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Military Bloopers

A few Military Bloopers!!! This is a Compilation from Vids I found on the net ;) just put together...I dont want to take all the credits...the Credits should go to the people how put them on the net and to the soldiers who filmed all that... Songs: Creedence Clearwater Revival Bad Moon Rising Chumbawamba I get knocked Down Glen Miller & Orchestra Pennsylvania 6-5000 Caesars Jerk it out Enjoy the Compilation

video tags: blooper  pranks  military  funny  soldier  tank  aircraft  iraq  war  weapon  comedy  pannen  lustig  soldaten 

Added: June 6, 2010, 2:05 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 910 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Military mistakes accidents and crashes

WITH A SPIRIT iTunes: Amazon MP3: ..... You can also get this song for FREE on youtube audioswap -- watch this video to learn how: Artist: 009 Sound System Song: With A Spirit Length: 09:58 lyrics: you can be whatever u want when you're high walk slowly with a spirit by your side (oh baby) don't fear if u lose your mind say how u doin' boy i'm feelin' fine ... when somethin' carries me away... hey hey hey hey.... - don't think just take a ride don't believe that jesus lied to keep us all so satisfied with a sale u should know baby don't feel the thorny nights never ask for holy rites don't ya think that god has died this time - and don't stop takin' these drugs cuz' they got u flyin' forgettin' yesterday maybe it's crazy but keep gettin' stoned while u can baby in the lord's hands - don't say u know what's right don't take those alibis don't hate the other side when they're right sure they are baby don't wave your flag up high don't praise your concubines did u just fall for lies this time

video tags: military  army  crashes  stunts  accidents  jokes  pranks  soldiers  tanks  funny  Iraq 

Added: June 6, 2010, 2:05 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 791 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

America's "Brain-Dead" Politics - Fareed Zakaria

Complete video at: Author Fareed Zakaria criticizes American political culture for ignoring global issues, and for focusing on short-term political benefits at the expense of long-term prosperity. ----- The rise of other nations need not mean a decline of the U.S., says Zakaria. He foresees a future where the U.S. no longer dominates the global economy, geopolitics and culture, and it needn't be seen as a negative development, he believes; our nation needs to learn to understand other nations and find a way to thrive in this rapidly shifting dynamic. Join us as Newsweek International's editor shares his insights on how our nation can thrive in the coming millennium - The Commonwealth Club of California Fareed Zakaria is the editor of Newsweek International and author of The Post American World and The Future of Freedom.

video tags: american  politics  globalization  globalisation  fat  happy  culture  techonolgy  education  economy  economics  free  trade 

Added: June 6, 2010, 2:04 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 891 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Politics and religion

A deadly combination. BOOK OF VIDEO TRANSCRIPTS NOW AVAILABLE You can download an audio version of this video at

video tags: atheist  atheism  politics  religion  Bush  Blair  election  Iraq 

Added: June 6, 2010, 2:04 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 765 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

ComicCon: Politics, Zombies, Catwoman, Superman...

Cooper Harris reports from ComicCon in San Diego. What lantern was Zombie Jesus? More from Cooper at More from David Feingold at More from BarelyPolitical at MORE BARELY: Click here to subscribe! Follow us on Twitter Check out our websites Friend us on Facebook & Myspace Call us 1 (347) 329-2032 --

video tags: Barely  Political  humor  ComicCon  Joker  Batman  Superman  Catwoman 

Added: June 6, 2010, 2:04 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 745 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Fault Lines - Haiti: The politics of rebuilding

Just weeks after the earthquake that took more than 200,000 lives, Avi Lewis finds that debates over how to rebuild Haiti are already underway.

video tags: Al  Jazeera  faultlines  Avi  lewis  Haiti  the  politics  of  rebuilding 

Added: June 6, 2010, 2:04 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 813 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Ken Wilber - Integral Politics

At the recent 5-day Integral Institute seminar on Integral Business Leadership, Ken Wilber was asked, by a senior Zen teacher, "What do you think of the Republican convention?" Ken responded by giving an overview of what a truly integral politics might look like, and used that to compare and contrast with the Democratic and Republican conventions, both of which are less-than-integral. We think that this twenty-minute summary is brilliant, insightful, deadly serious, and wickedly funny, all at once. But by all accounts it is an extraordinary account of why all politics today are considerably less-than-integral, along with certain features that almost certainly would have to be included in the future in any truly integral politics. In this synopsis, Ken focuses on three items that all political theories have attempted to address but none have managed to fully integrate. These are the tension between (1) the individual and the collective; (2) the source of the cause of human suffering: is the individual primarily to blame or is the society primarily to blame?; and (3) the different levels of development that the different political parties tend to represent: any truly integral politics would include and represent all of them, and yet how on earth do you do that? Due to time considerations, Ken did not discuss two other equally important ingredients in any integral politics. One. In representational democracies, people have a right to be at whatever stage of development they are at, and generally speaking, within free speech, a right to express the values of whatever stage they are at. Traditional-fundamentalist (blue) has a right to be traditional, modernist (orange) has a right to be modernist, postmodernist (green) has a right to be postmodernist, and so on. This is generally modified in practice, to the extent that the center of gravity of a culture will tend to impose its values on others, especially if they are first-tier (or less-than-integral) values. Nonetheless, in democratic societies, there's a general background understanding that people have a right to be, and a right to express, whatever stage they are or whatever belief system they possess. Two. They do not, however, have a right to act on those beliefs. This is generally handled in representative democracies by a separation of public and private, and by a similar if more specific principle of the separation of church and state. This means that, for example, in the privacy of my blue-meme mind, I am free to believe that Jesus Christ is my personal savior and that nobody achieves salvation without a belief in Jesus. In public behavior, however, I am not allowed to burn at the stake somebody who disagrees with me. In terms of integral psychology, this means in the interior of an individual (i.e., the upper left), the person can believe whatever they like; but in their public behavior (i.e., the upper right), they must behave according to laws drawn from a worldcentric or higher level of development (lower left), or else they are charged with civil or criminal behavior and removed from society if necessary (lower right). This separation of church and state, or more generally what Max Weber called the differentiation of the values spheres, is one of the great and enduring contributions of the Western enlightenment, a contribution almost entirely misunderstood by extreme postmodernists, who in fact are operating under its protection while bitterly condemning it. (The most common version of this is the aggressive attempt to reduce "I" and "It" to "We,' or the attempt to reduce art and science to a social construction, which can therefore be deconstructed. As it turns out, this reductionism presumes precisely what it denies, but then, deconstructive postmodernism has been little without its performative contradictions.) A truly integral politics exists nowhere on the planet at this time, principally because not enough individuals have emerged at the integral levels of consciousness, and hence no governments anywhere have integral representatives as members (except rarely and by accident). Its principal challenge is to create some form of governance that allows each stage to be itself within the constraints of not harming others (i.e., to let red be red, and blue be blue, and orange be orange, and green be green, etc—precisely because, as we saw, this is a right in virtually all free societies), and yet to govern from the highest, widest, deepest, and most encompassing levels of development emerged to date (starting at yellow). Most representative democracies do this anyway, except their center of gravity is not yet fully integral, and they do it implicitly, not explicitly.

video tags: Integral  Naked  Ken  Wilber  Politics  Republican  Democrat  Buddha  Bill  Clinton  George  W.  Bush  Karl  Rove 

Added: June 6, 2010, 2:04 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 874 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Clerks Clip - Jedi Politics

A funny, yet political view on Star Wars' Return of the jedi movie. stop by and say hi.

video tags: star  wars  jedi  clerks  politics  dante  hicks  kevin  smith  return  of  the  empire  strikes  jay  silent  bob 

Added: June 6, 2010, 2:04 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 738 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

KoRn - Politics (unedited)

just listen to it or leave me alone

video tags: KoRn  Politics  unedited  See  You  on  the  Other  Side 

Added: June 6, 2010, 2:04 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 766 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Ricky Gervais - Politics (Hitler interprets Nietzsche)

a couple minutes from Ricky Gervais' Politics.

video tags: Ricky  Gervais  funny  comedy  standup  Politics  Hitler  Nietzsche 

Added: June 6, 2010, 2:04 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 794 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Politics: Obama Addresses CIA Employees -

President Obama addressed CIA employees Monday. (Video: NBC) Related article:

video tags: thenewyorktimes  nyt  politics  cia  obama 

Added: June 6, 2010, 2:04 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 671 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

2000s Decade Recap - Politics

Despite Y2K panic at the beginning of the decade, the first ten years of the new millennium proved that our fellow humans are much more dangerous than malfunctioning machines. Unprecedented terrorist attacks on American soil, followed by subsequent attacks around the world punctuated the 2000s. Climate change and unparalleled natural disasters killed hundreds of thousands. Not to mention the global economic meltdown. To finish it off, the world was scared to death by the swine flu pandemic the perfect end to a dreadful decade. In this video, reviews these and more milestones from the first decade of the new millennium.

video tags: news  politics  history  decade  in  review  2000s  millennium  United  States  of  America  USA  George  Bush  2000 

Added: June 6, 2010, 2:04 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 794 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated