Videos with tag animals
Results 25-36 of 110

Cat Adopts Puppy

Just to prove that cats and dogs can be friends, a cat in England has adopted a puppy!

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 653 | Comments: 0

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cat and puppy walking together on leashes

Reese the red point Siamese recently got a new best friend - a foodle (fox terrier/poodle) puppy named Roxie. They are new best friends. Roxie is still in training.

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 676 | Comments: 0

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Kitten Still Loves Puppy

Egon and Izzy are all grown up, but they still love each other like when they were little. Or do they? This video has spread like wildfire all over the Internet and is also known as "Don't Lick Me There" and "Bipolar Chihuahua." See the uncut version of this video: Follow me on Twitter: Be my friend on Facebook:

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 766 | Comments: 0

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Male Lion vs ENTIRE Hyena Clan!

THIS is the true power of a male Lion.

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5391 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1075 | Comments: 0

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Talking Cat (Wake up kitty)

Hilarious footage of my cat getting angry and swearing at me when I tried to wake him up.

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5391 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 774 | Comments: 0

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Christian The Lion - The Full Story - Lion Sleeps Tonight

A baby lion cub, Christian, was raised by two guys, John Rendall and Anthony Bourke (Ace Berg), who loved him like a family member. Just goes to show you that being kind, thoughtful, and loving towards animals -- even wild animals -- can have an unbelievably happy ending and a rich payback. Although Christian was returned to the wild -- as he should have -- he apparently never forgot Anthony and John. Stories like this make should make people who abuse animals stop and think. John Rendall lives in the UK and is a trustee of the George Adamson Wildlife Preservation Trust. Anyone who would like to donate can go to Another good organization to support is The Born Free Foundation, at This video goes great with The Lion Sleeps Tonight song, particularly this rendition done by Morgan Arons.

Channels: Music 

Added: 5391 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 780 | Comments: 0

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the lion king part 1 Good Quality!!!

The Lion King, (c) Disney I don't take credit for the art blah blah blah just sit back and watch the film. Summary - A young lion prince is born in Africa, thus making his uncle Scar the second in line to the throne. Scar plots with the hyenas to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba, thus making himself King. The King is killed and Simba is led to believe by Scar that it was his fault, and so flees the kingdom in shame. After years of exile he is persuaded to return home to overthrow the usurper and claim the kingdom as his own thus completing the "Circle of Life".

Channels: Music 

Added: 5391 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 746 | Comments: 0

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Worlds deepest living fishes survives under pressure

fishes survives under the largest pressure during millions of years. peixe das profundezas sobrevive sob a maior pressao do mar durante milhões de anos. Prehistoric fish are various groups of fishes that lived before recorded history. A few, such as the coelacanth still exist today and are considered living fossils. The first fish and the first vertebrates, were the ostracoderms, which appeared in the Cambrian Period, about 510 million years ago, and became extinct at the end of the Devonian, about 350 million years ago. Ostracoderms were jawless fishes found mainly in fresh water. They were covered with a bony armor or scales and were often less than 30 cm (1 ft) long. The ostracoderms are placed in the class Agnatha along with the living jawless fishes, the lampreys and hagfishes, which are believed to be descended from the ostracoderms. The first fish with jaws, the acanthodians, or spiny sharks, appeared in the late Silurian, about 410 million years ago, and became extinct before the end of the Permian, about 250 million years ago. Acanthodians were generally small sharklike fishes varying from toothless filter-feeders to toothed predators. They were once often classified as an order of the class Placodermi, another group of primitive fishes, but recent authorities tend to place the acanthodiaes or that both groups share a common ancestor. The placoderms, another group of jawed fishes, appeared at the beginning of the Devonian, about 395 million years ago, and became extinct at the end of the Devonian or the beginning of the Mississippian (Carboniferous), about 345 million years ago. Detailed anatomical studies of fossil remains by the Swedish scientist Erik Stensiö strongly suggest that the placoderms were closely related to sharks. Placoderms were typically small, flattened bottom-dwellers, however, many, particularly the arthrodires, were active midwater predators. Dunkleosteus was the largest and most famous of these. The upper jaw was firmly fused to the skull, but there was a hinge joint between the skull and the bony plating of the trunk region. This allowed the upper part of the head to be thrown back, and in arthrodires, this allowed them to take larger bites. The cartilaginous-skeleton sharks and rays, class Chondrichthyes, which appeared about 370 million years ago in the middle Devonian, are generally believed to be descended from the bony-skeleton placoderms. The cartilaginous skeletons are considered to be a later development. The modern bony fishes, class Osteichthyes, appeared in the late Silurian or early Devonian, about 395 million years ago. The early forms were freshwater fishes, for no fossil remains of modern bony fishes have been found in marine deposits older than Triassic time, about 230 million years ago. The Osteichthyes may have arisen from the acanthodians. A subclass of the Osteichthyes, the ray-finned fishes (subclass Actinopterygii), became and have remained the dominant group of fishes throughout the world. It was not the ray-finned fishes, however, that led to the evolution of the land vertebrates. The ancestors of the land vertebrates are found among another group of bony fishes called the Choanichthyes or Sarcopterygii. Choanate fishes are characterized by internal nostrils, fleshy fins called lobe fins, and cosmoid scales. The choanate fishes appeared in the late Silurian or early Devonian, more than 390 million years ago, and possibly arose from the acanthodians. The choanate fishes include a group known as the Crossopterygii, which has one living representative, the coelacanth (Latimeria). During the Devonian Period some crossopterygian fishes of the order (or suborder) Rhipidistia crawled out of the water to become the first tetrapods. The story of vertebrate evolution started in the seas of the Cambrian period, when jawless, toothless, soft-bodied fishlike creatures wriggled through the water, sucking up microscopic food particles. Only after tough, non-decaying bone was developed (initially as a scaly outer covering and later within the body) did fossils form and become preserved in the rocks. And only then could paleontologists take up the story with any certainty. The earliest traces of bony scales are found in rocks of the Late Cambrian period, and the first recognizable vertebrate fish has been found in Australian rocks of Early Ordovician age. So, the first chapter in the vertebrate evolution starts with the ancient Arandaspis, a fish about 6in/15cm long with no jaws, no teeth and no fins other than a tail. It did, however, have gills and a stiffening rod of cartilaginous material (the notochord) that served as a backbone. w1tv 10 minutes.

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5391 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1354 | Comments: 0

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strange creatures

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5391 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 583 | Comments: 0

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The Struck in tsunami Video Footages

Obaid Karki An Outcast Kabbalist Spinoziste Pantheon Hexalingual Automath Former UAE Under Secretary Independant Street-Knowledge Talkshow Guru. Unaffiliated to A State, Organized Religion, Sect or Kin. Anti Tribal Gentile. Shia News Talking Corner Islam? Your views Iran's Ayatollahs imprison countless journalists Afghanistan's Taliban burnt We have to get back to ibn Rasht to Abu Ali Sina to Abu Hamid Ghazali www shianews com hi talking corner topic id php Shia News Talking Corner The role and status of Mullahs in Syed Munzir Ali Naqvi United States Pakistan December Dear Mr A H Toor I % agree with the points raised by the editor of Shia news against the www shianews com hi talking corner topic id php YouTube pissed off Abul Kasem Alan Caruba Ali Sina Amber Pawlik Amil Imani Ayesha Ahmed Azar CBS News Associated Press Iran Hezbollah train Iraqi Shia "Secret Cells" Ali www youtube com watch?v mDNOqarcaSA&watch response Title Abu Ali Sina however after numerous hardships succeeded in reaching Gorgan He professed the Shia lsmaili i faith On account of his inclinations www ismaili net hero hero html Sherlock Holmes and me Barbara J Stock on Ali Sina's debate w I have been following a debate between a rational man Ali Sina an ex Muslim and Sunni hate Shia Shia hate Sunni and the Wahhabi sect hates everyone www freerepublic com focus f news posts Jihad Watch: Iranian backed militia groups take control of much of There will not be peace in Iraq until the sunni and shia settle thier Hey everyone Ali Sina is writing a book please check out his web site www jihadwatch org archives php Jihad Watch: Iran to strike enrichment deal with Russia Ali Sina Bat Ye'or Andrew Bostom Wolfgang Bruno Fjordman Srdja Trifkovic This is why we protected the Kurds and Shia in Iraq while now the Shia are www jihadwatch org archives php [ More results from www jihadwatch org ] [DOC] Ave sina File Format: Microsoft Word View as HTML Abu Ali al hussain ibn abdallah ibn sina ave sina was born in A D at Ashana near Bukhara the part of iran the young Bu Ali received his early www iearn org circles session projects greatHeroesIran doc Similar pages Note this RFE RL Iran Report Tehran's "Iran News" daily citing an unidentified source was held at Hamedan's Bu Ali Sina University http: www akunews org News view asp?ID www globalsecurity org wmd library news iran htm RFE RL Iran Report Iranian Drug Control Headquarters chief Ali Hashemi noted that trillion said that nine students from Bu Ali Sina University and Hamedan Medical www globalsecurity org wmd library news iran htm [ More results from www globalsecurity org ] Dr Javed Ahmad Ghamedi and Dr Khalid Zaheer vs Ali Sina Part IX Ali Sina Part IX Log in or register a new user account Comments a fight between Shia Sunni muslims that is what i have learned from the news www news faithfreedom org index php?name News&file article&sid That Golden Age of Islam :: Faith Freedom International :: Only According to Shia sources on the way to Basra Iraq the rebel army received news that Ali ibn Abi Talib had come out of Medina in their pursuit www news faithfreedom org index php?name News&file article&sid [ More results from www news faithfreedom org ] Payvand News Of Iran Archive Iran News Directory and Bazzar Mashhad's Ferdowsi University Hamedan's Bu Ali Sina Isfahan's Sana'ati and Qazvin's Azad Universities www netnative com news archive html Payvand News Of Iran Archive But whatever happens nationally Shia militias many backed by Iran are Iranian international Ali Karimi has dismissed threats players with long www netnative com news archive html [ More results from www netnative com ] Ibn Sina: Biography and Much More from Answers com Traditionally of the Ismaili Shia branch of Islam Ibn Sina's independent Bu Ali Sina University www answers com topic avicenna PoliPundit com » "The Secret War Against Iran" Since Shia radicals have been running Iran and supporting Islamic For some reason the link to Ali Sina's site came out wrong it is polipundit com wp comments popup php?p &c Sex and Islam from Guardian Unlimited: News blog Ali Sina of Faithfreedom org is not syed no where he claims that and I highly doubt he is Shia sheikhs have made allowance for un Islamic practices blogs guardian co uk news archives sex and islam html What Ariel Sharon's heart op involves from Guardian Unlimited http: worldnetdaily com news article asp?ARTICLE ID Iran: Ayatollah Khomeini and Ali Sina homa darambi Belgium: blogs guardian co uk news archives what ariel sharons heart op involves html [ More results from blogs guardian co uk ] User talk:FayssalF Archive C Wikipedia the free encyclopedia I'm dealing with a stridently Iranian nationalist editor who wants to turn one I just checked out the Ali Sina page so far as I know I was never en wikipedia org wiki User talk:FayssalF Archive C Daily Times Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5391 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 934 | Comments: 0

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Cat Clips #53--Weaving the Web

After "Honey" wakens from her nap, the male cat and Tuck form new alliances. (The original version of this video was posted on April 5, 2009 and received 1,038 views.) About Cat Clips This episode is part of the humorous "Cat Clips" series, which features the ongoing adventures of a group of cats in the New Jersey suburbs. The cats are avid fans of pop culture and fill their days discussing the latest celebrity gossip, political mishaps and topical entertainment related subject matter. They also engage in plenty of mystery and intrigue, as they continually try to scheme and outmaneuver each other, most often with comical results. Meet the Cats: Honey (aka Chase), an orange and white long-haired domestic, is the oldest female of the group, and loves to eat chocolate and other sweet treats. Often referred to as "Big Mama," the Mother of the clan is not afraid to give her opinion on almost anything—whether you ask for it or not. (Later in the series, it's discovered that Honey is actually a diabetic and so she must reluctantly give up her pension for popsicles and pastries in favor of daily insulin shots.) Trey is an all-black short-haired domestic cat who often looks at life through a cynical pair of eyes. Though he teases Honey relentlessly, he also feels a deep affection for her, and it soon becomes apparent that his tough exterior is mostly for show. Tipi arrives in Episode #36 to become the youngest female feline of the group. She is an extremely ambitious cat with only one thing on her mind—to become a huge mega-star. She loves to sing, dance and act, and uses every opportunity to promote herself and her desire to become a leading actress. A spin-off series called "Dear Tipi" was developed to help facilitate her desire for global recognition. Tuck is a Bengal cat and the offspring of one of Honey's British relatives. He arrives in Episode #44 just in time for Valentine's Day. Though Tuck instantly bonds with Honey and Tipi, Trey doesn't trust him and is quite reluctant to allow the foreigner into the fold. But eventually, Tuck wins over the older male cat with his positive energy and upbeat personality. Soon after, Tuck falls madly in love with Tipi, who rejects his advances in favor of her career ambitions. Boots is the newest member of the cast, arriving in Episode #105, and actually appears as a ghost in the series. Although his back story is still somewhat vague, we do know that when he was living, he was owned by the great and powerful Wizard of Wit. This not only gives him an interesting perspective on things, but also access to various types of magical powers. #18 - Most Responded (4-5-09) - Pets & Animals #33 - Top Favorited (4-5-09) - Pets & Animals #58 - Most Discussed (4-5-09) - Pets & Animals #29 - Top Rated (4-5-09) - Pets & Animals #70 - Most Discussed 4-6-09) - Pets & Animals #18 - Most Responded (4-6-09) - Pets & Animals #63 - Most Responded (This Week) - Pets & Animals #31 - Top Favorited (4-6-09) - Pets & Animals #15 - Top Rated (4-6-09) - Pets & Animals #82 - Top Rated (This Week) - Pets & Animals #58 - Most Discussed (4-7-09) - Pets & Animals #17 - Most Responded (4-7-09) - Pets & Animals #57 - Most Responded (This Week) - Pets & Animals #79 - Most Viewed (4-7-09) - Pets & Animals - New Zealand #35 - Top Favorited (4-7-09) - Pets & Animals #14 - Top Rated (4-7-09) - Pets & Animals #75 - Top Rated (This Week) - Pets & Animals #96 - Most Responded (4-8-09) - Pets & Animals #57 - Most Responded (5-4-09) - Comedy #21 - Most Responded (7-29-09) - Pets & Animals #69 - Most Responded (This Week) - Pets & Animals #60 - Top Favorited (7-29-09) - Pets & Animals #9 - Top Rated (7-29-09) - Pets & Animals #28 - Most Responded (7-30-09) - Pets & Animals #49 - Top Favorited (7-30-09) - Pets & Animals #9 - Top Rated (7-30-09) - Pets & Animals #24 - Top Rated (This Week) - Pets & Animals #37 - Most Responded (Today) - Pets & Animals #67 - Top Favorited (Today) - Pets & Animals #8 - Top Rated (Today) - Pets & Animals

Channels: Funny 

Added: 5391 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 873 | Comments: 0

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Cat Clips #97--Garage Sale

The cats discuss their recent Thanksgiving meal, as their owners tear apart the basement. Make sure to watch until the end to find out who the winners are in the Cat Clips Trivia Contest. About Cat Clips This episode is part of the humorous "Cat Clips" series, which features the ongoing adventures of a group of cats in the New Jersey suburbs. The cats are avid fans of pop culture and fill their days discussing the latest celebrity gossip, political mishaps and topical entertainment related subject matter. They also engage in plenty of mystery and intrigue, as they continually try to scheme and outmaneuver each other, most often with comical results. Meet the Cats: Honey (aka Chase), an orange and white long-haired domestic, is the oldest female of the group, and loves to eat chocolate and other sweet treats. Often referred to as "Big Mama," the Mother of the clan is not afraid to give her opinion on almost anything—whether you ask for it or not. (Later in the series, it's discovered that Honey is actually a diabetic and so she must reluctantly give up her pension for popsicles and pastries in favor of daily insulin shots.) Trey is an all-black short-haired domestic cat who often looks at life through a cynical pair of eyes. Though he teases Honey relentlessly, he also feels a deep affection for her, and it soon becomes apparent that his tough exterior is mostly for show. Tipi arrives in Episode #36 to become the youngest female feline of the group. She is an extremely ambitious cat with only one thing on her mind—to become a huge mega-star. She loves to sing, dance and act, and uses every opportunity to promote herself and her desire to become a leading actress. A spin-off series called "Dear Tipi" was developed to help facilitate her desire for global recognition. Tuck is a Bengal cat and the offspring of one of Honey's British relatives. He arrives in Episode #44 just in time for Valentine's Day. Though Tuck instantly bonds with Honey and Tipi, Trey doesn't trust him and is quite reluctant to allow the foreigner into the fold. But eventually, Tuck wins over the older male cat with his positive energy and upbeat personality. Soon after, Tuck falls madly in love with Tipi, who rejects his advances in favor of her career ambitions. Boots is the newest member of the cast, arriving in Episode #105, and actually appears as a ghost in the series. Although his back story is still somewhat vague, we do know that when he was living, he was owned by the great and powerful Wizard of Wit. This not only gives him an interesting perspective on things, but also access to various types of magical powers. #45 - Top Favorited (12-1-09) - Pets & Animals #84 - Top Rated (12-1-09) - Pets & Animals #38 - Most Discussed (12-2-09) - Pets & Animals #47 - Top Favorited (12-2-09) - Pets & Animals #46 - Top Rated (12-2-09) - Pets & Animals #26 - Most Discussed (12-3-09) - Pets & Animals #75 - Most Viewed (12-3-09) - Pets & Animals - Canada #74 - Most Viewed (12-3-09) - Pets & Animals - Ireland #59 - Most Viewed (12-3-09) - Pets & Animals #38 - Top Favorited (12-3-09) - Pets & Animals #33 - Top Rated (12-3-09) - Pets & Animals

Channels: Funny 

Added: 5391 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 964 | Comments: 0

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