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Fox News Obituary Trashes Kurt Vonnegut

The Fox News obituary of Kurt Vonnegut airing the day after his death seemed particularly harsh to me, but I may be especially sensitive because I'm a big Vonnegut fan. I've uploaded some clips from the Fox News obituary for you to see and decide for yourself. FYI, I tracked down the origin of the ancient Greek admonition "Not to speak evil of the dead" to Diogenes Laertius quoting Chilon (pictured at the beginning of this video) quoting Aesop at: The photo of Chilon itself comes from Nicolas at and can be found at Finally, this video also qualifies as the latest addition to my YouTube playlist titled "Fox News Bias" at:

Channels: News 

Added: 5395 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 785 | Comments: 0

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