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Videos 821-830 of 11185

Xavier Naidoo - Ich kenne nichts (das so schön ist wie du)

Dieses Video ist für eine besondere Person. :) Hier die Lyriks: [Intro: RZA] You know they say In every man's life, there comes a time When you get struck by the arrow of cupid By the love of God, or the beauty of a woman Sometimes this love, brings thunder into your life And it brings the storm, sing about it [Xavier Naidoo] There is more to love than this Love is more than just a kiss Will we take you to that step Will we do more than just connect And will you, bring the thunder in my life And the fire in my eyes Cause then there, will be days of pleasure and Everything far will be so near [Hook: Xavier Naidoo] I have never felt thunder (thunder) And lighting (lightning) like this I have never been struck by (struck by) A wonder (a wonder) like this [Xavier Naidoo] Ich könnte tagelang von dir erzählen Ohne deinen Namen auch nur einmal zu erwähnen Unter Schmerzen oder unter Tränen Würde dein Name als meine Linderung dienen Jede deiner Bewegungen sind erstrebenswert Und jede Stunde mit dir ist so lebenswert Nichts ist vergleichbar mit dem was du gibst Mit dem was zeigst und wie du lebst, wie du liebst [Chorus 4x] Ich kenne nichts, ich kenne nichts Das so schön ist wie Du

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Time: 01:00
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Just Cause 2: Bloopers, Glitches & Silly Stuff by Ultra Ben Buja Click to watch Ben Buja's Assassins Creed 2 Dance Party Just Cause 2: Bloopers, Glitches & Silly Stuff by Ultra Ben Buja director BenBuja's latest installment of the Bloopers series continues in Just Cause 2. Enjoy! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima Inside Gaming Machinima Respawn Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: TAGS: Just Cause 2 Bloopers Glitches Silly Stuff Funny Fun Hilarious Montage Scenes Compilation Fake Shark Lustig Crazy Gameplay Limited Edition DLC Exclusive Hovercraft Bullseye Rifle Ricos Gun Chevalier Classic Flying Carnage PS3 Xbox 360 PC Gas Stunt Stunts Gameplay HD 720p Machinima

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Time: 01:00
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Lady Gaga Feat. Beyoncé - Telephone [Sims2 Edition FULL ]

We're so proud to present the first full telephone sims version of the amazing telephone video!! As many of you know, Me and Serkiro (Sims director) decided to take this task together! It was such a great experience, we blended very well our styles and created magic! We did all the costumes, the backgrounds, many animations!! QUESTIONS? Ask me here: So many sleepless nights, but it was all worth it! We want to thank all the people who gave wonderfull comments on the 2 previews, All the new people who subscribed and everybody who was kind enough to lend us some help! We hope that everybody will enjoy this video! Please help us out and SHARE this video with all your friends, Help us get to everybody :) Much much love from me and Serkiro and Thank you all once more!! Follow me on twitter : FersitoMonet Productions. ---------------------------------------------- 03/26/2010 #51 - Más comentados (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global #32 - Superfavoritos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global #67 - Más valorados (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global ______________________________ #49 - Más comentados (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global #93 - Más vistos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Israel #31 - Superfavoritos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global #54 - Más valorados (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global #31 - Más comentados (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global #89 - Más vistos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Reino Unido #90 - Más vistos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Irlanda #65 - Más vistos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Israel #76 - Más vistos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Polonia #74 - Más vistos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Brasil #25 - Superfavoritos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global #43 - Más valorados (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global ---------- 03/27/2010 #41 - Más comentados (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global #78 - Más vistos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Israel #88 - Más vistos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Brasil #24 - Superfavoritos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global #47 - Más valorados (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global #41 - Más comentados (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global #78 - Más vistos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Israel #88 - Más vistos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Brasil #24 - Superfavoritos (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global #47 - Más valorados (hoy)) - Cine y animación - Global -------- 03/28/2010 #86 - Más valorados (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Global #98 - Superfavoritos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Global ------------------ 03/30/2010 #98 - Superfavoritos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Global #65 - Más valorados (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Global ----- 03/31/2010 #98 - Superfavoritos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Global #67 - Más valorados (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Global #56 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Australia #31 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Reino Unido #23 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Irlanda #44 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Nueva Zelanda #62 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Israel #34 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Brasil #83 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Hong Kong #29 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - República Checa ------------------------------ April 4 / 2010 #56 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Australia #31 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Reino Unido #23 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Irlanda #44 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Nueva Zelanda #62 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Israel #34 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Brasil #83 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - Hong Kong #29 - Más vistos (esta semana)) - Cine y animación - República Checa

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Time: 01:00
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Cat Clips #48--Extra Eyes

Tipi thinks a pair of glasses will help Tuck understand how to deal with the male cat. (The original version of this video was posted on March 17, 2009 and received 819 views.) About Cat Clips This episode is part of the humorous "Cat Clips" series, which features the ongoing adventures of a group of cats in the New Jersey suburbs. The cats are avid fans of pop culture and fill their days discussing the latest celebrity gossip, political mishaps and topical entertainment related subject matter. They also engage in plenty of mystery and intrigue, as they continually try to scheme and outmaneuver each other, most often with comical results. Meet the Cats: Honey (aka Chase), an orange and white long-haired domestic, is the oldest female of the group, and loves to eat chocolate and other sweet treats. Often referred to as "Big Mama," the Mother of the clan is not afraid to give her opinion on almost anything—whether you ask for it or not. (Later in the series, it's discovered that Honey is actually a diabetic and so she must reluctantly give up her pension for popsicles and pastries in favor of daily insulin shots.) Trey is an all-black short-haired domestic cat who often looks at life through a cynical pair of eyes. Though he teases Honey relentlessly, he also feels a deep affection for her, and it soon becomes apparent that his tough exterior is mostly for show. Tipi arrives in Episode #36 to become the youngest female feline of the group. She is an extremely ambitious cat with only one thing on her mind—to become a huge mega-star. She loves to sing, dance and act, and uses every opportunity to promote herself and her desire to become a leading actress. A spin-off series called "Dear Tipi" was developed to help facilitate her desire for global recognition. Tuck is a Bengal cat and the offspring of one of Honey's British relatives. He arrives in Episode #44 just in time for Valentine's Day. Though Tuck instantly bonds with Honey and Tipi, Trey doesn't trust him and is quite reluctant to allow the foreigner into the fold. But eventually, Tuck wins over the older male cat with his positive energy and upbeat personality. Soon after, Tuck falls madly in love with Tipi, who rejects his advances in favor of her career ambitions. Boots is the newest member of the cast, arriving in Episode #105, and actually appears as a ghost in the series. Although his back story is still somewhat vague, we do know that when he was living, he was owned by the great and powerful Wizard of Wit. This not only gives him an interesting perspective on things, but also access to various types of magical powers. #76 - Top Rated (3-18-09) - Comedy #22 - Top Favorited (3-18-09) - Pets & Animals #9 - Top Rated (3-18-09) - Pets & Animals #34 - Top Rated (This Week) - Pets & Animals #12 - Most Responded (3-18-09) - Pets & Animals #56 - Most Responded (Week Ending 3-22-09) - Pets & Animals #73 - Most Viewed (3-18-09) - Pets & Animals - Israel #19 - Most Responded (3-19-09) - Pets & Animals #45 - Top Rated (This Week) - Pets & Animals #24 - Most Responded (7-21-09) - Pets & Animals #78 - Most Responded (This Week) - Pets & Animals #55 - Top Favorited (7-21-09) - Pets & Animals #93 - Top Rated (7-21-09) - Pets & Animals #25 - Most Responded (7-22-09) - Pets & Animals #59 - Top Favorited (7-22-09) - Pets & Animals #92 - Top Rated (7-22-09) - Pets & Animals #39 - Most Responded (7-23-09) - Pets & Animals #68 - Most Viewed (7-23-09) - Pets & Animals - India #59 - Top Favorited (7-23-09) - Pets & Animals #69 - Top Rated (7-23-09) - Pets & Animals

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Time: 01:00
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Culcha Candela - Merkel äähm Monsta xD

Joar hier mal ein etwas anderes projekt von mir wo nur das video selbst gemacht ist ^^ viel spass beim gucken..und bitte kommentar und bewertung dalassen ^^ danke im vorraus =) ach und ü wäre nett wenn ihr mich auch noch abonnieren könnt :D

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Time: 01:00
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Rammstein Bayern des samma mia als abschlusgag live münchen

Bayern des samma mir als abschlugag rammstein konzert münchen am 23.11.09

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Time: 01:00
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Need for Speed Hot Pursuit E3 2010 Debut Trailer [HD]

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit E3 2010 Debut Trailer [HD] Developer: Criterion Games Release: 11/16/2010 Genre: Racing Platform: PS3/X360 Publisher: EA Website: Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima Inside Gaming Machinima Respawn Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: TAGS: Need for Speed Hot Pursuit E3 2010 Debut Trailer [HD] machinima videogame video game xbox 360 xbox360 microsoft playstation 3 ps3 playstation3 sony computer entertainment scea soe ea criterion underground undercover classic new exclusive fast furious racing street nascar race yt:quality=high

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Time: 01:00
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Witzige oma löst den Airbag aus. Funny Grandy


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Time: 01:00
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Funny, Stupid, and Banned Commercials part 1

Hilarious commercials! Some are foreign, some are banned, all are extremely funny. Stay tuned for part 2, which is even more outrageous. Ikea Dentyne Ice Pepsi killing hamster man breast feeding Santa Budweiser budlight...among many other things!

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Time: 01:00
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Fitness - Dive Bomber Push Ups Exercise

Part 2 of the Summer Fit Circuit Workout.For more free fitness videos, workout routines and diet and exercise plans visit Zuzana's fitness site: http://www.BodyRock.Tv

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Time: 01:00
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