Videos 11111-11120 of 11185

1,5 L kaltes Mineralwasser auf ex?

BITTE DURCHLESEN!!!! Du hast was Besonderes drauf? Immer wenn du es ankündigst zu machen, sagen die Leute „Das schaffst du niemals"? Du hast mal Lust was Verrücktes auszuprobieren aber brauchst einen kleinen Ansporn? Dann bist du bei „I bet you will not „ genau richtig. Alberto ist mehr der Kritiker doch Cheng glaubt an die Jugend von Heute. Schicke uns dein Video (Siehe unten wie es genau sein muss) und wir zeigen dich und dein Experiment auf unserem Channel und ganz Deutschland setzt auf oder gegen dich. Das Video wird in 2 Teile geteilt, die in einem gewissen Abspann hochgeladen werden.. In dem ersten hört und sieht man nur deine Ankündigung was du vor hast, dann wird von den Youtubern auf oder gegen dich gesetzt.3 Tage später wird die Auflösung (Top oder Flop) hochgeladen und die Youtuber können sehen ob sie mit ihrer Vermutung richtig lagen.. Es ist kein Thema wenn du dein Experiment nicht schaffst, es muss einfach nur unterhaltsam sein... In deinem Video wirst du natürlich auch noch mal gepuscht und es wird nach der Auflösung auf dem Hamburgerhaenger channel hochgeladen, und evtl gibt es auch noch eine kleine Überraschung für deinen Mut. Lese dir die Informationen bitte sorgfältig durch Dieses Spiel ist nur für unsere Abonnenten Du willst dich für „I be you will not!" bewerben? Ganz einfach 1. Du musst Etwas können, oder ausprobieren was für die Zuschauer spannend sein könnte 2. Du nimmst das ganze auf Video auf und sagst bevor du den Versuch startest mein Name ist....und ich werde jetzt..... (Es ist nicht wichtig dass du dein Experiment schaffst, es muss nur spektakulär und interessant sein...Du kannst meinetwegen auch einen Eimer mit rohen Eiern trinken (Nicht empfehlenswert) 3. Du schickst das Video an ichwillrein@live.de (Am besten lädst du es irgendwo hoch, so dass wir es runterladen können"und mit gut Glück kommst du dann ins Video (Die Videos müssen keine Top Quali haben, aber es sollte schon vernünftig aufgenommen sein) Du willst einfach nur zuschauen und evtl sogar noch was fürs zuschauen gewinnen? 1. Gebe deine Vermutung ob die Person die Wette schafft einmal als Kommentar in dem Video ab und schicke deine Vermutung noch mal als Email an ichwillrein@live.de 2. Wenn du bei 3 verschiedenen Videos richtig getippt hast, hast du die Chance auf einen Gewinn (Ist immer verschieden) Es kann allerdings nur einer gewinnen (Sorry) Die Person wird dann einfach ausgelost (was wir auch aufnehmen, damit keiner das Gefühl hat, dass wir euch nur verseppeln wollen WICHTIG: Deine Email muss als Betreff: Name der Person die sich der Herausforderung stellt und ein ja oder nein. In der Mail sollte dann noch dein Youtube Name stehen.

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Time: 01:00
Views: 734 | Comments: 0

Cassandra Steen feat. Xavier Naidoo - Lass Mich Nicht Hier

aus dem Album "Darum Leben Wir" 2009

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Time: 01:00
Views: 684 | Comments: 0

Cascada - Evacuate The Dancefloor (Official Music Video)

Cascada - Evacuate The Dancefloor by Cloud9 Dance The new single from Cascada is available to buy now on download and CD single! Cascada was born as Natalie Horler on September 23, 1981 in Bonn, Germany. She explains: As my parents had moved from England to Germany a year earlier, I grew up here with them and my two sisters. My mother Christine is a foreign language teacher and my father David is a jazz musician with the WDR Big Band in Cologne. It is, of course, from him that I inherited my passion for music. He taught himself everything he knows from a young age. From an early age Nathalie often did recordings at her dad studios, singing mainly jazz and Disney songs. She also took different kinds of dancing lessons, like step dancing , jazz dance, hip hop and street dance and acted in a few plays as a teenager. After Natalie turned 17 things started to turn: after doing some studio work for various DJs, she eventually met Yann Pfeiffer and Manuel Reuter better known as Yanou and DJ Manian. After changing their name from Cascade to Cascada, the group gained some success in Germany with the singles Miracle and the follow-up Bad Boy. In 2006 Cascada experienced mainstream success in the Europe and the United States with Everytime We Touch, which interpolates the chorus of a 1992 Maggie Reilly song of the same name. The song gained platinum and gold certifications across the globe. The debut album, which was released shortly after the success of Everytime We Touch, brought forth some other chartbusters. With the worldwide release of the new single What Hurts The Most in December 2007, Cascada took the next step. This single became a top-10 hit in many European countries and not much later the second album of Cascada Perfect Day was released. Currently working on new hitsingles and the third album, the future of Cascada looks very bright! For more information visit: http://www.cloud9dance.com http://www.youtube.com/cloud9dance

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Time: 01:00
Views: 661 | Comments: 0

Dj MaGnUm (remix) Geo Da Silva - i'll do you like a truck

Dj MaGnUm (remix) 2009 Geo Da Silva i'll do you like a truck romainian best 2009 remix

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Time: 01:00
Views: 582 | Comments: 0

Crazy Sexy Geeks - Tim Gunn Strikes! Part the 2nd

PART TWO: Alan Kistler and Tim Gunn conclude their discussion on superhero fashion as they pass judgment on: Superman, Superboy, the Hulk and others! And what famous comic book character apparently stole one of Tim's suits? Be sure to watch PART ONE too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fQwU7uUPcU NOTE: We do not own the superheroes being discussed, we just enjoy them.

Added by: vshare

Time: 01:00
Views: 862 | Comments: 0

Sido - ein teil von mir

http://www.neobux.com/?r=macokovac WHAT IS NEOBUX? NeoBux is free worldwide service available in both English and Portuguese language. Our service consists on allowing advertisers to reach thousands of potential costumers by displaying their advertisement in our site and users to earn money by viewing those advertisements. Our users click on the advertiser's ad and view it during the amount of time specified by the advertiser. After viewing the ad, the user gets credited with a pre-determined amount of cash on their NeoBux account. You don't need to pay us to start earning. So, register now and start earning money for free! HOW MUCH CAN I WIN? The amount of cash the user earns varies between the user's membership, the ad viewed and the number of referrals the user has. For example: If you have a Golden Membership, click 10 top ads a day and refer 150 members who also click 10 top ads a day: You win $30.2 (US dollars) per day that translates to around $936.2 (US dollars) per month. Now, try to multiply that for a year! With even more referrals (which can be bought or obtained freely) and more ads, we will leave it to your imagination. (This is just an example. Actual earnings can be different depending on the factors above) You don't need to pay us to start earning. So, register now and start earning money for free! HOW MUCH DO I GET PAID AND WHEN? The amount we pay you is divided between several factors. First let's describe the amount you win per click and for each of your referral's purchases depending on the type of membership you have: Pioneer and Standard Membership Per click: $0.010 (standard view) · $0.015 (extended view) Per referral click: $0.005 (standard view) · $0.010 (extended view) referrals purchases: Nothing Golden Membership Per click: $0.010 (standard view) · $0.020 (extended view) Per referral click: $0.010 (standard view) · $0.020 (extended view) referrals purchases: 10% of each purchase (advertisements, referrals, etc.) Minimum Payout: The minimum payout amount is set at $2.00 (two US dolars) for your first payout request, $3.00 (three US dolars) for the second, $4.00 (four US dolars) for the third and so on until $10.00 (ten US dolars). This means that when you reach or go beyond this limit, you can request your earned money. Amount of time for payment processing: After you request your payment, you'll receive it instantly upon request or in less than 48 hours if AlertPay services are down. WHAT IS A REFERRAL? A referral is someone who works for you. Sounds good? Keep on reading: A referral gets what every other user gets when they click ads: Money! But, if a user that clicks ads is your referral, you get money too! There are two types of referral and three ways of getting them: Direct referral: This user registered using your username as their referer. Rented referral: You rented them. So, how do you get referrals? Here are the three ways you can do that: Use our banner: Show our banner online with a link to NeoBux with your username on that link (you can find the banners with the links in your account). When the visitor clicks that banner, he will be sent here. Then, all he has to do is register. We'll take care of the rest for you. Talk: Just tell everyone to register at NeoBux and to type your username on the referer field when they do so. Rent: You can rent referrals to work for you (this is not slavery... they win too). Just go to your account to do so. The quantity of referrals available will vary depending on how much users registered without a referer. You'll only get referrals that have clicked at least 10 advertisements in the past 5 days. The renting price for each referral per month is: Standard member: $0.30 Pioneer member: $0.25 Golden member: $0.20 Pay daily using AutoPay: You can activate AutoPay to extend your referrals next payment date. On the first click each referral makes per day, you'll pay to keep him/her for an extra day. This is the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to keep your referrals. Also, you'll save 10%. Recycle your referrals: You can recycle each referral any time you want to. Is your referral inactive or just clicks a few advertisements per day? No problem! For just $0.05 you can replace him with a new active referral. So, what are you waiting for? I BOUGHT SOMETHING. I WANT IT NOW! Yes, we know. That is why our delivery service is fast and professional. When you buy something at NeoBux, you will receive it as soon as the payment is approved. Even when loading a bus with referrals, it will only take a short time for them to arrive at your door. The funniest 6 minutes you will ever see! Remember how many of these you have done! Judson Laipply is dancing. how to Make Money Online with Paid to Click (PTC), Pay per Click (PPC), Paid to Read (PTR). MAKE MONEY FROM HOME, MAKE MONEY ONLINE

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Time: 01:00
Views: 1216 | Comments: 0

Alizee - J'en Ai Marre (Live, Sexy & with Lyrics)

[Updated 31st Oct 2008] I've uploaded new set of lyrics using youtube's latest closed captions. It's clearer than the old lyrics. You can choose either english or french. I guess that you can read them better now. =) -------------------------------------- [Original description] I've included the original French lyrics. The translation into English was done by moi-alizee. Mind you, this is totally different from "I'm Fed Up" lyrics. Be sure to watch it till the end, if u wanna see some "special" pics of Alizee. ;) Just to share it with you guys... this is the first French song, i've ever heard. I won't get bored with the melody, ever. sigh, she's soooooo cute.

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Time: 01:00
Views: 1305 | Comments: 0

Timbaland feat. JoJo - Loosing Control (with Lyrics + Downloadlink)

http://Rihannas-Rehab.de.vu http://Rihannas-Rehab.de.vu http://Rihannas-Rehab.de.vu Lyrics: COMING SOON! Free Full HQ MP3 Download: Will be added on Dec 08 2009. Artist: Timbaland Name: Shock Value 2 Tracklist: 01. Intro feat. DJ Felli Fell 02. Carry Out feat. Justin Timberlake 03. Loosing Control feat. JoJo 04. Meet In The Middle feat. BrandNu (aka Brandy) 05. Say Something feat. Drake 06. Tomorrow In A Bottle feat. Chad Kroeger (of Nickelback) & Sebastian 07. We Belong To The Music feat. Miley Cyrus 08. The Morning After Dark feat. Nelly Furtado & Soshy 09. If We Meet Again feat. Katy Perry 10. Can You Feel It feat. Sebastian 11. Ease Off The Liquor 12. Undertow feat. The Fray 13. Timothy feat. Jet 14. Long Way Down feat. Daughtry 15. Marching feat. One Republic 16. The One I Love feat. Keri Hilson, Chris Brown, & D.O.E. 17. Symphony feat. Attitude & BranNu (aka Brandy) (C) We Don't Own Anything. Promotional Use Only! Rihanna Lady Gaga Britney Spears Lady Gaga Lil Wayne Timbaland Justin Bieber Timberlake Ciara Cassie Akon P.Diddy Whitney Houston Oprah Winfrey Michael Latoya Joe Janet Katherine Paris Prince Jackson Unreleased Eva Simons Barack Obama Death Died Georg Bush Brian Kennedy Kanye West Jay-Z Pharrell Wiliams Amber Rose On Set Videoshoot Drake Jeremih Missy Elliot Kelly Clarkson RaVaughn Fred NigaHiga VenetianPrincess Ryan Chris Brown The Game Dream Usher Jordin Sparks One Republic Ryan Tedder Robbie Williams New Kids On The Block Comeback Wale Sean Paul Mario Nelly Furtado R.Kelly PussyCat Dolls Nicole Scherzinger Ne-Yo All Time Low All American Rejects Fabolous Teairra Marie Memphis Bleek Shontelle Rupee Elephant Man Trace Miley Billy Ray Tish Cyrus Metro Station Vanessa Hudgens Zac Efron Ashley Tisdale HSM High School Musical Jennifer Hudson Madonna Paul McCartney Joe Nick Kevin Jonas Brothers Mariah Carey Eminem Perez Hilton Dido Marilyn Manson Kelly Osbourne Larry King CNN James Morrison Blunt Fauntleroy Kalenna Little Britain Pamela Anderson Heidi Klum Naomi Campbell Tyra Banks Katie Price Victoria David Beckham American Idol Paul Potts Fernando Alonso Hamilton F1 Phillipe Massa Vettel Beyonce David Archuleta Guetta Will Am Fergie Black Eyed Peas JLS Mr Hudson Pitbull Cascada La Roux Kelly Rownland Keri Hilson Daniel Merriweather Agnes Sean Kingston Veronicas Lily Allen Green Day Soulja Boy Tellem Sammie Flo Rida Calvin Harris Nelly Furtado Linkin Park Pink Saturdays Jason Mraz Take That Kings Of Leon Taylor Swift Nickelback Shakira T.I. Mary J. Blige Carrie Underwood Jamie Lynn The Fray Daughtry Ting Tings Colbie Caillat Twista Maxwell Kid Cudi Trey Songz Demi Lovato Akon Selena Gomez Kristinia DeBarge Hyper Crush Moore Keyshia Cole Monica Letoya Luckett Brandy 2Pac Ashanti Aaliyah Alicia Keys Midway State Hannah Montana Kristen Stewart Leonardo Di Caprio Robert Pattinson Taylor Lautner Twilight Emma Watsan Jessica Biel Kendra Wilkinson Daniel Radcliffe Harry Potter

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Time: 01:00
Views: 756 | Comments: 0

Spongebob Schwammkopf Sings Otto Waalkes Verarsche

voll geil ziehts euch rein

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Time: 01:00
Views: 761 | Comments: 0

Azad ft. Adel Tawil - Ich glaub an dich kurdish-media.com


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Time: 01:00
Views: 645 | Comments: 0