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Real transformers

WITH A SPIRIT iTunes: Amazon MP3: ..... You can also get this song for FREE on youtube audioswap -- watch this video to learn how: Artist: 009 Sound System Song: With A Spirit Length: 09:58 lyrics: you can be whatever u want when you're high walk slowly with a spirit by your side (oh baby) don't fear if u lose your mind say how u doin' boy i'm feelin' fine ... when somethin' carries me away... hey hey hey hey.... - don't think just take a ride don't believe that jesus lied to keep us all so satisfied with a sale u should know baby don't feel the thorny nights never ask for holy rites don't ya think that god has died this time - and don't stop takin' these drugs cuz' they got u flyin' forgettin' yesterday maybe it's crazy but keep gettin' stoned while u can baby in the lord's hands - don't say u know what's right don't take those alibis don't hate the other side when they're right sure they are baby don't wave your flag up high don't praise your concubines did u just fall for lies this time

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
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Eazy E No More Questions

No More Questions Ruthless Records

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Time: 01:00
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Breaking Benjamin "So Cold" Directed by Frank Borin

Breaking Benjamin "So Cold" music video Directed by Frank Borin

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Time: 01:00
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Half Life 2 - Breaking Benjamin | So Cold

This is an awesome Half Life 2 video made to Breaking Benjamins "So Cold". I DID NOT make this video... Credit for that must go to Paul Marino. You can find his blog site here:

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Time: 01:00
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Away -- Breaking Benjamin

Another 4 video combination of mine. Using clips from "Polyamorous", "So Cold", "Sooner or Later", and "Diary of Jane" I created this video for the song "Away" by Breaking Benjamin. My favorite song off of the album "We are not alone". Enjoy!

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Time: 01:00
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winx Virtual Barber Shop (use headphones, close ur eyes)

winx club Virtual Barber Shop (Audio...use headphones, close ur eyes) use head phones if you dont it will NOT work. really freaky!

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
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Shakira - Waka Waka(This time for Africa) Official Music Video Preview(Belly Dance Scenes)

This is a preview of Shakira's Official Waka Waka Video. The whole video premieres on MONDAY !!! Shakira - Waka Waka, Official World Cup Song 2010 South Africa( FIFA )

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Time: 01:00
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Shakira - "Gypsy"

Shakiras Auftritt bei "Wetten, dass..?" Salzburg, 27.03.2010.

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Time: 01:00
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Inbraak speelgoedwinkel Lewenborg

De politie doet onderzoek naar een inbraak in een speelgoedwinkel. De inbraak vond plaats op vrijdag 9 april om 02.25 uur in het winkelcentrum van de wijk Lewenborg in Groningen. Op de beelden is de inbraak duidelijk vastgelegd. Te zien is dat één van de drie daders de glazen pui van de winkel kapot slaat, waarna ze gedrieën de winkel binnengaan. Even later rennen zij met een winkelkar met daarin een kluis weer naar buiten. De politie wil graag in contact komen met iedereen die deze mannen herkent of aanvullende informatie heeft. Dat kan via het landelijk telefoonnummer 0900-8844 (lokaal tarief) of eventueel via 0800-7000 (Meld Misdaad Anoniem).

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 677 | Comments: 0

Jillian Michaels- Strong and Sexy Arms Workout

Jillian Michaels is back to deliver here "Arm'd and Dangerous" Workout designed to tighten and tone your arms in time for beach season.

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Time: 01:00
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