Videos with tag dating
Results 13-15 of 15

How To Be Sexy In The Morning

Visit: for 1000's more How-To videos! Staying over at a date's house is a big step. When the sun rises, will you have morning breath? Bed head? What will you sleep in? Here's how to keep the sexy factor, even at the crack of dawn. Join Us On Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:

Channels: Sexy 

Added: 5394 days ago by vshare

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 577 | Comments: 0

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How To Be Sexy

Watch this video for a demonstration of "How To Be Sexy". To complete the task, you will need: Sky-high heels Lavender or pumpkin pie scent Flattering clothing Get started with the first step: Wear high heels. When 50,000 men were polled about what fashions added the most sex appeal to a woman, sky-high heels topped the list, followed by slit skirts, stockings, and mini-skirts. For the complete guide, go to Also check out Howcast for other do it yourself videos from Dynamic and more videos in the General Dating category. How can you contribute? Create your own DIY guide at or apply to the Howcast Emerging Filmmakers Program at

Channels: Sexy 

Added: 5394 days ago by vshare

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1528 | Comments: 0

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How To Be Sexy Eating Messy Food If you would like to embed this video visit: a plate full of spaghetti or bbq wings in front of you and your hot date sitting across from you is a complicated equation. We have some tips for you on getting through the dinner date without looking like a major pig.

Channels: Sexy 

Added: 5394 days ago by vshare

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 4491 | Comments: 0

Not yet rated