Katie Couric speaks with singer and YouTube sensation Justin Bieber about his growing online success, his hair and the future of his music career.
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Time: 01:00
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http://www.videos-drift.com/ http://www.wreckedmagazine.com/ Check out the Smart car sliding around in style on the tracks of Japan. This is one video you won't want to miss as someone pilots a Smart car through the courses of Japanese's legendary drifting fame. The car slides and everything, truly amazed by this one.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 674 |
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Machel Montano Feat Pitbull & Lil Rick Move Shake Drop ( Soca Remix) (2009)
New Soca Remix 2009
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Time: 01:00
Views: 623 |
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Hillarious spoof PSA from one of my favorite shows, Scrubs!
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Time: 01:00
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A medley of Lady Gaga songs I arranged for Piano Quintet. Performed by myself and the Apollo Quartet at Yale University's Sudler Hall as an encore for a recital. Songs: Just Dance Poker Face Paparazzi Telephone Bad Romance Violin 1: Annie Wang Violin 2: Paulina Haduong Viola: James Campbell Cello: Merav Stern Piano: Andi Zhou *NEW*: I've uploaded the score and parts for download online here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/2m1mkb All I ask is that you don't present the arrangement as your own...beyond that, have fun!
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Cassandra Steen feat. Xavier Naidoo - Lass Mich Nicht Hier
aus dem Album "Darum Leben Wir" 2009
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Time: 01:00
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Gigi D'Agostino - I'll Fly With You (Ali Nadem Trance Remix) v2.0
Subscribe 2 My Channel - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=toxikmuzik Download Any Ali Nadem Song -:http://www.vstheaven.com/?p=46 TheDJList - http://www.thedjlist.com/djs/ALI_NADEM Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/alexandernadem Myspace - http://www.myspace.com/alinadem Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/alinadem SoundCloud - http://www.soundcloud.com/ali-nadem Subscribe To My Second Channel! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=vstheaven Details; - This is the final release of a new remix I had under construction for a long time, Original song is by Gigi D'agostino, "I'll fly with you". Please remember to rate, comment, and share this video! Also, please subscribe! Video responses are welcome! Cheers, hope you enjoy, Ali Nadem.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 807 |
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F.A.Q:s Q: What System is this? A: This is on PC. You need to have gta san andreas, and download/install Gta San Andreas Multiplayer Software. Q: How did you got that hoodie? Is it some kind a mod? A: No, its not a mod. It's one character on most of server's on SAMP. Q: Where is that place at 3:00? And how did you got those jump's there? A:It was originnally on server called "Stunt Universe", but owner's had some kind a argue and someone uploaded it to SAMP forum, thanks for Yeatric for info :) Q: How did you do that tank bug? A: I dont remeber, it just happened somehow. Q: Do you use somekinda cheat's, hax or mods on this video? A: No, i dont use any cheat's or mods. Only mod is SAMP if you cant count that as a mod. Q: Do you have normal gravity? A: Yes, i havent changed original gravity, neither is admin. Q: HAAAX!!!11 A: Delete comment / block user :) 100K VIEWS!! Thursday 15.5.2008!! 200K VIEWS!! Friday 25.9.2008!! 300K VIEWS!! Tuesday 17.2.2009!! 400K VIEWS!! Wednesday 22.4.2009!! 500K VIEWS!! Thursday 18.6.2009!! 600K VIEWS!! Tuesday 11.8.2009!! 700K VIEWS!! Tuesday 6.10.2009!! 800K VIEWS!! Monday 23.11.2009!! 900K VIEWS!! Monday 4.1.2010!!(Exactly same day after 2 years this video was added!!) 1 MILLION VIEWS Friday 12.2.2010!! I didnt belive this vid is going to be so popular :o thanks to all viewers! DO NOT ASK WHAT SONG THIS IS BECAUSE IT READS AT END SO DONT ASK IT !!! Here is my grand theft auto (gta)san andreas bike stunt video part 1 Watch my stunt vid part 2 too!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8g8RRPB7ms, not so good than this and watch part 3 too! it haves the best stunts i think :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqNal7nx-Mo
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 699 |
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Danwei TV Sexy Beijing - Looking for Double Happiness
Sexy Beijing is Danwei TV's new show. It's about love, lust, youth culture and street life in China's capital. Presented by Su Fei, this episode was shot by Luke Mines and edited by Anna Sophie Loewenberg, with music by Fernando Fidanza. www.danwei.tv http://danwei.org Sexy Beijing is now on its own website: check the latest episodes at http://www.sexybeijing.tv
Added by: vshare
Time: 01:00
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Fox News: Alex Jones on DC Madam Palfrey's Murder
http://www.infowars.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/ Fox News' Geraldo has 'conspiracy theorist' Alex Jones on to examine the evidence that shows that DC Madam Deborah Jean Palfrey was murdered-- despite the official claim that she committed suicide. Jones points out the numerous statements Palfrey made in refutation of suicide, as well as the criminology that women rarely hang themselves, generally preferring pills. Geraldo and two co-hosts admit they agree with Alex Jones-- that claims of Palfrey's suicide are "stinky" and suspicious and that the case should be further investigated. One woman even says that the John's on Palfreys list-- including many high-level politicians-- should be revealed and prosecuted. Palfrey's hi-rise apartment manager in Florida says he saw Palfrey only days before her death when she told him a contract may be out on her life. Additionally, she made arrangments to secure her apartment for the next six years-- the approximate time she expected to be in prison--seemingly pointing to the idea that she expected to stay alive.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 797 |
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