Sum 41 - Fat Lip - Live at the Metro
A live performance of Fat Lip for MTV's The Lair, Live at the Metro props to mattywrules
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Time: 01:00
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Black Hiker with Blair Underwood
A black man tries to enjoy a scenic hike.
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Time: 01:00
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Michael Jackson Interview Collection
October 18, 1969 ABC-TV's The Hollywood Palace Special January 31 1970 American Bandstand 1972 interviewed by Robert Bernathy on CBS network 1977 Australian Molly Meldrum Interview 1979 Soul Train Interview 1979 Soulbeat Interview 1981 Diane Ross Television Special 1983 Entertainment Tonight Interviews 1983 on the set of Beat It Tom Joyner's Interview 1983 on the set of Beat it Entertainment Tonight Interview 1983 another rare interview 1984 Unauthorized Interview 1985 Telethon Perth Australia February 2, 1986 CBS 60 minutes does a program on Quincy Jones in which Michael Jackson does a 5 minute interview talking about Quincy. 1987 Ebony/Jet Interview 1988 Australian Molly Meldrum Interview 1993 Oprah Interview 1995 Diane Sawyer Interview 1996 Australian Molly Meldrum Interview 1996 Vh1 Interview 1997 Barbra Walters Interview 1998 Interview 1999 MTV Interview 2001 Carson Daily Interview 2001 Entertainment Tonight ET Interview 2005 Fox News Interview 2006 Entertainment Tonight ET Interview
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Time: 01:00
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Michael Jackson - Billie Jean 30th Anniversary New York Madison Square Garden 9/10/2001
This is a clip of Michael Jackson performing "Billie Jean" at Madison Square Garden in New York on 9/10/2001 at the 30th Anniversary of his solo career. RIP Michael... Long live THE KING! If you would like to see this concert on DVD please take time to sign the petition! Thanks to TheGreatLuck for the find!
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Time: 01:00
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ZA NEWS 2010 Football World Cup song "FEE!FAA!!"
ZA NEWS loves Freshlyground and Shakira... but if "Waka Waka" doesn't quite cut it for you, here's "Fee!Faa!" sung by our all-star, all-SA, all-latex cast Tata (aka Nelson Mandela)., Tutu, Zuma, Charlize Theron, Julius Malema, Thabo Mbeki, Pieter de Villiirs, Helen Zille... Brought to you by the usual ZA NEWS suspects with special artistic contribution from David Krame and of course Zapiror. And with fond apologies to Johnny Clegg.
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Time: 01:00
Views: 790 |
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Franz Ferdinand - Under The Stage
Recorded on the 15/04/08 and posted on the band's MySpace page.
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Time: 01:00
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DJ LAZ Pitbull Move Shake Drop HQ HD
Enjoy! Dj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake DropDj Laz Pitbull Move Shake Drop
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 597 |
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