Scrubs - My Musical - All Songs Part 1
All songs of the scrubs episode "my musical" season 6, episode 6 part 1
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Time: 01:00
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JD tries to give the janitor medical advice
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Time: 01:00
Views: 714 |
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Scrubs (DJ Steve Porter Remix)
Download Scrubs Remix - Instrumental & Original at
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Time: 01:00
Views: 726 |
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Scrubs - Every Girls Name to J.D. from Dr. Cox (Seasons 1-3)
Every girls name to J.D. and then some, including a list down the side in case you missed the name. A video response to the Season 4 & 5 video, I'd originally intended on doing every season available at the end of season six, but was partially beaten to the punch. I haven't missed any as far as I know (please correct me if I am wrong) all of the names are there from Cox (be it actually him, an imagination of him, or when he passes it on through other means - pager, via another person etc). I didn't include any from Jordan however even though she frequently joined in on the game - usually calling J.D. "Sally" or "Sally Sensitive" Even though same of the names are same/similar at times, I've gone with varied spelling or intention on them wherever possible as you assume that Cox uses as many new names as possible. The dog names are in there because for 1 episode they replace the Girls Name's as indicated by Cox. These count as girls names in this case. Anyway, enjoy the names from seasons one through three. Edit - So upon seeing the thing again I've seen that I've missed two names (Rhoda from 202 and Monica from 217).
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Scrubs guest highlight - Christopher Meloni - Dr Dave Norris
Funny Scrubs clips from series 3 episode 3 (3x03) My White Whale. Dr Cox vs Dr Dave Norris. Starring Christopher Meloni and John C. McGinley.
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Time: 01:00
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Scrubs Interns - Webisode 1 - Our Intern Class [1/1/2009] This is the first Scrubs webisode from, MP4 Download - (C) The Walt Disney Company
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Time: 01:00
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Another Scrubs thing ^^ *sry it took so long* At the end there is a typo ;P *EDIT* Hello Everyone! Yes i know i spelled Zach's name wrong, i appologise for that, and no i didn't "make" the series etc, but i am the one who clipped the two parts together, thats why i present. Hope this clears a few things! ^^
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 678 |
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The very best of The Todd from Scrubs. Clips range from the first season to the sixth.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 728 |
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