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Is It A Good Idea To Microwave A Toilet Bowl?

MICROWAVE T-SHIRTS... only $15: Poll: Do you get mad if someone leaves the seat up? Didn't get that "Nothing at all..." reference? Click her for the answer: Experiment #182: Toilet Bowl Taking over for Jory in this episode, Jon is anxious to see if one giant-turd can actually destroy a toilet. And by "turd", he means microwaving session. So, you're probably wondering, Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This? Tune in to find out. Twice a week, microwave specialist Jory Caron microwaves different objects... so you don't have to! The "Jory Caron Microwave Laboratory 2.6" is a state-of-the-art facility equipped with tinfoil shielding, a ventilation system, emergency surge protectors, safety clothing, and many sexy microwaves. ** New Episodes Every Monday & Friday! ** +++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks to Ziphorah14 for donating the Toilet Bowl! +++++++++++++++++++++++ Support The Show! FAQ Video: Merchandise: Facebook: Live Show: Donate $$: Jon's Twitter: Jory's YouTube: Riley's YouTube: ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Starring: Jory Caron, Riley McIlwain, & Jonathan Paula Filmed & Edited by: Jonathan Paula An ideo Production - © 2009.

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Time: 01:00
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Lena Meyer-Landrut - Satellite (Lyrics + german translation ON SCREEN)

With english lyrics and german translation on screen. Zum Song muss ich glaub ich nichts mehr sagen, weil ihn eigentlich alle kennen müssten XD Ich hoffe, es gefällt euch! Falls ihr einen Wunsch habt, schreibt einfach ein Kommentar! Bitte berücksichtigt, dass ich zwar FÜR die Meinungsfreiheit bin, jedoch jegliche Kommentare, die Schimpfwörter beinhalten löschen werde, da das einfach eine sehr große Beleidigung gegenüber den beteiligten Künstlern ist. I OWN NOTHING!!!! Ich bitte YouTube zu berücksichtigen, dass ich WIRKLICH NICHT vorhabe, das Urheberrecht zu verletzen oder den beteiligten Künstlern zu schaden. Ich möchte lediglich den Deutschen, die dieses Lied mögen, den Text mit der Übersetzung zeigen, falls diese kein Englisch können! Ich bitte um Verständnis! In English: Please consider that I am indeed FOR the freedom of speech, however, any comment, delete include swear words, will there is a huge insult to the artists easy. I OWN NOTHING!! I consider your YouTube that I plan to REALLY NOT to infringe the copyrights or to prejudice the participating artists. I want to show only the Germans, who like the song, the text with the translation, if they can not speak English! Please be patient! Auszeichnungen: (:D) #58 - Heiß diskutiert (heute)) - Musik #26 - Meist gesehen (heute)) - Musik #38 - Top-Favoriten (heute)) - Musik #50 - Heiß diskutiert (heute)) - Musik #100 - Meist gesehen (heute)) #24 - Meist gesehen (heute)) - Musik #29 - Top-Favoriten (heute)) - Musik #96 - Beste Bewertung (heute)) - Musik #26 - Meist gesehen (diese Woche)) - Musik #88 - Favoriten (diese Woche)) #30 - Favoriten (diese Woche)) - Musik #79 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #66 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #53 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #99 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #36 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #76 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #90 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #32 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #71 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #84 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #30 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #65 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #97 - Heiß diskutiert (diesen Monat)) - Musik #83 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #28 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #61 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #92 - Beste Bewertung (diesen Monat)) - Musik #93 - Heiß diskutiert (diesen Monat)) - Musik #70 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #25 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #62 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #86 - Beste Bewertung (diesen Monat)) - Musik #87 - Heiß diskutiert (diesen Monat)) - Musik #66 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #25 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #63 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik

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Time: 01:00
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Wainy Days #27: "Jill"

Go here for more Wainy Days: We'll be posting a NEW episode of Wainy Days episodes on YouTube every other week, as well as reposting HD versions of the original episodes. David finally meets a sexy woman who appreciates him for all that he isn't. Featuring Amanda Peet.

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Time: 01:00
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VIDEO Rewarded by WWF (2008) How long can the Lion roam its kingdom? With lion populations dropping (recent data shows numbers between 15,000 to 25,000 left) and man invading its territory, experts feel the lion is in serious trouble. For more Lion info please visit: Living with Lions Program- Olare Orok Conservancy- African Wildlife Foundation- Defenders of Wildlife- Campaign Against Canned Hunts- Big Cat Conservation- & The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. -Thanks to Sean Hartley (born and raised in Kenya) who has worked at several camps as a manager. His blog here: And to "Ping" a Maasai who is an excellent guide on the Mara, and has even worked at Animal Kingdom (Fl.-USA) I think the lion situation one is interesting and brings up much debate on how/if we can conserve the king of Africa. Can we save the lion, or is it doomed simply by human conflict? Although some conservation groups back trophy hunting, I do not fully agree and tend to support those parks that do not see hunting, nor "walk with a lion" programs as an option for the lions conservation. I feel by simply protecting enough land with funds from tourist and animal groups the lion will do just fine. Thanks for watching! - Brian *Lion footage filmed by me in 2008 on the Olare Orok Conservancy and Maasai Mara in Kenya, Africa. -Myself next to "Joseph" lion filmed at Big Cat Rescue-Tampa, Fl by my wife.

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Time: 01:00
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DMX "Party Up"

ATTN: URGENT!!! BVMUNDERGROUNDHIPHOP AUDIENCE...BVM NEEDS A RENT PARTY FOR THE 1ST TIME EVER! BVM'S WAREHOUSE & LIBRARY IS UNDER ATTACK BY SLUMLORDS WITH BIG LAWYERS!!! BVM MUST RAISE $88 THOUSAND DOLLARS BY TUESDAY, JUNE 1ST !!! IF YOU LIKE, LOVE AND APPRECIATE THE FREE MUSIC VIDEOS BVMUNDERGROUNDHIPHOP HAS PROVIDED FOR 30 YEARS PLEASE HELP US WITH ANY IDEA$ !!! PLEASE CALL ME: DOC (818) 578-3418 OR EMAIL ME @ DOCTALKJEN@GMAIL.COM...ANY AMOUNT WILL HELP EVEN A DOLLAR OR A NICKELS WORTH OF CENTS. DOC (818) 578-3418 OR DOCTALKJEN@GMAIL.COM...GOD BLESS YOU!!! KEEP REAL HIPHOP ALIVE!!! See Music Videos that you CAN'T See on You Tube! even some X RATED music videos! +Live Chat and Embed video codes. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, DMX relocated early in his childhood with some family members to Yonkers, a suburb just outside of New York City. He spent much time either on the streets committing crime selling drugs or living in group homes. Hip-hop, however, was an escape from his hard times, as he enjoyed beatboxing, turntablism, and eventually rapping with famed rapper Just Ice. The initials DMX originate from an earlier stage name of Dark Man X

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Time: 01:00
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Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Voyager Demolishor Review

My Video Review of Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Movie Voyager Demolishor. For All The Latest Releases & Pre-orders for Transformers, Marvel, DC, GI Joe, TMNT, and More Visit For All Your Transformers Needs Buy From Subscribe to my Vlog Channel at Twitter Me! My Blog, Videos, Updates, Transformers News & Reviews at and If you like my vids please subscribe to my channel. Sundays 1pm-3pm Pacific Standard Time Special Fan Live Show Saturdays 3pm to Whenever on Support My Friends Sites

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Time: 01:00
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Transformers 2 ROTF Movie Powerbots Jet Power Optimus Review Review

My Video Review of Transformers 2 ROTF Movie Powerbots Jet Power Optimus Prime. For All The Latest Releases & Pre-orders for Transformers, Marvel, DC, GI Joe, TMNT, and More Visit Music by Megamoc Subscribe to my Vlog Channel at Twitter Me! My Blog, Videos, Updates, Transformers News & Reviews at and If you like my vids please subscribe to my channel. Sundays 1pm-3pm Pacific Standard Time Special Fan Live Show Saturdays 3pm to Whenever on Support My Friends Sites

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Time: 01:00
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Agnes & Björn Skifs - When You Tell the World You're Mine [Best Quality]

Agnes & Björn Skifs performing "When You Tell the World You're Mine" especially written for the Crownprincess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden.

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Time: 01:00
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Funny Cat- on catnip #2

THANKS GUYS FOR THE 1000 VIEWS. KEEP 'EM COMIN'!!!! funny cat on catnip #2- this is jasper after he had a heavy dose of catnip. he likes to sort of relax and stretch like this. weird cat....

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Time: 01:00
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"Better on the other side tribute to MJ" by THE GAME, USHER, CHRIS BROWN, Michał Krawiec Polish Biggest forum of MJ : Let's light a candle [*] for MJ / Zapalmy świece [*]dla MJ: Song For Michael Jackson written by THE GAME, USHER, BOYZ II MAN , USHER, DIDDY, CHRIS BROWN, tancerz131313 . "Better On The Other Side" LYRICS [Diddy talking] I remember the first time i seen you moonwalk, I believed I could do anything, you made the world dance, you made the music come to life [Chris brown - Chorus] This the type of song that make the angels cry, i look up in the sky and i wonder why? why you had to go, go I know its better on the other side, you were chosen from the sky never gon let you go, [The Game] Whos Michael Jackson, Your Michael Jackson, Im Michael Jackson, We all Michael Jackson, I guess what Im asking is everybody bow their head for a legend dont breathe for a second, now let the air out, grab the hand of somebody you care about, so you can hear my message, my confession, someone tell Usher, i seen the moonwalk, i guess the young thriller touched him, like he touched me, like he touched you, so carry on his legacy, something i must do, so i trust you lighting candles, concrete visuals, me and my brothers listen to jackson 5 in the living room, first thing i did when i heard was call puff, cos him and Mike tried to stop the beef between us, who was us? Me and fifty, that beef is dead, him and Mike Jackson gonna take us to the ledge. [Chorus] This the type of song that make the angels cry, i look up in the sky and i wonder why? why you had to go, go I know its better on the other side, you were chosen from the sky never gon let you go, As Im pouring out this liquor candles start to flicker, when list my air ones, MJ was my nier. Not the one that play ball, the one with the hollywood star, and since im a hollywood star im gonna tell you my story, never had a family that close, never see Barry Gordy walking through interscope, just like me they always had Mike in a scope, no matter what you say, im gonna love him and hes still dope, let me take you back to 85 when i was in a zone, dancing for my momma thriller jacket with all the zippers on, now im doing 90 bout to crash in this Aston, listening to Outcast, Im sorry Mrs Jackson anything i can ever do to better you your son was our king so we wont Corretta you, Im writing this letter to all the Jackson kids, we all Jackson kids, time to let us through. [Chorus] This the type of song that make the angels cry, i look up in the sky and i wonder why? why you had to go, go I know its better on the other side, you were chosen from the sky never gon let you go, [End] ....

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Time: 01:00
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