NY_Bear - picked the right team
"Well SOMEBODY picked the right city to root for. http://www.CokePolarBowl.com #GameDayPolarBears "
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Time: 01:00
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Let's Play Minecraft #580 [Deutsch] [HD] - Lord British braucht Dich!
►►► DIE SHADOWLORDS ergreifen Besitz von http://gronkh.de/?p=8597 ··············································································································· «MINECRAFT 1.1.0» Sandbox Game von Mojang Specifications (2012). Offizielle Seite: http://minecraft.net «LET'S PLAY MINECRAFT» Kommentiertes Gameplay von Gronkh (2012). Offizielle Seite: http://gronkh.de/minecraft ··············································································································· ► Danke an Gastkommentator SARAZAR Sein YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/SarazarLP ··············································································································· WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Wenn Dir das Spiel gefällt, bitte unterstütze die Entwickler und kaufe Dir das Spiel im Original! Shortlink: http://minecraft.net/store ··············································································································· TEXTUREN-PACK: "Meine Kraft" von HoneyballLP: • http://minecraftforum.net/topic/146053-meine-kraft/ • http://youtube.com/HoneyballLP ··············································································································· ALLE FOLGEN FRÜHER SEHEN AUF: • http://gronkh.de • http://gronkh.de/facebook • http://gronkh.de/twitter WEITERE YOUTUBE-CHANNEL: • http://youtube.com/GronkhZeugs • http://youtube.com/GronkhOSTs • http://youtube.com/GronkhLogos • http://youtube.com/dieSuperhomies • http://youtube.com/PlayMassiveTV ···············································································································
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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THE NEW CHANNEL: http://Youtube.com/BreakingNYC Check out my Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/raywilliamjohnson Your mom follows me on Twitter: http://Twitter.com/RayWJ Equals Three t-shirts are here: http://districtlin.es/ray Follow me on DailyBooth: http://dailybooth.com/raywj ********************************************* Here are the links to the content discussed in this video. Please don't harass the content creators or send them hate-messages. Thanx: "Man Slips in Burger King:" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIjdHD6qVls "Big Dog Tickles Baby:" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7FJRbSGb5c "Awkward Swinging Couple:" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgIpuG9Zezc (the original was deleted) "Another Cool Vid to Watch": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46wdNU8ndUc *********************************** The Equals Three theme song "Doin' Your Mom" was written and performed by me. DOWNLOAD "Doin Your Mom Song" FOR FREE HERE: http://www.zshare.net/audio/72168820ede7d60b/ Watch the music video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfYyBp4Ln2s
Added by: vshare
Time: 01:00
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Too Manly For Brawl 2: Two Falcons; One Purpose
A special youtube edition of the manliest video ever featuring some new footage and audio! For more information, download links, and the original edit, visit the smashboards thread. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=217520 Send me a message if you have any additional requests or questions! Enjoy!
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 952 |
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GTA IV Stunt Montage Remake (No Intro) {HD}
My First Stunt Montage GTA IV HD. Subscribe Me :)
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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GTA IV: Team Russia (Stunt Montage) ^Without Effects^
A complete new time has begun, a time where several country's compete with eachother about who has the best skills to stunt. This time "Team Russia" will show you just how to handle your bikes properly to perform the most incredible stunts, with their to best bike-riders "Pachenko Naurikov & Niko Bellic". First, a special big thanks to css172; for supporting, helping with ideas and telling me his honest oppinions about how it should look. The movie would never have been done without you mate! and i probaply would have looked like shit if it had been completed without you!!! Big thanks to you from your greatest fan ever; Flazt3x! Don't forget to rate, comment, subscribe and enjoy! :-) Shortcut to "Pachenko Naurikov's" stunts: - Frontflip from parking-house top with explosion 1:04-1:14 - Straight jump through gap in parking house 1:14-1:24 - Jump over car to grind industrial boat's rail 1:24-1:38 - 360 jump from destroyed train-road 1:38-1:45 - Jump from stairs to grind stair-rail 1:45-1:53 - Backflip over stairs, seen from pedestrian 1:53-1:58 - Grinding rail ends in jump with exploding tank-truck 1:58-2:05 - 360 jump from private parking spot directly into parkinghouse 2:05-2:16 - Grinding rail ends in 360 jump 2:16-2:29 - 360 Jump from a bump through crane 2:29-2:39 - Jump from stairs over fence to grind rail 2:39-2:50 - 2x Backflip jump from rail-hit 2:50-2:58 - 2x Backflip jump bump hit inside parking house over exploding traffic 2:58-3:07 - Jump from bump to grind rail 3:07-3:19 - 360 Jump from bump hit over rail-road 3:19-3:25 - 90 Degrees jump to rail grind to jump over bus hitting rail turning 180' 3:25-3:36 - Stair jump to half backflip, driving upside down to complete backflip 3:36-3:42 - 360 Jump from small hill over exploding truck with SUV on 3:42-3:48 - 90 Degrees jump from bump hit to rail grind 3:48-3:57 - 720 Degrees stair jump 3:57-4:08 - Jump from bump hit to industrial rail grind to 360 spin 4:08-4:18 - Jump over car to rail grind 4:18-4:25 - 2x Backflip jump over exploding traffic 4:25-4:39 - Rail grind 4:39-4:51 - Backflip jump from work-place under billboard 4:51-5:01 .::^NOW NIKO BELLIC COMES IN THE PICTURE^::. Shortcut to "Niko Bellic's" stunt: - 2x Backflip jump from bump hit 5:01-5:09 - 2x Frontflip jump through bridge from bump hit on road 5:09-5:20 - Highway rail grind 5:20-5:33 - 360 Jump over gas-station close to signs 5:33-5:46 - Wall-ride to backflip to 180 turn 5:46-5:55 - Rail driving to 90 degrees bump hit to 270 turn 5:55-6:02 - Backflip jump close to storage and over road-sign 6:02-6:11 - 2x Backflip jump from bump hit lands next to car 6:11-6:21 - 2x Backflip jump from bump hit 6:21-6:27 - 360 jump to half backflip, hit billboard, complete backflip, nailing camera man 6:27-6:38 - ^^ NOW COMES SOME SHORT CLIPS OF THE NEXT STUNTS ^^ 6:38-7:19 - Highway rail grind 7:19-7:29 - Stair jump through to small emergency exits 7:29-7:40 - Backflip amazingly close to traffic-light, to 360 spin right under road-sign 7:40-7:51 - Backflip stair jump to 360 spin over road 7:51-7:58 - Jump from car to rail grind 7:58-8:08 - Backflip jump from small hill, hits pipe to another backflip 8:08-8:13 - Wallride with tailwhip 8:13-8:22 - Rail grinding in a circle 8:22-8:34 - Jump from police chopper landing spot to stair-rail grind 8:34-8:42 - Jump to grind, hits bump on rail, turns 180, grinds further (DOUBLE GRIND) 8:42-8:55 - Backflip 180 from bump hit over multiple nations flags 8:55-9:05 - Jump to rail grind to jump, to rail grind, to 180 turn in air to more rail grind (TRIPLE GRIND) 9:05-9:20 - Highway rail grind over water-barrels to another rail grind (DOUBLE GRIND) 9:20-9:30 - Highway rail grind to bump hit to 360 jump landing close to cars 9:30-9:42 - Backflip jump from bump hit into a building through a tiny gap, to 360 spin to end 9:42-9:53 .::^ Here comes the credits ^::.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 952 |
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English Subtitles available! Nobody can do real drift in the original games! It's for the real movie scenes! List of song here too, so please stop to ask songs or tell me : fail at ... We know it! Thanks Tokyo drift à la sauce GTA IV Tokyo drift in GTA 4 Don't forget to see our last vidéo : "GTA 4 : Fast and furious" here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kczuX-nXYI all credits go to the originals peoples who mades the movie, to rockstar, take two, microsoft, Grits,Teriyaki boyz, Drangon ash, Juelz Santana & the Stunts & Movies Team. Song list (in order of appearance) : - Grits - my life be like - Teriyaki boyz - tokyo drift - Juelz Santana - there it go - Drangon ash - resound You can buy there sounds here : http://www.apple.com/fr/itunes/ Please visit our website (one hour of video) : http://pagesperso-orange.fr/stuntsandmoviesteam/
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Muslims Threaten To Kill South Park Creators
Anderson Cooper 360, CNN, 4-20-2010 With Aayan Hirsi Ali Threats are from Revolution Muslim. Revolution Muslim YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/revolutionmuslims Revolution Muslim Website: http://www.revolutionmuslim.com If ithe website URL doesn't work, try the Google cached version here: http://tinyurl.com/revmuslimcached
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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