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Classic Mini with engine of Suzuki Hayabusa

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Time: 01:00
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Cidinho & Doca - Rap Das Armas Lyrics English and Brazil.

Rap das armas - Rap About Guns Lyrics Brazil and English. Parapapapapapapapapa Parapapapapapapapapa Paparapapaparapa kla ki bum Parapapappapapapa Morro do Dendê é ruim de invadir Nos com os alemão vamos se divertir (é) Porque no Dendê eu vou dizer como é que é Aqui não tem mole nem pra DRE Pra subir aqui no morro até a BOPE treme Não tem mole pro exército, Civil nem pra PM Eu dou o maior conceito para os amigos meus Mas morro do Dendê, também é terra de Deus Tem um de AR15 e o outro de 12 na mão Tem mais um de pistola e outro com dois oitão Um vai de Uru na frente, escoltando o camburão Tem mais 2 na retaguarda, mas tão de crock na mão Amigos que eu não esqueço, nem deixo pra depois Lá vem dois irmãozinhos de 762 Dando tiro pro alto só pra fazer teste De INA, INBRA, Tek, pisto Uzi ou de Winchester É que eles são bandido ruim e ninguém trabalha De AK47 e na outra mão a metralha Esse rap é maneiro eu digo pra vocês Quem é aqueles caras d M 16 ? A vizinhança dessa massa já diz que não agüenta Na entrada da favela já tem ponto 50 E se tu tomar um " pá", será q você grita? Seja de ponto 50 ou então de ponto 30 Mas se for alemão eu não deixo pra amanha Acabo com o safado, dou-lhe um tiro de fazan Porque esses alemão são tudo safado Vem de garrucha velha da dois tiro e sai voado E se não for de revolver, eu quebro na porrada E finalizo o rap detonando de granada! Parapapapapapapapapa Parapapapapapapapapa Paparapapaparapa kla ki bum Parapapapapapapapapa English: Morro do Dendê's difficult to be raided/overran (by cops) We and the cops will have some fun (fun = to fight, to cross fire) Because now I'll tell you how the rules are here in Dende There's no mere chance here, even for DRE Even BOPE trembles before entering here in our ghetto No chance to Exercito, Civil or PM And I prize/value so much my friends (friends = accomplices) But Morro do Dende is a place that was also made by God One cop comes holdind an AR15, another's holding a 12 gauge shotgun And another's holding a pistol, and more one holding a 28 revolver One cops comes with a URU for first just to escort the bulletproof police car And there are two more cops escorting in rear, but they have mere crocks in their hands These are "friends" that I can't forget, and can't let them pass me by And there comes two bros holding 762 machine gun They're shooting to the air, just to make a test holding INA, INBRA, TEK, UZI pistol or Winchester But these guys are the true bandits, and nobody can work holding an AK47 in one hand and a machine gun in the other I'm telling you, guys, this rap is really cool, Look there, who are those guys with M16? The neighbood says they can stand it anymore 50 caliber guns have already come in the gateway to my ghetto And if you could get a mere shot, would you sream? It would be by a 50 caliber or a 30 caliber machine gun But in case of a cop, I do not permit him to escape I finish a bastard like this, I shoot him with a shot of fazan Because all these cops are corrupt They come with old shotguns in hands, then shoot two mere shots... ... and leave in hurry But If I do not have my revolver, I finish them by hiting/twating them AND HERE I FINISH MY RAP SHOOTING A GRENAADE. Parapapapapapapapapa Parapapapapapapapapa Paparapapaparapa kla ki bum Parapapapapapapapapa

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Time: 01:00
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Latter Days ~ Alles kann besser werden ~ Xavier Naidoo

Aaron´s journey to himself and separation of what he was made to believe in. This is my first full-clip vid with Sony 7.0 Warning: Gay scenes Clips from the movie: Latter Days Artist : Xavier Naidoo feat. Janet Grogan Song: Alles kann besser werden ~ All can get better As for a special request with English subs for the lyrics

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Time: 01:00
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Markus Becker - Die bunte Kuh

Hier ist der absolut neuste Hit von Markus Becker "Die bunte Kuh" singt einfach alle mit. Wie macht die bunte Kuh, die bunte Kuh macht .... muh

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Time: 01:00
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My Back Workout- Scott Herman

Follow me as I workout my back. Facebook: Bio-Engineered Supplements & Nutrition BSN Check out my Meal Plan!: TRX Jabra Follow me on Twitter! Check out for more information and detailed exercises!

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Time: 01:00
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Sunrise Avenue - Welcome to my life

Mein Erstes ♥ "Welcome to my life" von Sunrise Avenue Songtext: This is not really me You're an angel not asking who I am You understand That is not really you You look at me as if I'm something more Well dream on Welcome to my life You see it is not easy But I'm doing all right Welcome to my dream It's the only one who needs me And stays right by my side Welcome to my wonderland It'll take time to find out where we stand In all this mess There was the first day for me too And I had no guide and I was lost like you I still am But it makes me feel alive Welcome to my life You see it is not easy But I'm doing all right Welcome to my dream It's the only one who needs me And stays right by my side Once upon a time there was a guy Who thought life is a joyride of ladies and red wine He was so sure he'd get the prices and the glory with his rhymes He'd never need no one to be there beside him Now they're all surrounding me and I feel lonely So lonely Welcome to my life You see it is not easy But I'm doing all right Welcome to my dream It's the only one who needs me And stays right by my side Welcome to my life You see it is not easy But I'm doing all right Welcome to my dream It's the only one who needs me And stays right by my side

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Time: 01:00
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G-Serbo Feat. Franzose- Deine Zeit ist abgelaufen

G-Serbo Feat. Franzose- Deine Zeit ist abgelaufen

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Time: 01:00
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Secret Test Drive (AUDI A1) - Tokio Hotel TV

tokio hotel tv (18-07-10) TRADUZIONE Bill: Siamo stati lasciati in una località segreta per dare un'occhiata al nuovo A1 per la prima volta ... ci proverò ora. Tom: Credo che non incontrerà nessun altro sulla strada oggi alla guida di una ;-) A1 Bill: Anche prima che sia disponibile possiamo testare guidarla ... guarda impressionante. Tom:Sì, i cerchi sono malvagi Bill:ed ha i fari fresco Audi. Sembra ... Tom: ... si può sicuramente avere briciolo divertente ... Bill:assolutamente bella.Pronti ad entrare e mettersi in marcia. Bill:E 'davvero impressionante e compatto. Tom: Da dentro non si sente come se fossi in una piccola automobile. Bill:Ecco dove siamo Tom:Si, ora siamo in Elbbrücken Bill:Va bene. Devo dire che l'interno è fantastico. Tom: Attenzione, c'è un limitatore di velocità Bill:... lo so. ;-) Bill: L'amore al volante,, solo il modo finisched.All è tutto qui le domande sono coll, lo specchio, qui è tutto varnisched... Tom: ... il freno a mano ... Bill: ... e queste parti bianche sono freddo pure.E 'bella questa ruota multifunzione e sei seduto abbastanza in profondità Tom:E 'sportivo! Bill: Sicuramente sorta di sensazione da go-kart. Bill:I paparazzi ovunque ... estenuante, per certi ;-) Bill: La macchina risponde immediatamente! Il streering e tutti ... Tom: .. non è possibile valutare ll that.I 'prendersi cura di quella dopo ;-) Bill:Abbiamo appena provato, il motore si spegne al semaforo, cosi' cool! Tom:"Start & Stop". All'inizio ho pensato che questo potrebbe essere irritante, perché ci vuole più tempo.But è super veloce e il motore è tornato su. Bill: Attenzione, ora si spegne e si spegne ... Una macchina ha sempre significato una sorta di libertà per me. Volevo che la mia patente e auto propria più rapido possibile, di arrivare dove volevo.Basta entrare in macchina e prendere off.It sente decisamente come una casa, possedere una macchina. Per entrare in, bloccare le porte e le auto. Bill: Dopo Tom e io avevamo ottenuto la nostra licenza eravamo sulla strada del day.We intero drive anche ad alcuni dei nostri appuntamenti ... ourselves.Tom anche pensato di prendere la sua auto lungo il tour.Keep bello, miele ;-)Tom: Vuoi cambiare posto? Allora io ti posso mostrare come guidare veramente veloce e che cosa è in questa macchina? Bill:Non dirmi che hai portato lungo il nuovo album dei TOKIO HOTEL LIVE? Tom: Mi ha fatto effettivamente. Bill:Volete check it out? ;-)...... farmi vedere cosa si può fare, Tom! LIVE,April 12,2010! Tom: La questione è cosa si vuole veramente fuori da un auto ... Check this out, quando è in modalità sport che si possono ritenere il potere del pedale del gas! Tom:Tom: In qui si sente che è sicuramente una zona di deformazione, tutto è compatto e nulla scuote o sonagli. Tom: mi serve l'esperienza di guida sportiva, lo sterzo che è immediato e questa vettura ha certamente accellerazione forte, ...anche in città! Bill:In realtà, Tom non si può andare forte perché è come un pollo ... e devo dargli corse dappertutto. Tom: Quando ero un ragazzo il mio sogno è sempre stato di guidare. Ho pensato che non avevo mai raggiungere l'età in cui ho potuto farlo.Appena ho compiuto 17 ho completato la prima licenza palcoscenico. Bill:Bill: Questa è la chiave - avete solo bisogno di portare e quando ci si avvicina alla vettura che si apre automaticamente.You solo bisogno di avere in tasca e poi mettere da qualche parte. Tutto quello che dovete fare è premere il pulsante di avvio. Tom:... Ho battuto! Tom:La mia auto è come il mio soggiorno - ho i miei CD, mangio in là e hanno sempre qualcosa da bere e dolci nella mia macchina.I semplicemente passare un sacco di tempo lì dentro. Io posso andare dove voglio e nessuno mi dà sui nervi. Tom:Questo era il nostro test drive in breve l'Audi A1 - Ho avuto un sacco di divertimento, anche se non abbiamo potuto godere l'autostrada nella misura massima.Bellissima macchina,molto buona!

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Time: 01:00
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NichtLustig 4 Trailer - Joscha Sauer

Hier der Trailer von Joscha Sauer zu seinem Vierten Band von Nicht Lustig mit nicht lustigen, dennoch genialen Übertreibungen mit dem Dino, den Professoren und den Yetis. Seht selbst! Geniale Comics findet ihr bei, sowie aber auch dieses Video. News von "Ich hab die letzten Wochen von 2008 genutzt um das erste Drehbuch für die NICHTLUSTIG-Trickfilmserie zu schreiben, die ersten Sprachaufnahmen zu machen und die ersten Storyboards zu zeichnen." Bitte bewertet das Video und hinterlasst mir ein Kommentar, ich würde mich freuen! Mehr Comic-Videos von Zeichnern findet ihr in meiner Playlist in meinem Profil!

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Time: 01:00
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Auto-Tune the News #4: spa regulation. serbians. sotomayor.

Urgent issues call for equally urgent harmonies, and they are provided by politicians, pundits, and gorillas alike in this chapter of news opera. mp3 available-- Lyrics: EG: Ay, nah nah, hey hey, nah nah ay oh MG: I agree EG: Where all the shawties on the court? JS: It's ridiculous, one woman on the Supreme Court, uh, doesn't seem right to me. EG: Ain't nobody have a breakfast with all sausage and no eggs. MG: We need a shawty with a hot body and sexy legs. EG: When the court convenes it's an ancient sausage festival. MG: Only two ovaries, sixteen testicles.. BB: There are so many qualified women out there. MG: Qualified to get low in they apple-bottomed robe. MB: I completely agree with you. EG: And I complete agree, too. MG: How does Ginsburg stand being the only woman who ain't a man? BB: Judge Ginsburg said, she's really very lonely without another woman. MG, EG, BB: Without another woman, lonely without another woman! EG: I know what it's like with a woman gone, cryin in the nude with the curtains drawn. MB: Breaking news! EG, MG: Oh snap! News is broken! Breaking news, in ya face! MB: Obama has picked Sonia Sotomayor. EG, MG: She's a shawty, She's a Boricua! EG: Jurisprudent! JS: With soft thighs! MG: And other soft features, that Ginsburg can appreciate, stayin up late, makin sure to thank heaven above. EG: because she ain't All: lonely without another woman, lonely without another woman! EG: Listen up, y'all, Joe Biden's got a shout out! This one goes out to all the serbians And also the ladies But mostly the Serbians JB: And until the Serbian people Look themselves in the face Understand what their leaders have done And convinced them of Until that moment arrives Serbian people will not Be able to shed this notion of victimization That all of their leaders prey upon And manipulate them with Until that moment arrives Until the Serbian people look themselves in the face Until that moment arrives Until that moment arriiiiiiiiives KC: April showers bring May flowers But what do May flowers bring? AG: Romance for a shawty KC: Possibly lead poisoning AG: ::Barf:: KC: Lead poisoning AG: ::Barf, barf:: I'm gettin sick like ::Barf, barf, barf, barf, barf:: KC: Before you dig in and start to enjoy all the Fruits and vegetables of your labor AG: Shawty KC: You'd better get your soil tested first AG: Oh KC: Your soil tested first AG: Oh, I live in the ghetto So I'll expect the worst KC: Paint chippings and old pesticides May be buried insiiiiide AG: Me, oh my KC: Raising the level of lead in the soil The tests are inexpensive And some local health departments Do them for freeeeeeee AG: Even for a talking head thug like me? KC: Once you're in the clear Mary, Mary quite contrary Plant away AG: Okay And when asked how does your garden grow Tell them it's healthy, green and lead-free AG: I'll say it's healthy, green and lead-free, shawty KC: Healtheeeeeee AG: Healtheeeeeee, believe me I ain't tryna munch on a poison zucchini NG: This bill actually has the secretary of energy Regulating jacuzzis Now, the ideastrikes me As close to being nuts AG: I agree--I'm an angry gorilla and that makes me angry JI: The only jacuzzis this will regulate Will have to produce 2,500 mega watts of energy AG: You made me angry with lies Hurt my angry gorilla pride; I'm angry NG: On page 233, uh Line 5: portable electric spas All: Portable electric spas! MG: No spa is above the law! NG: Now, I don't know what a portable electric spa is I was told it was a jacuzzi But that's in this bill AG: So it's true! I'm no longer angry at you My original anger's renewed JI: We will give you a hot spa That is energy efficient I hope that doesn't offend you AG: He might have a point My anger's makin a switch Cuz you're being a little b*$& But maybe not Maybe you're just defending freedom and justice for jacuzzis ohhhhhh What's this? a single tear that is wet that i shed When an angry gorilla cries Who's gonna be there to dry his eyes? And when an angry gorilla's depressed Who's gonna heal him with a soft caress? Ooh ooh ah ah, the tears are rolling down my cheeks Ooh ooh ah ah, liquid sorrow that my eyes excrete And I'm a soulja, but a soulja's got feelings, Don't know whom to lend my anger to, And that's why I'm crestfallen and confused Shawty

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Time: 01:00
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