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Spongebob Schwammkopf Sings Otto Waalkes Verarsche.

Das ist Spongebob verarsche er singt dass lied von Otto Waalkes^^

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Time: 01:00
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Abgelaufen und Abgegammelt

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Time: 01:00
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Flersguterjunge erscheint am 11.06

Flers 5. Soloalbum erscheint am 11.6 über Ersguterjunge Album Vorbestellen: Single vorbestellen : Quelle:

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Time: 01:00
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Wenn wir zusammen sind - Trailer

Kinostart: 19.11.2009 Darsteller: Vincent Lindon, Pascal Elbé, Virginie Ledoyen, Florence Foresti, Bernadette Lafont, Mar Sodupe, Mathias Mlekuz, Tom Invernizzi Die Story: Athias (Vincent Lindon) und Antoine (Pascal Elbé), beide alleinerziehende Väter, sind die besten Freunde. Sie beschließen sich zusammen zu tun, in ein Haus in London zu ziehen und ihre Kinder Louis (Tom Invernizzi) und Emily (Garance Le Guillermic) gemeinsam zu erziehen. Zum Wohle der Kinder sollen dabei Spielregeln eingehalten werden: keine Babysitter - und keine Frau im Haus ... Regeln aufstellen ist einfach, aber die Beziehungen untereinander und zum anderen Geschlecht sind eine ganz andere Baustelle. Denn als die französische Journalistin Audrey (Virginie Ledoyen) in Mathias Leben tritt, ist er sofort ihrem Charme erlegen und bereit, sämtliche Regeln zu brechen. Kann er seinem strengen Mitbewohner klar machen, dass er sich verliebt hat, ohne dass der Haudegen schief hängt? Aber auch auf Antoine wartet bereits das Glück - allerdings ohne dass er es merkt - in Gestalt der zauberhafen Floristin Sophie (Florence Foresti) ...

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Time: 01:00
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Blumentopf Raportage zur WM 2010 - Australien : Deutschland (Teil2)

Raportage von Blumentopf zur WM 2010 - Spielzusammenfassung Australien gegen Deutschland vom 13.06.2010

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Time: 01:00
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Hot Christina Milian Pictures (Sexy Christina Milian Pics)

Here is an awesome slide show of pics of Christina Milian To see more pics of her, please visit

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Time: 01:00
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Pepsi Ad from 1996 - Coke Guy Caught on Cam (Your Cheatin' Heart)

An old Pepsi commercial featuring the Hank Williams song "Your Cheatin' Heart". Late child actress Bridgette Andersen can be seen in the background at one point.

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Time: 01:00
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Porsche 911 tries to escape the police

Subtitles added to the video! They're not perfect but should be sufficient for the story. Background info: A 42-year old man from Purmerend, the Netherlands is caught after a bizarre chase. The man driving a Porsche 911 GT3 drove at speeds exceeding 200 km/h (125 mph) on the A7. The police gave him the stop sign from an undercover surveillance car. The Porsche, ignoring this, took a last second exit and went off. While entering the high way again, the driver lost control in the corner of the entranceway hitting the safety rails, losing several parts from his car, nonetheless he tried to escape again. While being chased he took the road verge desperate to escape. Entering a parking space next to the highway and steps over to a Volkswagen Golf, driven by his 33-year old girlfriend. A 29-year old man which was the passenger at the Porsche took over the wheel from the Porsche and tries to get away. As seen in the video, while this was happening the police is taking a safe distance, observing until backup has arrived. The Golf drives away like nothing happened but the police knew he was in that car. They create a road block to hold up the traffic so they can arrest the former Porsche driver, the passenger now driving the Porsche also gets arrested. In the Golf happens to be a baby and in the baby-seat they discovered a firearm. In the clothing of the baby hard drugs were found. Both man are still in custody. 13 feb 2007 SBS6 Wegmisbruikers

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Time: 01:00
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Dana White UFC 113 Video Blog - Day 1

It's press conference day in Montreal in preparation for UFC 113: Machida vs Shogun 2. Get to see behind the scenes of some interviews, as well as Dana helping Montreal get ready for the Habs victory over the Penguins. UFC 113 can be seen Live on Pay-Per-View this Saturday, May 8th, at 7pm PT/ 10pm ET.

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Time: 01:00
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I Hate College (Remix)- Sam Adams Samuel Adams is an up and coming rapper out of the Boston area. If you like Sam and would like him to perform at your local bar, college, or any other venue please e-mail me at SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY Thanks for the support!

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
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