The Lion King - I Just Can't Wait To Be King
Lyrics: I'm gonna be a mighty king So enemies beware! Well, I've never seen a king of beasts With quite so little hair I'm gonna be the mane event Like no king was before I'm brushing up on looking down I'm working on my ROAR Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing Oh, I just can't wait to be king! (You've rather a long way to go, young master, if you think...) No one saying do this (Now when I said that, I -) No one saying be there (What I meant was...) No one saying stop that (Look, what you don't realize...) No one saying see here (Now see here!) Free to run around all day (Well, that's definitely out...) Free to do it all my way! I think it's time that you and I Arranged a heart to heart Kings don't need advice From little hornbills for a start If this is where the monarchy is headed Count me out! Out of service, out of Africa I wouldn't hang about This child is getting wildly out of wing Oh, I just can't wait to be king! Everybody look left Everybody look right Everywhere you look I'm Standing in the spotlight! Not yet! Let every creature go for broke and sing Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling Oh, I just can't wait to be king! Oh, I just can't wait to be king! Oh, I just can't waaaaaait ... to be king!
Added: June 9, 2010, 1:29 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 406 |
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The Lion King - Just Can't Wait To Be King (French Musical)
une chanson du spectacle de broadway
Added: June 9, 2010, 1:29 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 613 |
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I Just Can't Wait To Be King (720p HQ HD) - Lion King (English) + Lyrics + Subtitle
Real High Quality English 16:9 720p HD Version of " I Just Can't Wait To Be King" with closed captions, able to translate. Enjoy! Lyrics: (Simba) * I'm gonna be a mighty king * * So enemies beware * (Zazu) * Well, I've never seen a king of beasts * * With quite so little hair * * I'm gonna be the main event * * Like no king was before * * I'm brushin' up on lookin' down * * I'm workin' on my roar * (Zazu) * Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing * (Simba) * Oh, I just can't wait to be king * (Zazu) You've rather a long way to go, young master, if you think... (Simba) * No one sayin', "do this" * (Zazu) Now, when I said that... (Nala) * No one saying, "be there" * (Zazu) What I meant was... (Simba) * No one sayin', "stop that" * (Zazu) But what you don't realise... (Nala&Simba)* No one sayin', "see here" * (Zazu) Now, see here! (Simba) * Free to run around all day * (Zazu) Well, that's definitely out. (Simba) * Free to do it all my way * (Zazu) * I think it's time that you and I * * Arranged a heart-to-heart * (Simba) * Kings don't need advice * * From little hornbills for a start * (Zazu) * If this is where the monarchy is headed * * Count me out * * Out of service, out of Africa * * I wouldn't hang about * * This child is getting wildly out of wing * (Simba) * Oh, I just can't wait to be king * * Everybody, look left * * Everybody, look right * * Everywhere you look, I'm * * Standing in the spotlight * (Zazu) Not yet! (Choir) * Let every creature go for broke and sing * * Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing * * It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling * (Simba) * Oh, I just can't wait to be king * * Oh, I just can't wait to be king * * Oh, I just can't wait * * To be king * © Disney Studios
Added: June 9, 2010, 1:29 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 730 |
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The Lion King - I just can't wait to be king (Polish)
Lyrics: [speaking] ZAZU: Pośpieszcie się, im prędzej tam dotrzemy, tym szybciej wrócimy. NALA: Dokąd naprawdę idziemy? SIMBA: Na cmentarz słoni. NALA: Ojej! SIMBA: Ciiiii! Zazu! NALA: Prawda, musimy się go jakoś pozbyć! SIMBA: Jasne! ZAZU: Patrzcie tylko i radujcie się! Ziarenko miłości kiełkuje na sawannie. Rodzice będą szczęśliwi! I pewnie zaraz ustalą datę. SIMBA: Czego? ZAZU: Ślubu. Jesteście zaręczeni. NALA: Mówisz... ZAZU: O tym, że pewnego dnia weźmiecie ślub. SIMBA: Co?! Przecież to jest moja przyjaciółka! NALA: Tak! Nie ożenię się z nim! ZAZU: Przykro mi, że czeka was taka czarna przyszłość, ale nie ma innego wyjścia. Ta tradycja trwa od pokoleń. SIMBA: Jak zostanę królem, to się z tym skończy! ZAZU: Póki ja żyję, nie! SIMBA: No to ja cię zwalniam! ZAZU: Hmm, nic z tego. Tylko król może to zrobić! NALA: Ale to jest przyszły król! SIMBA: Tak! I musisz robić, co ci każę! ZAZU: Jeszcze nic nie muszę! Sądząc po twoim zachowaniu zapowiadasz się na władcę godnego pożałowania! SIMBA: Jestem innego zdania! [song] SIMBA: Potężnym królem będę, więc ostrzegam, bój się lwa! ZAZU: Ejże, kto to widział króla zwierząt z grzywą niczym pchła? SIMBA: Poćwiczyć jeszcze muszę tylko mój królewski szyk, Dostojne kroki, władcze oko I ten złowieszczy RYK! ZAZU: Narazie nie ma czym tu chwalić się! SIMBA: Strasznie już być tym królem chcę! ZAZU:Jeszcze daleka droga panie, jeśli sądzisz.. SIMBA: Nikt nie powie: "zrób to!" ZAZU: Chciałem powiedzieć... NALA: Nikt nie powie: "zmykaj!" ZAZU: Chodziło mi o to.. SIMBA: Nikt nie powie "przestań!" ZAZU: Nie masz pojęcia... SIMBA & NALA: Nikt nie powie "czekaj!" ZAZU: Czekaj! AAA! SIMBA: Wreszcie mogę iść, gdzie chcę! ZAZU: Ooo, na pewno nie! SIMBA: Wreszcie nikt nie wtrąca się! ZAZU: Już czas, żebyśmy pogadali Jak ze ssakiem ptak! SIMBA: Rad płynących z dzioba Król nie słucha tak czy siak ZAZU: Oj chyba antymonarchistą stanę się od dziś! Żegnaj służbo! Żegnaj Afryko! Bo precz stąd czas mi iść! Ten smarkacz bardzo szarogęsi się! SIMBA: Strasznie już być tym królem chcę! Ruszaj się, kto stoi! Stawaj, kto gdzieś pędzi! Zawsze mnie zobaczysz, Tutaj, tam i wszędzie! ZAZU: Czekaj! CHORUS: Niech wieść się niesie wobec oraz wszem! Powtórzcie dziobem, pyskiem, piórem, kłem! Król Simba będzie panem naszych ziem! SIMBA:Strasznie już być tym królem chcę! Strasznie już być tym królem chcę! Strasznie już być tyyyy...yym królem chceee...eeeę! ZAZU: Przepraszam panią, ale proszę zejść ze mnie! Simba! Nala!
Added: June 9, 2010, 1:29 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 701 |
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Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 03: "FREE TO CHOSE"
ART ONE: FREE TO CHOOSE Sandel introduces the libertarian conception of individual rights, according to which only a minimal state is justified. Libertarians argue that government shouldnt have the power to enact laws that 1) protect people from themselves, such as seat belt laws, 2) impose some peoples moral values on society as a whole, or 3) redistribute income from the rich to the poor. Sandel explains the libertarian notion that redistributive taxation is akin to forced labor with references to Bill Gates and Michael Jordan. PART TWO: WHO OWNS ME? Libertarian philosopher Robert Nozick makes the case that taxing the wealthy—to pay for housing, health care, and education for the poor—is a form of coercion. Students first discuss the arguments behind redistributive taxation. Dont most poor people need the social services they receive in order to survive? If you live in a society that has a system of progressive taxation, arent you obligated to pay your taxes? Dont many rich people often acquire their wealth through sheer luck or family fortune? A group of students dubbed Team Libertarian volunteers to defend the libertarian philosophy against these objections.
Added: June 9, 2010, 1:29 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 654 |
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The Lion King - I just can't wait to be king (Swedish)
Soundtrack version of I just can't wait to be king from the lion king (swedish) Enjoy! Movie version: Lyrics: Simba: Snart ska jag bli en mäktig kung Som fienderna slår Zazu: Ja, men djurens konung bruker väl ha lite mera hår? Simba: Snart blir jag djungelns nummer ett En kung, en stor idol Jag tränar på min nya stil, jag ryter fram ett VRÅL Zazu: ursäkta mig, du verkar lite ung Simba: Vänta, snart är det jag som är kung Zazu: Det lär dröja länge unga herrn. Det kan du tro. Simba: Ingen säger "sluta!" Zazu: Jo, men när jag säger att... Nala: Ingen säger "Gör så!" Zazu: Vad jag menar är att... Simba: Ingen säger "Gå dit!" Zazu: Men du förstår inte... Simba/Nala: Ingen säger "Hör på!" Zazu: Ja men, hör på! Simba: Fri och då bestämmer jag Zazu: Det kan du bara glömma! Simba: Fri att få det jag vill ha. Zazu: Det är visst dags vi pratar lite allvar du och jag. Simba: Inte tror jag att en kroknäbb vet hur allt ska va'. Zazu: Blir detta nya monarkin, då är jag inte med. Slutar tjänsten,lämnar Afrika, det ska du nog få se. För du är vild och galen och för ung. Simba: Vänta,snart är det jag som är kung! Alla tittar ditåt. Vänder sig åt mitt håll. Och jag är i centrum för jag har en stor roll. Zazu: Inte än! Chorus: Varenda kotte gammal eller ung. I flockar eller solo, bara sjung. Kung Simba, ja, den snubben blir rätt tung. Simba: Vänta, snart är det jag som är kung! Vänta, snart är det jag som är kung! Vänta, snart är det jaaaaaag...som är kuung! Thanks to TeenTitansRaven for lyrics!
Added: June 9, 2010, 1:29 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 653 |
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Kingdom hearts The Lion King Sora just can't wait to be king
I kinda liked this one. Cast KH1 Sora = Young Simba KH1 Kairi = Young Nala Xehanort's Heartsless = Zazu Everyone else = Pridelanders I don't own Kingdom Hearts or any thing Lion King. clips from
Added: June 9, 2010, 1:27 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 651 |
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Scars (Stronger For Life) by Corrinne May
pls kindly comment and rate ^^ Scars (Stronger For Life) by Corrinne May I just want to run Just want to hide away Close my eyes to your gaze Just want to leave Don't want to hear them say "You're no good at this" When the world swirls with naysayers Broken wings and torn pages The road ahead Drowning in my tears Break me open Tear me down Into pieces Broken crumbs On the ground You can mould and shape me In your image Breathe your life You know I need it Scars make us stronger for life Losing myself Gaining it back again Forging strength from weakness All that I am All that I'm meant to be Melting in your hand Let the world swirl with naysayers Pickled hearts and sour faces What is real is what I cannot see Cut away All within me That won't bear fruit Cut away All within me
Added: June 9, 2010, 1:27 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 751 |
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The Lion King - I Just Can't Wait to be King (Arabic)
I'll say that they'll find the VHS.
Added: June 9, 2010, 1:27 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 532 |
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The Lion King 1½ - I just can't wait to be King (German)
Have Fun xD
Added: June 9, 2010, 1:27 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 814 |
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Lion King - I Just Can't Wait To Be King lyrics
Lion King (1994) soundtrack. The song is composed by Tim Rice (Lyrics) and Elton John (music). An other really good disney song :) Please rate and comment :) Enjoy :)
Added: June 9, 2010, 1:27 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 649 |
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The Lion King - I Just Can't Wait To Be King (Piano)
My version of "I Just Can't Wait to be King" on the piano. Damn pages keep getting stucked lol
Added: June 9, 2010, 1:27 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 562 |
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