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Christina Milian - Sexy People

Christina Milian - Sexy People, Album: Elope(2010), Radio Killa Records & Interscope Records (UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP)

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Time: 01:00
Views: 898 | Comments: 0

Lustig witzig 1714 in speed of light

Lustig witzig 1714 in speed of light on Thursday, February 9, 2012, Dr. Dietmar Moews als Soziologe der Massenkommunikation zur Lage - live und ungeschnitten -- aus Berlin Pankow Plot: Merkeln, Jauchen, Wulffen -- wer bietet mehr? Bundeskanzlerin Merkel lügt, wo es für die Wähler darauf ankommt, dass Verlässlichkeit gilt: Atomausstieg, Bundeswehrabschaffung, Killermorde und deutsche Geheimdienste, Guttenberg oder Wulff -- die Qualität ist deutlich. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung titelt am Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012: „Griechischer Wirtschaftsminister warnt vor „großem Knall". Chrysochoidis: Subventionen haben das Land zerstört / Berlin für Bankrott „gewappnet" Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung titelt am Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012: „Habe Groenwold das Geld fürs Hotel bar gegeben". Wulff reagiert auf Vorwürfe wegen Sylt-Urlaubs / Filmmanager bestreitet Vertuschung." Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung titelt am Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012: „Aktivisten: Armee zerstört ganzes Viertel von Hons" Frankfurter Rundschau titelt am Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012: „Airbus muss alle A380 überprüfen. Flugsicherheit reagiert auf Haarrisse in Flügeln" Frankfurter Rundschau titelt am Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012: „Deutscher Meister. Gerhard Richter rettete die Malerei, weil er die Bildfindung der Fotografie überließ. Heute erzielen seine Gemälde Millionen. Von Berlin bis Quito feiern Museen seinen 80. Geburtstag." Frankfurter Rundschau titelt am Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012: „Feuilleton Edvard Munch als moderner Künstler." Dietmar Moews meint: Die Piraten werden ein Machtfaktor -- egal wie die Medien versuchen, herabwürdigende Themen hochzuziehen. Die Piraten sollten keine Ehrenmitgliedschaft für ChristIan Wulff ausrufen. Frankfurter Rundschau Seite 4 am Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012: „In eigener Sache. Die Frankfurter Rundschau hat in ihrer Ausgabe vom Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012, im Zusammenhang mit den Vorwürfen gegen Bundespräsident Wulff ...dieses Auto bis Dezember 2011 kostenlos gefahren hat ... Diese Behauptung, gegen die Bettina Wulff vor dem Landgericht Wulff eine Einstweilige Verfügung erwirkt hat, halten wir nicht aufrecht ..Die Chefredaktion." Frankfurter Rundschau Seite 4 am Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012: „Keine Infos rausgeben!" Ein Filmunternehmer soll Wulffs Sylt-Urlaub gezahlt -- und Spuren vertuscht haben." „Frankfurter Rundschau Meinung Seite 11 am Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012, Kommentar von Christian Bommarius: „Ein Angebot für Christian Wulff. Eventuell macht die Strafjustiz Christian Wulff demnächst ein Angebot, das er -- aus anderen als den bei ihm üblichen Gründen -- nicht ablehnen kann: Freie Kost und Logis für einige Monate oder Jahre in einem hochgesicherten, großzügig ausgelegten Etablissement mit fließend Wasser und diversen Freizeitangeboten (Ausfahrten nur in nicht geleasten Dienstwagen). Die -- kaum zu erwartende - Offerte Wulffs, die Kosten nach Beendigung seines Aufenthalts „in bar" zu begleichen, würde vom Gatsgeber zwar zurückgewisen, doch wäre er auch nicht bereit, seine Mitarbeiter anzuweisen, über Wulffs Anwesenheit Stillschweigen zu bewahren und ihm -- dem Gastgeber -- alle einschlägigen Dokumente zwecks Erdunklung zu überlassen ... Dann hätte die Republik nicht nur erstmals in ihrer Geschichte einen Bundespräsidenten, der ungestraft Lügner genannt werden darf, sondern ebenfalls erstmals einen -- darf, sondern wohl endlich doch -- ehemaligen Bundespräsidenten, dem die Justiz ein Angebot gemacht hat, das er nicht ablehnen konnte -- garantiert ohne Gegenleistung Wulffs." Produktion, Idee, Autor, Direktion, Dr. Dietmar Moews; Aufnahmetechnik und Admin, Piratencrew Berlin

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Time: 01:00
Views: 898 | Comments: 0

Auto-Tune the News #9: Nobel. health care. United Nations.

presidents and prime ministers sing in harmony. Love and happiness abounds. Get the mp3: Donations: Lyrics: HC: Tun tun tun tun tun tun tun tun Seamos un tilín mejores Y un poco menos egoístas Tun tun tun tun tun tun tun tun Huele a esperanza FR: In this common endeavor Huele a esperanza GB: All of us work together HC: Tun tun tun tun tun tun tun tun BO: We must embrace a new era of engagement Because the time has come UN Choir: To smell the hope! GB: For growth to be sustained It has to be shared UN Choir: ohhh, We can smell the hope! BO: The time has come UN Choir: To smell a better world!! FR: A better world to live in for future generations everywhere. AG: Don't get sick That's right, don't get sick If you have insurance, don't get sick If you don't have insurance, don't get sick If you're sick, don't get sick Just don't get sick That's the Republicans' health care plan CC: He has a chart AG: An angry chart CC: A chart that helps us learn! AG: ooh ooh ah ah If you get sick in America, die quickly That's right--the Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick AG: I agree! CC: He agrees! AG: Angrily! CC: Cuz he's angry! KO: Afford to live? Are we at that point? Are we so heartless? How can we not be united against death? Us: My BFF Gilgamesh knows eternal life's an impossible quest The resources exist for your father and mine to get the same treatment Us: Yeah, we're in agreement But first we gotta lay down some All: High speed rail Us: Bail out some All: Banks Us: Save your daddy with the leftover change KO: How can we be so heartless? Us: We're nihilists! KO: How can we be so heeeeaaartless? Us: We're tryna die quick! KO: What more obvious role could government have Than the defense of the life of each citizen? KC: How is the Nobel Peace Prize decided? BS: Well, uh, that is what people were asking all day today Bølverk: We mix a secret potion, And roll the ancient dice, Then hire a focus group And have a human sacrifice. KC: A lot of people are asking today why do you think the committee elected President Obama? Bølverk: I believe a prize for peace should go to the biggest wuss. BS: They were giving Obama a prize for not being George Bush. Choir: They can smell the hope!! KC: Take a deep breath! Choir: And hope a smelly world! KC: A deep breath! FR: A better world to live in for future generations everywhere

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Time: 01:00
Views: 897 | Comments: 0

Basic Exercise Plans : How to Do Military Push-Ups

Military push-ups strengthen the muscles of the arm and help to create a straight core. Do military push-ups with tips from a fitness director in this free video on exercise programs. Expert: Les Whitley Contact: Bio: Les Whitley is director of Velocity Sports Performance in Franklin, Tennessee. He has a degree in exercise science. Filmmaker: Tim Brown

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Time: 01:00
Views: 897 | Comments: 0

Left 4 Dead 2: Funny Moments of Getting Owned Part 3 (L4D2 Machinima) Click above to watch Part 2 of Left 4 Dead 2 Funny Moments of Getting Owned! Left 4 Dead 2: Funny Moments of Getting Owned Part 3 (L4D2 Machinima) Criken presents the third installment of the new Funny Moments of Getting Owned series for Left 4 Dead 2! Enjoy this funny gameplay montage in L4D2 and visit Criken's personal channel for more! Just... watch out for the Karma Charger.... also JIMMEH GIBBS Director's Channel: Director's Facebook: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima ‪‬ Inside Gaming ‪‬ Machinima Respawn ‪‬ Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture ‪‬ FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: TAGS: Left 4 Dead 2 Funny Moments of Getting Owned Part 3 Left 4 Dead 2 L4D2 Criken Criken2 Funny Moments of Getting Owned Montage Part 3 The Passing Karma Charger Dancing Jockey spitter tank witch smoker hunter boomer fail nick ellis rochelle coach ninja comedy Valve deaths fails machinima JIMMEH GIBBS yt:quality=high

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 897 | Comments: 0

"Sneezing Baby Panda" for Charity!

Laughing at a viral video is fun, but helping is even better. Spend a few minutes on SocialVibe, and we'll make a donation to the charity of your choice!

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 897 | Comments: 0

Lady GaGa - Speechless - Live in Ottawa - November 29, 2009 No copyright intended. Just want to share the art with the monsters. SECOND ROW My recording of Lady GaGa performing SPEECHLESS on the MONSTER BALL TOUR in Ottawa at Scotiabank Place on November 29, 2009

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 897 | Comments: 0

NeYo ft Cassandra Steen - Never knew I needed with Lyrics

Copyright by Disney (: SRY 4 THE BAD QUALI! I DIDN'T FOUND A BETTER CONVERTER! My first Video with Lyrics! Hope u enjoy it (: Blue: NeYo Pink: Cassandra Green: NeYo & Cassandra

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 897 | Comments: 0

Kitten suckles air *ORIGINAL*

Our kitten likes to suckle on fleecy things as he thinks it's his mommy. Sometimes he forgets that he doesn't have anything in his mouth yet continues to suckle. This is one of those times. Follow me (the kitten) on facebook! Proceeds from the viewership go towards feeding our kitties, the rest gets donated to the ASPCA. So please, feel free to share this video link with others! Edit: I have received a lot of posts saying my cat has some health issue with him. Before you post anymore comments on that topic ask yourself these questions: 1) Are you a qualified pet health expert? 2) Do you know the medical history of this cat? 3) Do you know how the cat responds after doing this? 4) Do you think you can honestly diagnose anything based solely on a video? If you answered yes to ALL of those questions, then please feel free to give us advice on the care of our cat. If you answered no to ANY of those questions, please realize that you do not posses the expertise to make such claims. The cat has also been to our vet. and has checked out healthy. There is no need to tell me how to care for my cat and I respectfully ask you to keep your medical opinion to yourself. I cannot stress that enough. Also just to clarify for those who may be wondering our little boy was adopted from Cat City, which is affiliated with P.A.W.S. He was found abandoned on an island here in the Puget Sound and was brought there for care and to prepare him for being adopted. He was approximately three weeks old when he was found and we got him shortly after he turned one month old. Thus his urge to suckle is strong because he was not weened off of his mother's milk like most cats. We did not adopt him from a kitten farm or from any other illegitimate cat spawning facility. We love our kitten very much and we are joking when we call him "stupid." He is a happy, healthy cat who is well taken care of. Follow me (the kitten) on facebook!

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 896 | Comments: 0

hippo an dog - peter fox - schüttel deinen speck

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 896 | Comments: 0