WHAT IS NEOBUX? NeoBux is free worldwide service available in both English and Portuguese language. Our service consists on allowing advertisers to reach thousands of potential costumers by displaying their advertisement in our site and users to earn money by viewing those advertisements. Our users click on the advertiser's ad and view it during the amount of time specified by the advertiser. After viewing the ad, the user gets credited with a pre-determined amount of cash on their NeoBux account. You don't need to pay us to start earning. So, register now and start earning money for free! HOW MUCH CAN I WIN? The amount of cash the user earns varies between the user's membership, the ad viewed and the number of referrals the user has. For example: If you have a Golden Membership, click 10 top ads a day and refer 150 members who also click 10 top ads a day: You win $30.2 (US dollars) per day that translates to around $936.2 (US dollars) per month. Now, try to multiply that for a year! With even more referrals (which can be bought or obtained freely) and more ads, we will leave it to your imagination. (This is just an example. Actual earnings can be different depending on the factors above) You don't need to pay us to start earning. So, register now and start earning money for free! HOW MUCH DO I GET PAID AND WHEN? The amount we pay you is divided between several factors. First let's describe the amount you win per click and for each of your referral's purchases depending on the type of membership you have: Pioneer and Standard Membership Per click: $0.010 (standard view) · $0.015 (extended view) Per referral click: $0.005 (standard view) · $0.010 (extended view) referrals purchases: Nothing Golden Membership Per click: $0.010 (standard view) · $0.020 (extended view) Per referral click: $0.010 (standard view) · $0.020 (extended view) referrals purchases: 10% of each purchase (advertisements, referrals, etc.) Minimum Payout: The minimum payout amount is set at $2.00 (two US dolars) for your first payout request, $3.00 (three US dolars) for the second, $4.00 (four US dolars) for the third and so on until $10.00 (ten US dolars). This means that when you reach or go beyond this limit, you can request your earned money. Amount of time for payment processing: After you request your payment, you'll receive it instantly upon request or in less than 48 hours if AlertPay services are down. WHAT IS A REFERRAL? A referral is someone who works for you. Sounds good? Keep on reading: A referral gets what every other user gets when they click ads: Money! But, if a user that clicks ads is your referral, you get money too! There are two types of referral and three ways of getting them: Direct referral: This user registered using your username as their referer. Rented referral: You rented them. So, how do you get referrals? Here are the three ways you can do that: Use our banner: Show our banner online with a link to NeoBux with your username on that link (you can find the banners with the links in your account). When the visitor clicks that banner, he will be sent here. Then, all he has to do is register. We'll take care of the rest for you. Talk: Just tell everyone to register at NeoBux and to type your username on the referer field when they do so. Rent: You can rent referrals to work for you (this is not slavery... they win too). Just go to your account to do so. The quantity of referrals available will vary depending on how much users registered without a referer. You'll only get referrals that have clicked at least 10 advertisements in the past 5 days. The renting price for each referral per month is: Standard member: $0.30 Pioneer member: $0.25 Golden member: $0.20 Pay daily using AutoPay: You can activate AutoPay to extend your referrals next payment date. On the first click each referral makes per day, you'll pay to keep him/her for an extra day. This is the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to keep your referrals. Also, you'll save 10%. Recycle your referrals: You can recycle each referral any time you want to. Is your referral inactive or just clicks a few advertisements per day? No problem! For just $0.05 you can replace him with a new active referral. So, what are you waiting for? I BOUGHT SOMETHING. I WANT IT NOW! Yes, we know. That is why our delivery service is fast and professional. When you buy something at NeoBux, you will receive it as soon as the payment is approved. Even when loading a bus with referrals, it will only take a short time for them to arrive at your door. The funniest 6 minutes you will ever see! Remember how many of these you have done! Judson Laipply is dancing. how to Make Money Online with Paid to Click (PTC), Pay per Click (PPC), Paid to Read (PTR). MAKE MONEY FROM HOME, MAKE MONEY ONLINE
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Time: 01:00
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Sehr witzig: GEZ Sehr witzig - neue schwarze Comedy im NDR Fernsehen
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Time: 01:00
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lustige / witzige Hunde / crazy dogs
Sie wollen im Intenet viel Geld verdienen? Hier einige Links die ihnen im Handumdrehen bis zu 2500€ pro Monat einbringen werden! oder oder Verrückte Hunde Hund Hunde Bellen Träumt Und Läuft Schläft Paarung Welpen Rüde Büro Gebell Hundegebell Bellt Kampf Training Abrichten Zähmen Hundeschule Schule Kämpfe Die Beißen Nicht Videos Unfall Unfälle Tiere Tier Werbung Lieder Pannen Leine Bilder Katze Haustier Bett Futter Pedigree Verrückt Lustig Lachen Crazy Krank Durchdrehen Schwanz Dj Fell Ohren Nase Schnauze Clip Haushund Homevideo Rasse Dumm Welt Kaufen Verkaufen Zulegen Tierheim witzig
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Time: 01:00
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Smart diablo construçao ( Power by Hayabusa )
smart diablo construçao desde o prencipio A Smart for two which has got implanted a Hayabusa engine with yoshimura special racing parts
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Time: 01:00
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Xavier Naidoo - Führ Mich Ans Licht Xavier Naidoo - Führ Mich Ans Licht Deinen Namen trägt mein Herz Dein Fehlen ist mein Schmerz So rein zu sein wie du Zeig, wie ich das tu Du gibst mehr, als du hast Du liebst mehr, als du hasst Du siehst mehr, als du fasst Fällst niemandem zur Last Pass nur auf, wenn du gehst Wenn du deine Pläne hegst Was Freunde schafft und pflegt Denn bist du unterwegs Zähl ich die Tage Ich erhebe die Klage Führ mich ans Licht, ich enttäusch dich nicht Führ mich ans Licht, ich enttäusch dich nicht Wir werden teilen, was ich hab Du wirst prüfen, was ich sag Geben, was ich dir gab Ich warte auf den Tag Du wirst sehen, ich mach wahr Was vor dir noch keiner sah Ich bau dir deine Welt Denn ich wär so gern dein Held Du verlässt nur mein Haus, wenn du gehst Du wirst ernten, was du säst Sieh zu, dass du alles verstehst Denn bist du unterwegs Zähl ich die Tage Ich erhebe die Klage Führ mich ans Licht, ich enttäusch dich nicht Führ mich ans Licht, ich enttäusch dich nicht Du bist noch lang nicht in Sicht Weisst deinen Namen wohl noch nicht Mein Wort hat kein Gewicht Doch ich schreib dir dein Gedicht Ich bin dein, du bist mein Ich werd vor dir für dich schreien Wann wirst du bei mir sein Ohne dich bin ich allein Du bist der Spross unseres Baums Die Erfüllung meines Traums Du bist der, der mich in sich trägt Und bist du auf deinem Weg Zähl ich die Tage Ich erhebe die Klage Führ mich ans Licht, ich enttäusch dich nicht Führ mich ans Licht, ich enttäusch dich nicht Du gibst mehr, als du hast Du liebst mehr, als du hasst Du siehst mehr, als du fasst Fällst niemandem zur Last Pass nur auf, wenn du gehst Wenn du deine Pläne hegst Was Freunde schafft pflegt Denn bist du unterwegs Zähl ich die Tage Ich erhebe die Klage Führ mich ans Licht, ich enttäusch dich nicht Führ mich ans Licht, ich enttäusch dich nicht Ich zähle ich die Tage Ich erhebe die Klage Führ mich ans Licht, ich enttäusch dich nicht Führ mich ans Licht, ich enttäusch dich nicht
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Time: 01:00
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PreOp® Patient Education Myomectomy Vaginal Fibroid Surgery
SEE MORE VIDEOS @ Patient Education @ 617-379-1582 INFO Your gynecologist has recommended that you undergo surgery to remove vaginal fibroids. But what does that actually mean? The uterus is part of a woman's reproductive system - it's the organ that contains and protects a growing fetus during pregnancy. Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that grow from the inner or outer wall of the uterus. They are quite common - as many as 20% of women over 30 will develop fibroids sometime during their lifetimes. In most cases fibroids do not cause any discomfort and are never detected. Occasionally, however, fibroid tumors can cause problems. Complications from fibroid growth can include: * Pressure on the urinary system. * Pressure on the intestines. * Interference with the reproductive system * Or infection. Because these tumors can grow to be very large, surgery is usually recommended in order to restore health and to protect the uterus.
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Time: 01:00
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♥Die Produktliste: ♥Schaut auch mal in meinen Accessoires Online-Shop vorbei: ♥Besucht doch auch mal meine Webseite: ♥Verfolgt, was ich den Tag über so mache und zwitschert mit mir: ♥Werdet Mitglied auf meiner Facebook Seite:
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Time: 01:00
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Sehr Witzig - Fiete Börnsen&Dörte Petzold: Gegrnüberstellung
Sketch aus der Comedy Sendung "sehr witzig". Ist Weihnachten und Sylvester 2007 im NDR gelaufen.
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Time: 01:00
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The Stupid Cup (Rémi GAILLARD) REMI GAILLARD Foot 2010
The Stupid Cup (Rémi GAILLARD) REMI GAILLARD Music by FILENTRE artiste Reggae Pop
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Time: 01:00
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