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Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) (The Official 2010 FIFA World Cup (TM) Song) (Chipmunk Version)

Music by Shakira featuring Freshlyground performing Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) (The Official 2010 FIFA World Cup (TM) Song) edited by Chipmunk Version...enjoy.........

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Time: 01:00
Views: 820 | Comments: 0

Drunk Climbing FAIL

A heavily intoxicated man attempts to climb up from the roof of a car for a better view of the parade. Thanks to: For more FAIL fun, visit

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Time: 01:00
Views: 820 | Comments: 0

Schlandrut Song Uwu Lena Schland o Schland Super high quality 320kb/s

DER Song zur WM! Auch auf meiner Homepage für immer verfügbar: einfach nach schlandrut suchen!!!

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Time: 01:00
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Funny Prank (goodneighbor)

NEW GOODNEIGHBOR See more One of the best ways to mess around with your friends. LIKE us on: FOLLOW us on: FOLLOW us on:

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Time: 01:00
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Dan Dennett: Cute, sexy, sweet, funny Why are babies cute? Why is cake sweet? Philosopher Dan Dennett has answers you wouldn't expect, as he shares evolution's counterintuitive reasoning on cute, sweet and sexy things. For a topping, try his introduction to a new theory by Matthew Hurley on why jokes are funny. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on, at

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Time: 01:00
Views: 819 | Comments: 0

BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto's Assassins SHOOTING

BREAKING NEWS: Look at the man in the red, shooting at FORMER PM Benazir Bhutto BREAKING NEWS! THOSE ARE THE PICTURES SHOWING HER GET SHOOT! I have not the suicide bomb sorry but they will be released soon. Benazir Bhutto killed at election rally - 27 Dec 07 Shock and disbelief in Pakistan. Former Pakistani Prime Minster Benazir Bhutto was shot in the neck as she was getting into her car after addressing a rally of PPP supporters in the garrison town of Rawalpindi. She had been campaigning ahead of the elections due in January Last images of Benazir Bhutto killed in blast Benazir Bhutto Bin Laden Murdered Butto Pakistan say goodbye to Benazir Butto Bhutto Burial Benazir Butto Assasination Benazir Bhutto Last Footage Before Killed Benazir Bhutto Assassination Attemp Benazir Bhutto Assassination AttempBenazir Butto Bhutto Öldü killed dead İntihar Saldırısı BenazirButto BenazirBhutto öldü intihar saldırısı anı video new watch izle pakistan miting saldırısı videosu State of emergency in Pakistan! Pakistan Emergency Pakistan after Musharaf declared a state of emergency rule declared! Benazer Butto Bhutto Exile Navaz Sharif Exile Shared Parwez Musharaf Perwaz Musharaf Parwaz Musharaf! Pashtoonistan NWFP Peshawar Pishawar Paki Pakistani Government ICI CIA FBI Intelligences Intelligence Government Al-Qaeda Terrorists Terror Training Camps Border Pakistan Frontiers! Tora Bora Mountains and caves! Butto intihar saldırısında hayatını kaybetti Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was shot in head and chest by ISLAMISTS attempting to flee homicide bombing at Rawalpindi campaign rally, dies during surgery; at least 20 others killed by blast

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Time: 01:00
Views: 819 | Comments: 0

Hot VoiceMail Lady - Key of Awesome #5

I love it when she asks me to enter my PIN! Download the Key or Awesome album on iTunes! http://bit.yl/markdouglas Lyrics by Mark Douglas Music by Steve Porter - check him out HERE: Watch our other songs in the Key of Awesome! 1. METALLICATS 2. TRICK OR TREAT OR DIE 3. TWILIGHT SUCKS! The Emo Vampire Song 4. DO THE CRYBABY 5. THE HOT VOICEMAIL LADY 6. LADY GAGA AND LORD GAGA (BAD ROMANCE PARODY) 7. SARAH PALIN: MIKE RELM REMIX 8. BATMAN PARODY: THE DARK KNIGHT IS CONFUSED 9. CHAD VADER AND OBAMA GIRL GET FREAKAY 10. SLEEP ON YOU: THE JUSTIN BIEBER PARODY 11. JERSEY SHORE PARODY SONG 12. MAN-CRUSH ON JACK BAUER 13. GLITTER PUKE: THE KE$HA TIK TOK PARODY -- MORE BARELY: Subscribe! Follow us on Twitter Visit our arcade! Check out our websites Friend us on Facebook & Myspace Leave us a voicemail 1-(646)-827-2202 --

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
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[HD] Lady GaGa - Just Dance (Live @ The View + Interview)

Lady GaGa Performs Just Dance Live At The View From The Walt Disney Studios + Interview © NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENTED

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Time: 01:00
Views: 819 | Comments: 0

2009 MTV Video Music Awards Preview - Follow Us! MTV and VMA go hand in hand. We've got the 2009 awards preview right now! Hey people! I'm Dana Ward at Clevver TV breaking down the highlights for the upcoming show before its even happens. That's right, let's start out with some of the VMA basics. The MTV fave awards show is set for a Radio City Music Hall location in New York City with last year's same host: the outrageously joking, crazy styled British comedian, Russell Brand. Leading the nominations pack, Beyonce and Lady Gaga both received nine nods, with Single Ladies and Poker Face being the focus. And Britney Spears got nominated for seven categories, including for Womanizer and Circus. Getting 4 nominations each include Kanye West, Eminem and Coldplay. The big category - Music Video of the Year - Single Ladies, Poker Face, We Made You, Love Lockdown and Womanizer. Some other nods go for Best New Artist, Female and Male Videos, Hip-Hop, Rock, Pop Videos, as well as fro Best Choreography, Direction, Editing, Special Effects, Cinematography and Art Direction. Some cool ones include Breakthrough Video and Best Video that Should Have Won a Moonman. And on to my favorite... The most explosive, exciting, entertaining part of the night includes the musical performances! Some scheduled singers and bands include Taylor Swift, Pink, Green Day and Muse. The VMAs are set to shoot Sunday, September 13th at 9pm eastern time - but there will be a slight delay incase some creative-minds get some bad ideas! Who do you think is going to take home the most Moonmen this year? Do any of the nominated videos seem to NOT fit with the rest? Drop down to our comments area and let us know! Thanks for watching the MTV Video Music Awards preview. I'm Dana Ward - thanks for watching!

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Time: 01:00
Views: 819 | Comments: 0

Achmed The Dead Terrorist - Jeff Dunham

jeff dunham with Achmed,sorry about the mistake in title, his name is Jeff but i thought it was John lol

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 819 | Comments: 0