I Just Can't Wait to be King - The Lion King (1995)
I Just Can't Wait to be King from the Disney film, The Lion King, 1995. Copyright Disney. Lyrics: [Simba:] I'm gonna be a mighty king So enemies beware! [Zazu:] Well, I've never seen a king of beasts With quite so little hair [Simba:] I'm gonna be the mane event Like no king was before I'm brushing up on looking down I'm working on my ROAR [Zazu:] Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing [Simba:] Oh, I just can't wait to be king! [Zazu: (Speaking)] You've rather a long way to go, young master, if you think... [Simba:] No one saying do this [Zazu:] Now when I said that, I-- [Nala:] No one saying be there [Zazu:] What I meant was... [Simba:] No one saying stop that [Zazu:] Look, what you don't realize... [Simba and Nala:] No one saying see here [Zazu:] Now see here! [Simba:] Free to run around all day [Zazu:] Well, that's definitely out... [Simba:] Free to do it all my way! [Zazu:] I think it's time that you and I Arranged a heart to heart [Simba:] Kings don't need advice From little hornbills for a start [Zazu:] If this is where the monarchy is headed Count me out! Out of service, out of Africa I wouldn't hang about... aagh! This child is getting wildly out of wing [Simba:] Oh, I just can't wait to be king! Everybody look left Everybody look right Everywhere you look I'm Standing in the spotlight! [Zazu: (Speaking, but in strict time)] Not yet! [Chorus:] Let every creature go for broke and sing Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling [Simba & Chorus:] Oh I just can't wait to be king! Oh I just can't wait to be king! Oh I just can't waaaaaait ... to be king!
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Time: 01:00
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What could have happened to my son today, but was stopped by the loyalty of Titus (our pitbull)....shows the true side of a American Pitbull terrier.....We still have no idea how the cord got there...it was tied up??
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Time: 01:00
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"Known for their intelligence and loyalty American Pit Bull Terriers make excellent, loving and protective companions despite the unfair press they receive." http://www.bulldogbreeds.com/americanpitbullterrier.html "There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary." http://www.housepetmagazine.com/october/American_Pitt_bull_Terrier.htm Song: A Beautiful Lie - 30 Seconds to Mars Fuerte_Toro www.youtube.com/user/prolongatum Pit Bull Sharky /www.youtube.com/user/texasgirly1979 Jaeger www.youtube.com/user/ultimatek9 www.klarrkennels.com www.youtube.com/user/klarr74 Spa Dog Company www.youtube.com/user/loccispadogcompany Perla www.youtube.com/user/gastongato Kimbo www.youtube.com/user/ruthlessdet Primo www.youtube.com/user/vitomatics Helena www.youtube.com/user/gastongato www.housepetmagazine.com www.bulldogbreeds.com/americanpitbullterrier.html
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Another great video to show the love, loyalty and friendship these GREAT dogs can bring ANYONE!
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Time: 01:00
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Pit Bull, Pit Bulls, Bully Breeds Info. Pitbull Breed, Pit Bull Dogs, Pit bull fighting
Responsible Pit Bull owners Do Not, I repeat DO NOT simply allow their Pit Bull to run freely around the neighbor hood unleashed. As an owner of a Pit bull myself, I know the love, and loyalty that Pitbulls can give if you let them into your heart and your family - with proper training, and rank establishment from the beginning. Pit bulls are not for anyone, but only for those who will be a responsible, loving, patient, LEADER that will not simply leave the Pit Bull outside somewhere, , , , , chained up 24/7. A Pit bull wants to be with you, and the family, therefore if you are not willing to allow them in the house with you, please do not get one. Please do not support puppy mills either. Do however, either rescue a Pit bull, or adopt a Pit Bull. If you must buy a Pitbull, please do so only from a reputable breeder. Thank you.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Pit Bull Sharky playing with 3 month old Chicks (HD)
Hey Everyone! Here is an update our 3 month old Chicks. Sharky is so happy to see them and wagged his tail the whole time. LOL! *** Fallow Sharky - the American Pit Bull Terrier: http://www.twitter.com/PitBullSharky http://www.youtube.com/texasgirly1979 *** Mu koer pit bull Sharky mängib oma tibudega. American Pit Bull Terrier. ADBA. in high-definition HD
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Busting the myth, the public stigma, the sensationalized stereotype of Pit Bulls. This is the true loyalty, the love, the majesty that is only PIT BULL.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Pitbulls- We need you to fight for us by Kidwell Productions.wmv
*GRAPHIC*Pitbulls are the most hated dogs in the world. As a breed, theyre no more aggressive than any others. They beat out most other breeds in temperament tests performed by the American Temperament Test Society, including the Golden Retriever and Poodle, but bad owners create dogs that are unpredictable. These dogs are not properly socialized to people, children and other animals. They are not properly trained, and theyre owned by irresponsible, ignorant people that refuse to take responsibility for their dogs training. Because of them, Pitbulls have gone from being the all-American breed, prized for their loyalty and intelligence, to the most feared and misunderstood breed ever known. IT IS TIME WE TAKE A STAND FOR THEM.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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I have watched alot of videos on youtube of the american pit bull terrier, So I decided to make one. I own a 4 year old pit/boxer who can be seen in the video with her 6 month old puppy which is a pit/boxer/lab. The picture with the 2 girls and then another. There are clips with a poem I found but I could not fit it all in one clip. The poems I used are here... You made me what I am today, courage at its best. You wanted me to know no fear, a cut above the rest. Not only did I master that, I've thrown in loyalty, too. Look past my eyes into my soul, you know I'd die for you. I'll watch your kids, I'll watch your house. Your praise will be my crown, ask what you will-I'll do my best. I'll even be your clown. But some of you don't like me, I'm sure I don't know why. The only thing I'm guilty of is courage, love, and try. But still they want to see me go, they want my breed to end. Will I see you sitting idly by? You, whom I call a friend? You made me what I am today, you never saw me waiver. I've done my best to keep you safe. Won't you please return the favor. ~ American Pit Bull Terrier ~ Author Unknown AND Their love is like no other; their heart is pure as gold. Yet while going on a friendly walk, they're faced with stares of cold. They're so very close to human, in how they act and what they do. Unless you've known their devoted love, it's impossible to explain to you. They are greatly more MISUNDERSTOOD than any other breed. We tend to punish this loyal dog, instead of mankind's deeds. They are always and forever clowns, with a wish for center stage. Yet while displaying this sense of humor, most people disengage. They, oh, so want to make new friends, and run and jump and play. yet when they happily approach, most people shy away. Often I've seen children poke, or hop on for a ride. And when I felt they might get mad, they've only beamed with pride. I've seen these children yank and pull, with nary a reaction. Yet media's not interested, unless they've put someone in traction. They love to snuggle up real close, to give lots of loves and kisses. Yet they suffer more than any, from unfair prejudices. What animal do I speak of, whose love is so unique? If you've truly known one, you know of whom I speak. There is no creature on this earth who will ever make you merrier. The animal I do speak of, it's the American Pit Bull Terrier. Photos were found on Photobucket and Google except for my own photos. Punish the deed,not the breed. I really hope you like the video and remember there is no such thing as bad dogs,it's bad owners.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Pit Bull & Chicks (2 months later)
http://youtube.com/texasgirly1979 - more videos of Sharky!!! My PitBull Sharky and his chicks. Lunch time. Chicks are now almost 2 months old. Like you can see, it's very warm day - everyone is hot! And ready to take a nap :D Here's my pitbull Sharky & Chicks 2 months earlier : http://youtube.com/watch?v=m2OC5Z1Fii8
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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