BITTEN ES AUCH BEIZUBEHALTEN da ich eure fragen ignoriert habe habe ich es auch keinem geschickt und DAS LIED KEINE TOLERANZ unverzüglich von meinem rechner entfernt
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 995 |
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