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Videos 1901-1910 of 11185

Tune Up Vs Italobrothers - Colours Of The Rainbow


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Time: 01:00
Views: 883 | Comments: 0

500HP BHT Civic Turbo

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Time: 01:00
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Matt & Trey of South Park talk about showing Muhammad

South Park co-creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker speak with Boing Boing's Xeni Jardin about the 200th episode of the hit Comedy Central series, and plans to revisit battles over the boundaries of what can and cannot be done on television -- including how whether Comedy Central will stop them from showing the image and voice of a cartoon version of the Muslim prophet Mohammed. WATCH EPISODE 200: BOING BOING POST: SOUTH PARK 200 WEBSITE:

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Time: 01:00
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Virtual Barber Shop (Audio...use headphones, close ur eyes)

You'll need headphones for this to work. Make sure there is no noise around, close your eyes, turn the volume up a little bit, hold and press headphone on your ears for better hearing, play it and enjoy this impressive audio work ( illusion ). Not a screamer not a prank! CREDITS: Finally the origin of the embedded audio clip has been found. This amazing audio clip was created by QSound Labs ( ) as a demonstration of Binaural audio technology. See this wikipedia entry for information about binaural recordings. Extra tags: barbershop barber wow omg amazing featured technology wild scary horror lovely virus lovelyvirus

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Time: 01:00
Views: 883 | Comments: 0

Crazy Worms 2

Der nächste "Song" vom durchgknallten Gewürm. The next "Song" of the Crazy Worms.

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Time: 01:00
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Kim Kardashian - Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy Me

A slideshow of Kim Kardashian to Tata Young's 'Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy Me'.

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
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Carey Mulligan on An Education

Actress Carey Mulligan (Doctor Who, Pride & Prejudice) is this year's unofficial Miss Sundance, in both An Education and The Greatest at Sundance 2009. The charming Brit spoke about her roles. (Produced by Darren Ewing and Kim McDaniel of The Salt Lake Tribune.)

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
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Blogs in Plain English A video for people who wonder why blogs are such a big deal. This video comes in an unbranded "presentation quality" version that can be licensed for use in the workplace.

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
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Auto-Tune the News #6: Michael Jackson. drugs. Palin.

attn 6 mp3 available: ATTN shirts now available: disclaimer: DON'T TAKE PILLS WITH GIN! (OR ELSE YOU WILL WAKE UP DEAD!!) the beat is a lightly remixed version of 100th Sight by Kapluckus (a Gregory Residence band consisting of Constance Waddell, Michael Gregory, Jamie Forrest, Stuart Harrison and Jacob Crigler)--find the original song here: Lyrics: NG: Hey-ohhhh! Congress! Climate change bill! Let's get our debate on--1,2,3 MB: It is time to stand up and say We get to choose We get to choose It's one of the two liberty or tyranny EG: can we please choose something in between? mediocrity? MG: chastity? HW: puppetry? OB: obesity? JE: marijuanity? pretty please?! MB: The underlying bill represents the tyranny of the government It's our choice, what will we choose today? Will we choose liberty, or will we choose tyranny? MG: it all depends--who gets to be the tyrant? SG: I thought this bill was about the climate NP: Just remember these 4 words For what this legislation means Jobs, jobs, jobs, and jobs Let's vote for jobs CC: and jobs NP: and jobs CC: don't forget about jobs Speaker: Those in favor say "aye". CC: AAAAYYE! Speaker: Those opposed, "no". JB: Hell no! Hell no! Hell noooooooo!! The fight that we have between the 2 sides of the aisle boils down to one word: JB: freedom CC: freedom! JB: freedom CC: freedom! JB: freedom that will allow the American people to live their lives hell no! Nano Man: hell no! JB: hell no! Nano Man: hell no! JB: hell noooooooo! Nano Man: hell no! Let's allow America to flourish to allow jobs to flourish, and allow freedom to flourish! hell noooooooo! --------------------- SP: I'm not wired to operate under the same old politics as usual. With this announcement that I'm not seeking re-election, I've determined that it's best to transfer the authority of governor to Lieutenant Governor Parnell. RS: Hey, could she be pregnant? EG: Pregnant with ideas bout how to run for president! CW: Interesting and perhaps successful strategy to win her the presidency. MG: To win you gotta quit! EG: To quit you gotta win! MG: the chips are on the table - WK: She's really all in. But it's high risk. JL: The people who like her Are still gonna like her The people who have doubts about her Are just gonna have the same doubts EG: No doubt JL: Same doubts MG: SHAWTAYEE All: Same doubts! ---------------------- Couric: What do you do if you have Tylenol and other medications with acetaminophen? JE: I take a fistful of pills and get busy mixin em in my gin What about Vicodin and Percocet? Will they be banned ultimately? JE: Not if I can help it! You know it's unconstitutional To take away my God-given pharmaceuticals ----------------------- BO: I have warned that one day Michael Jackson would wake up dead Wake up, wake up dead Meredith, I had warned everyone-- SG: --He told you so BO: --one day we're going to have this experience I feared this day And here we are Keith, people often die for very strange reasons They wake up dead Wake up, wake up dead EG: wakin up MG: wakin up BO: wakin up KC: wakin up EG: wakin up is a strange reason to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie .......whoo! --------------------------------------------------- find us on facebook: and/or on twitter:

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 882 | Comments: 0

Funny People Trailer on POPTUB

This woman knows very little about squirrel care. They don't like boobs, they like nuts. Check out the videos we're featuring today: President Interrupted By 'Duck Ringtone' During Speech (NewsPoliticsNews) It's All About The Roosevelts (tacobell) Luigi Finally Snaps (collegehumor) Greatest freak out ever 2 (ORIGINAL VIDEO) (wafflepwn) Greatest freak out ever 3 (ORIGONAL VIDEO) (wafflepwn) Reality Show Goldmine (geniuscamp) iBacon: a game you'll flip over! (GMonkeyProductions) Lego Arcade (MlCHAELHlCKOX) PIX Morning News - Squirrel in woman's cleavage (6-30-09) (jaynorris115) PEPSI REFRESH The Art of Motion (RussellWyner) High-Wire Motorbike Stunt (diagonaluk) Flippy Bike Guy! (kristymangel) Funny People (Universal Pictures) Crash Disc (Vinyl Freestyle) (LeFrankystyle) Rocket Bus ! (spykestar) POPTUB: We make YouTube videos about YouTube videos on YouTube. It's not that complicated.

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
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