Public Videos of blogpost_biz
Videos 733-744 of 10986

Love Parade 2010 Duisburg Tunnel 21 killed

Loveparade 2010 21 dead people - 24/07/2010 - INFORMATION NUR FAMILIENMITGLIEDER: Telefon: 0203/94000 Ten people were killed Saturday when chaos broke out at a music festival in Duisburg, Germany, police said. It's unclear what sparked the mass panic at "Love Parade 2010" as people tried to enter the festival site in the early evening, police spokesman Werner Friese said. Fifteen others were injured, he said. The festival was supposed to take place from 2 p.m. (8 a.m. ET) to midnight. As of 6 p.m., the entrance remained closed and people inside the venue were leaving the area. The first images/news as broadcasted by WDR, Germany. 45 Schwehrverletzten. 45 heavy injured. Mass panic Love Parade 2010 Duisburg, Massenpanik, 21 Toten, 21 Killed. Germany. 21 people died and 500 are injuried 550 . 21 morts love parade . 20 Tués love parade 2010 duisbourg . end of love parade 2010 . The End Of Love Parade. Massenpanik Duisburg Tunnel . loveparade 2010 . Bericht 21 Tote bei Love Parade 2010 in Duisburg Teil 1. Carl Cox . Jeff Mills . Sven Vath . Da Hool . Marusha . Westbam . Tiesto . David Guetta . Carl Craig . Armin Van Buuren . Paul Van Dyk . Infected Mushroom . Ecstasy . Felix Kröcher . Armand Van Helden . Daft Punk . Dj Sneak . Dj Hell . Joey Beltram . Moby . Snap . Techno Viking . Techno Parade . House Music . Techno . Acid New Beat . Bonzaï . Cherry Moon . Boccaccio . Track . Trax . Mystery Land . Gay Pride . Goa . Full moon . Rave Explosion . May Day . Festival . Raver . Rave Party . Loveparade Essen . Loveparade Berlin . Loveparade Duisburg . Loveparade 2010 . R.I.P.

video tags: Love  Parade  2010  21  killed  loveparade  20  dead  19  tués  morts  death  massen  panik  kill  raver  chaos  rave  party  dance  house  techno  dj  europe  accident  crash  car  cars  rip  mass  panic  massapaniek  bomaanslag  bomb  terror  wdr  tunnel  duisburg  teil  germany  aanslag  attack  station  bahnhof  schwerverletzten  massenpanik  45  schwehrverletzten  schwehr  gewonden  heavy  the  end  of  ceremony  500  injured  berlin  berlijn  duisbourg 

Added: August 6, 2010, 9:56 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 1185 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Katy Perry: Russell Brand will be a perfect daddy

Katy Perry thinks fiance Russell Brand will make a great dad. Submit your videos at . Follow us on twitter at .

video tags: katy  perry  russell  brand  fiance  married  wedding  love  cute  sweet  couple  relationship  singer  chapstick  kissed  girl  bbc  presenter  california  kylie  gwyneth  paltrow  madonna  london  santa  barbara 

Added: August 6, 2010, 9:52 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 906 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Quickie Burnout

A little Burnout before a tire change.. watch my other one.. its much better.. i promise!

video tags: Mercedes  Benz  CLK  430  burnout  burn  out  tires  wheels  quickie  rubber  smoke  car  import  german  white  red  amg  burnin  v8  florida  sarasota  fail  win  funny  watch  me  bail  obama  its  joke  homie  shoot  benzo  turkish  turk  istanbul  izmir  volkan  new  york  roslyn  wheatley  high  school  smokey  blunts  screech  thats  how  you  do  it  come  one  everybody  viral  video  major  watches  million  views  all  is  lil  wayne  nas  jay  gucci  mane  ludacris  drake  eminem  so  afraid 

Added: August 6, 2010, 9:51 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 1412 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Quikie-Do for School Blog & Stuff:

video tags: how  to  curl  hair  Babyliss  curling  iron  Easy  style  Half  up-do  School  hairstyle  Curly  tutorial  haircut  Salon  Layered  Curls  for  layered 

Added: August 6, 2010, 9:51 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 1024 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated


Song available on iTunes: Click to Tweet: Click here for Behind The Scenes: Concept by KassemG Lyrics by TimothyDeLaGhetto Shot on location at CASA MAFIA Song produced by: The Midi Mafia FEATURING: KassemG Timothy DeLaGhetto ShayCarl LisaNova WhataDayDerek HiImRawn NicePeter AndreasChoice Ceciley TheBDonski BrettTheIntern MidiMafia DeniseVlogs Michael Gallagher (Clown) Richard Ryan (Owen Wilson) VinVlog (Biker) Harrison Brown (Yoga Biker) Blake O'Neal Jon Na Tim Davis Fancy Erin Marie Lee Nikki Limo LasVegasBarbie G3nuine Joe Steve Greene Ricky Shucks Samantha Tinsley Will Watkins (Cop) Mario Martin (Cop) Michael Livingston (FBI Agent) Piers Bosler (FBI Agent) Mattt Potter (SWAT Team) Ross Everett (SWAT Team) Tara Lynn Phillips (Pole Dancer) Samantha Hall (Go Go Dancer) Dave Sievers (Biker) Charles Glackin (Biker) Lonnie Woodley (Biker) Edward Joyce (Biker) Amber Afos (Make-out Party Girl) Michelle Martinez Kristine Kady Rachelle Betancourt Sarah Chatham Courtney Sailors Rachel Bell Alissa Petillo Renata Purkart Bree Essking Bailey O'Neal Clara O'Neal DIRECTOR - Justin Purser Director Representation: DP - Layne Pavoggi DP - Jon Na PRODUCER/1st AD - Tiffany Lum GAFFER - Sean Finnegan PROPS/WARDROBE/2nd AD - Nikki Fancy Edited by Blake O'Neal Created by The Station Extra Channel: Follow Our Twitter:

video tags: funny  video  comedy  music  best  party  ever  the  station  thestation  thestation2  kassemg  timothydelaghetto  lisanova  shaycarl  whatadayderek  totallysketch  hiimrawn  nicepeter  andreaschoice  ceciley  bretttheintern  midimafia 

Added: August 6, 2010, 9:49 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 1070 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

tabba time! (Slideshow)


video tags: SLIDESHOW 

Added: August 6, 2010, 9:44 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 653 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Inbraak speelgoedwinkel Lewenborg

De politie doet onderzoek naar een inbraak in een speelgoedwinkel. De inbraak vond plaats op vrijdag 9 april om 02.25 uur in het winkelcentrum van de wijk Lewenborg in Groningen. Op de beelden is de inbraak duidelijk vastgelegd. Te zien is dat één van de drie daders de glazen pui van de winkel kapot slaat, waarna ze gedrieën de winkel binnengaan. Even later rennen zij met een winkelkar met daarin een kluis weer naar buiten. De politie wil graag in contact komen met iedereen die deze mannen herkent of aanvullende informatie heeft. Dat kan via het landelijk telefoonnummer 0900-8844 (lokaal tarief) of eventueel via 0800-7000 (Meld Misdaad Anoniem).

video tags: inbraak  kraak  Groningen  speelgoedwinkel  politie  Lewenborg  getuige 

Added: August 6, 2010, 9:43 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 677 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Cataclysm Beta - Inside Uldum (unfinished zone) - Blue Plz! The longest running and rantiest WoW podcast around. Music provided by Sean Beeson - - used with written permission from the artist. This is an unfinished zone that is currently inaccessible. It was available in the alpha but closed in the beta. I was able to gain access and did so for the purposes of filming because this beautiful zone, even in it's incomplete state, deserves to be shown.

video tags: Cataclysm  Uldum  World  of  Warcraft  Beta  WoW  Cata  Blueplz  MMORPG  Blizzard  Cynicalbrit 

Added: August 6, 2010, 9:41 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 1100 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Comic Con 2010: FRINGE panel part 2

Second part of the FRINGE panel at Comic Con 2010 in San Diego. Complete Cast with Joshua Jackson, Anna Torv, John Noble, Blair Brown, Lance Reddick, Nicole

video tags: fringe  jj  abrams  abc  anna  torv  joshua  jackson  john  noble  lance  reddick  blair  brown 

Added: August 6, 2010, 9:40 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 811 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Video del experimento del Nuevo Volvo S60

Descubre lo que se siente al conducir el nuevo Volvo S60 y experimena tu lado mas transgresor. Acude con Volvo Subject60 a 5 ciudades, 5 noches, 5 fiestas. Mira como Volvo descubre la capital Europea más transgresora. Un experimento de conducta llevado a cabo encuvierdo durante una fiesta lanzamiento para el nuevo y transgresor Volvo S60. Descubre el experimento completo y el coche que lo ha inspirado en:

video tags: nuevo  coche  volvo  S60  comprar  prueba  de  manejo  sedán  transgresor  fiestas  noches  ciudades  fiesta  Subject60  SubjectS60  lanzamiento  video  Volvo  Madrid 

Added: August 6, 2010, 9:40 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 834 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

How To Unlock The iPhone 4 Using UltraSn0w [ iOS 4.0 / 4.0.1 ]

How To Unlock The iPhone 4 Using UltraSn0w [ iOS 4.0 / 4.0.1 ] -- The Repo: -- Thanks to: Engadget and the Dev Team for embedding this video on their websites.

video tags: How  To  Unlock  Your  iPhone  Using  UltraSn0w  techtechmantv 

Added: August 6, 2010, 9:38 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 812 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Crazy Craft Walkthrough - Levels 1-13

This is a video of me, Tasselfoot, beating the first 13 levels of Crazy Craft. Game:

video tags: Crazy  Craft  Walkthrough  Flash  Game  Fantastic  Contraption  Spil  Games  Agame 

Added: August 6, 2010, 9:37 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 867 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated