Ricardo Domingos on Smart with Suzuki Hayabusa engine 230hp
Ricardo Domingos on Smart with Suzuki Hayabusa engine 230hp, Streetbike Freestyle Show at Swiss-Moto 2010, filmed with iPhone 3GS
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Time: 01:00
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Murcielago replica, 360 replica, The Thing, Smart car with Hayabusa engine and a tuned Mini ... the Extreme Cars stand at the Stoneleigh Kit Car Show 2009! www.extreme-sportscars.com
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Time: 01:00
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Rihanna - Russian Roulette (piano cover)
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Time: 01:00
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We're testing new gasoline engine. Model MDS-6.5 ku. That really cool, but if something goes wrong-you fly away(in wrong direction :-) !!! Rock'n'roll!!!
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Time: 01:00
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Timbaland - Carry Out (Feat Justin Timberlake) LIVE @ Pepsi Super Bowl Fan Jam (february 2010)
Carry Out Live Performance Buy Shock Value 2 HERE http://www.amazon.com/Shock-Value-2-Timbaland/dp/B002QGUFWO
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Time: 01:00
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Aura Dione - I Will Love You Monday (365) (Chipmunks Version)
Lyrics : Dum dee dudedum da dum dum de de dudedum ah dum dee dudedum da dum dum de de dudedum ah Dum dee dudedum da dum dum de de dudedum ah dum dee dudedum da dum dum de de dudedum I will love you monday and you will hurt me tuesday I will kill you thursday if you don't stop me wednesday forgive you on a friday reunion on a saturday forgotten all on sunday 365 days of a year running around, running around and going nowhere 365 days and nights 365 tries to make it right Dum dee dudedum da dum dum de de dudedum ah dum dee dudedum da dum dum de de dudedum ah Dum dee dudedum da dum dum de de dudedum ah dum dee dudedum da dum dum de de dudedum I will love you monday and you will hurt me tuesday I will kill you thursday if you don't stop me wednesday forgive you on a friday reunion on a saturday so I can love you monday I will love you monday and you will hurt me tuesday I will kill you thursday if you don't stop me wednesday forgive you on a friday reunion on a saturday forgotten all on sunday 365 days of a year running around, running around and going nowhere 365 days and nights 365 tries to make it right 365 days of a year running around, running around and going nowhere 365 days and nights 365 tries to make it right tries to make it right I will love you monday and you will hurt me tuesday I will love you monday and I will kill you thursday forgive you on a friday yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah friday 365 days of a year running around, running around and going nowhere 365 days and nights 365 tries to make it right 365 days of a year running around, running around and going nowhere 365 days and nights 365 tries to make it right Dum dee dudedum da
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Cry To Me ~ Dirty Dancing ~ NEW AUDIO TRACK!!
Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey dance to Solomon Burke's "Cry to Me" in Dirty Dancing. These two are SO HOT in this clip ~ Just STEAMED up the screen!! : ) Ain't met a girl yet who wouldn't step into JGs shoes in this one. Unfortunately I had to change the audio track as the "Powers that be" claimed copyright infringement. Here is the link to what it SHOULD be like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pouIFiaIig&feature=fvw I think that subscriber is allowed to have it up as it is an ad.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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But, through it all, just know I love you.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Alexander Marcus - Electrolore
CD&DVD ab 6.6.08 Digipack inkl. 12 Songs, 5 Videos in HQ, alle MySpace-Freunde als Slideshow, 16 Seiten-Farb-Booklet mit Texten
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Time: 01:00
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Sunrise Avenue - Welcome To My Life +Lyrics
I was bored, so I took this song and created a video, hope you like it ^_^ btw... this is the first video i ever made, so please don't laugh ;) **I do not own this Song, it belongs to the band "Sunrise Avenue"**
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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