Videos 701-710 of 11185

Cat Clips #48--Extra Eyes

Tipi thinks a pair of glasses will help Tuck understand how to deal with the male cat. (The original version of this video was posted on March 17, 2009 and received 819 views.) About Cat Clips This episode is part of the humorous "Cat Clips" series, which features the ongoing adventures of a group of cats in the New Jersey suburbs. The cats are avid fans of pop culture and fill their days discussing the latest celebrity gossip, political mishaps and topical entertainment related subject matter. They also engage in plenty of mystery and intrigue, as they continually try to scheme and outmaneuver each other, most often with comical results. Meet the Cats: Honey (aka Chase), an orange and white long-haired domestic, is the oldest female of the group, and loves to eat chocolate and other sweet treats. Often referred to as "Big Mama," the Mother of the clan is not afraid to give her opinion on almost anything—whether you ask for it or not. (Later in the series, it's discovered that Honey is actually a diabetic and so she must reluctantly give up her pension for popsicles and pastries in favor of daily insulin shots.) Trey is an all-black short-haired domestic cat who often looks at life through a cynical pair of eyes. Though he teases Honey relentlessly, he also feels a deep affection for her, and it soon becomes apparent that his tough exterior is mostly for show. Tipi arrives in Episode #36 to become the youngest female feline of the group. She is an extremely ambitious cat with only one thing on her mind—to become a huge mega-star. She loves to sing, dance and act, and uses every opportunity to promote herself and her desire to become a leading actress. A spin-off series called "Dear Tipi" was developed to help facilitate her desire for global recognition. Tuck is a Bengal cat and the offspring of one of Honey's British relatives. He arrives in Episode #44 just in time for Valentine's Day. Though Tuck instantly bonds with Honey and Tipi, Trey doesn't trust him and is quite reluctant to allow the foreigner into the fold. But eventually, Tuck wins over the older male cat with his positive energy and upbeat personality. Soon after, Tuck falls madly in love with Tipi, who rejects his advances in favor of her career ambitions. Boots is the newest member of the cast, arriving in Episode #105, and actually appears as a ghost in the series. Although his back story is still somewhat vague, we do know that when he was living, he was owned by the great and powerful Wizard of Wit. This not only gives him an interesting perspective on things, but also access to various types of magical powers. #76 - Top Rated (3-18-09) - Comedy #22 - Top Favorited (3-18-09) - Pets & Animals #9 - Top Rated (3-18-09) - Pets & Animals #34 - Top Rated (This Week) - Pets & Animals #12 - Most Responded (3-18-09) - Pets & Animals #56 - Most Responded (Week Ending 3-22-09) - Pets & Animals #73 - Most Viewed (3-18-09) - Pets & Animals - Israel #19 - Most Responded (3-19-09) - Pets & Animals #45 - Top Rated (This Week) - Pets & Animals #24 - Most Responded (7-21-09) - Pets & Animals #78 - Most Responded (This Week) - Pets & Animals #55 - Top Favorited (7-21-09) - Pets & Animals #93 - Top Rated (7-21-09) - Pets & Animals #25 - Most Responded (7-22-09) - Pets & Animals #59 - Top Favorited (7-22-09) - Pets & Animals #92 - Top Rated (7-22-09) - Pets & Animals #39 - Most Responded (7-23-09) - Pets & Animals #68 - Most Viewed (7-23-09) - Pets & Animals - India #59 - Top Favorited (7-23-09) - Pets & Animals #69 - Top Rated (7-23-09) - Pets & Animals

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Time: 01:00
Views: 1053 | Comments: 0

Dartmouth - Civic Technologies and the Future of the Internet

Dartmouth College Institute for Security, Technology, and Society presents Professor Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard Law School Co-Founder and Faculty Co-Director, Berkman Center for Internet & Society "Civic Technologies and the Future of the Internet" May 4, 2009 http://www.ists.dartmouth.edu/events/abstract-zittrain.html video produced by the Media Production Group copyright © 2009 Trustees of Dartmouth College

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Time: 01:00
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Jackass - Kenny Rogers Jackass

This is my favorite Mad TV clip

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Time: 01:00
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JLS nearly miss their flight! video blog 2

The Club Is Alive - Click below to pre-order - Released 04.07.10. Pre-Order - http://bit.ly/theclubisalive http://www.jlsofficial.com http://www.facebook.com/jlsofficial http://www.twitter.com/jlsofficial

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Time: 01:00
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Timbaland Feat. Justin Timberlake - Carry Out (Shock Value 2

Third single of Shock Value 2! Shock Value 2 are avavible soon!

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Time: 01:00
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Ultimate Dog Tease

Dogs... Love.... Food. T-SHIRTS: http://talkinganimalmerch.com (all profits go to SPCA) facebook: http://www.facebook.com/klaatu42 twitter: http://twitter.com/klaatu42 Thanks to IcePrincessXXIV for supplying the video of Clark!: http://www.youtube.com/user/IcePrincessXXIV

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Time: 01:00
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witzige bilder

witzige bilder

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Time: 01:00
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scooter nessaja

scooter nassaja the best

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Time: 01:00
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Britney Spears' Ab Workout Revealed Video

Britney Spears Abs Routine. *Sponsor: Peel away the pounds with Solani - http://www.diet.com/tracking/hitcnt.php?affid=2683&mode=1 Find more fitness videos at http://diet.com/videos. Exercise like Britney Spears with this workout celebrity personal trainers have prescribed for the mother of two. This quick and easy ab routine will have your core and stomach looking flat and toned in no time. Fit fitness into your daily routine for best results. Check Out Diet.com Video! Diet.com: http://www.diet.com/videos Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=diethealth Go behind the scenes w/ Sarah's Blog- http://www.diet.com/dietblogs/read_blog_expert.php?uid=557164 Twitter http://twitter.com/DietHealth Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/pages/Diet-Health-on-YouTube/19705800487 iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/6kcuag Sarah's YouTube Channel - http://YouTube.com/SarahsFabChannel Sarah's Fitness Blog - http://www.examiner.com/x-1841-Boston-Fitness-Examiner

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Time: 01:00
Views: 826 | Comments: 0

System Of A Down - B.Y.O.B. live (HD/DVD Quality)


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Time: 01:00
Views: 625 | Comments: 0