Best of Dirty Dancing with Patrik Swayze and Jennifer Grey
Best part of Dirty Dancing movie. DIRTY DANCING is a film about change. The evolving nature of relationships within the family, the changes in one's view of the world during their coming of age, etc. The story takes place during August of 1963, the final weeks of the last summer of innocence for the American people. The many personal changes experienced by the characters reflect the many changes in American society that would be marked by the Kennedy assassinations and Vietnam. Female movie go'ers adored this film and repeated trips to the movie houses made it the world's most successful dance movie. As a male I find the romantic pairing of ultimate stud Patrick Swayze with very plain Jennifer Grey very hard to accept. This would be fatal for most romantic dramas, and it also may have create the intense dislike expressed by most male reviewers. The film's soundtrack found #1 status before the release of the movie. To this day it is nearly impossible to attend a wedding reception without hearing a DIRTY DANCING song. Near the midpoint of the film Baby's mother wakes up and asks Baby's father, "Is anything wrong?" Baby's father, the anti-change family member, attempts to keep all that is happening a secret. He tells his wife to go back to sleep. However, resist as one can, change is unstopable. DIRTY DANCING is the story of one person waking up just at the final moments of our country's last sleep in innocence.
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Time: 01:00
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Bonnie Tyler - It's A Heartache live (Klassefesten, Norway
great song
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Time: 01:00
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Bonnie Tyler and Only Men Aloud perform Total Eclipse Of The Heart on GMTV
Bonnie Tyler and choir Only Men Aloud belt out a fantastic new version of her 80s classic Total Eclipse Of The Heart in the GMTV studio
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scooter - the question is what is the question
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This is an advanced ab workout, if you are a beginning bodybuilder please see my website for some more appropriate ab workouts. Just a reminder, ab workouts do NOT remove fat. If you have a beer belly or love handles, you need to do cardio and have better nutrition - doing ab exercises will NOT help. Why do abs? Well, not only because a 6-pack looks really cool but strong abs are key for virtually every sport except tiddley winks. Ab strength is critical for hitting a baseball, whacking a golf ball, and especially in sports involving punching where most of the power in the punch comes from your core. Even if you dont do any sports, a strong core can protect your spine from injury. Now, people get really confused about ab workouts - do you do them once a week or every day? Do you do high reps or low reps? First lets clear the air, there is no "right" or "wrong" ab workout, it depends on your goals. The abs are like any other muscle, if you want them to get bigger and stronger, you work them out hard with heavy weight and give them plenty of rest between workouts to recover. If you want a small, flat waist like a marathon runner then you do a few minutes of abs everyday with no weight and high reps. If you want a really muscular core like a pro bodybuilder with big ab ridges and deep valleys, then workout with high weight and low rep and allow 5-7 days between workouts (morph zoom). Alles Klar? OK, so this particular ab workout is for people who want those big abs with deep valleys. Lets get started. This is going to be a killer 30min workout and were going to do this every 5 to 7 days. We are going to do a five supersets with about 3 minutes between. Each superset is going to consist of the following six exercises. •crunch at max weight (dead) •crunch with 50% weight (dead) •bicycles with 50% weight (dead) •crunch with 0 (dead) •bickcles with 0 (dead) •side plank 2x At the end of the superset, you are going to be DEAD. Now to prove I can take my own medicine, lets do a superset. rest 3min, repeat. Many people make the mistake of taking it at first to save energy for the sets at teh end, thats a mistake. You have to give each of the exercises 100% effort as if it were the only exercise you were going to do. Nutrition is key to losing fat and getting 6-pack abs! I cover nutrition on my website, if thats not detailed enough for you I have reviewed and recommended some excellent books:
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Time: 01:00
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Breaking Benjamin - So Cold (Official Music Video)
Breaking Benjamin - So Cold Official Music Video.....Enjoy!^^ Lyric:- Crowded streets all cleared away One by One Hollow heroes separate As they run You're so cold Keep your hand in mine Wise men wonder while Strong men die Show me how it end it's alright Show me how defenseless you really are Satisfy an empty inside That's alright, let's give this another try If you find your family, don't you cry In this land of make-believe, dead and dry You're so cold, but you feel alive Lay your hands on me one last time Show me how it end it's alright Show me how defenseless you really are Satisfy an empty inside That's alright, let's give this another try Show me how it end it's alright Show me how defenseless you really are Satisfy an empty inside That's alright, let's give this another try It's alright It's alright It's alright It's alright It's alright It's alright It's alright It's alright It's alright
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Time: 01:00
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Smooth criminal - Michael Jackson (Live in Bucharest 1992) [HD]
Madalin Games: "Smooth Criminal" is the seventh single from Michael Jackson's Bad album (1988). The song contains a fast-paced beat intertwined with Jackson's lyrics about a woman named Annie, who has been attacked in her apartment by a "smooth" assailant. It was released as a single on October 24, 1988 and peaked at 7 on the Billboard Hot 100.[1] It was re-released on April 10, 2006 as a part of the Visionary: The Video Singles box-set. The re-released Visionary single charted at #19 in the UK. In 2003, the song appeared on the Number Ones greatest hits album. "Smooth Criminal" was presented in a ten-minute long clip in which Jackson dances through a 1930s-style nightclub (known in the film as "Club 30s"). The version of the song used in the clip is different from the album version: the background beats are different, there are several new lyrics (see below), and the song is much longer overall. The version of the video that is usually aired on network television is 4 minutes long and is merely a sped up version of the clip from the film. Jackson briefly moonwalks before the famous anti-gravity lean. The ten minute long "Smooth Criminal" clip is reminiscent of the musical number known as "The Girl Hunt Ballet" which is featured as the final number in the 1952 musical film The Band Wagon starring Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse. "The Girl Hunt Ballet" is a spoof of Mickey Spillane's hard-boiled detective novels. "Smooth Criminal" was a song that almost didn't make it into the Bad album. With the final decision to include the song, Jackson originally decided to make the music video a western-styled short film. However, he later decided to change the style into a 1930s nightclub style. Remastered by Madalin Stanciu in Sony Vegas Pro 8 software.
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Time: 01:00
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Transformers 2: CGI Megan Fox Even Hotter This Time
The entire CGI budget of the film goes to digitally mastering Megan Fox's hotness. Featuring Josh Lay, Jason Kalter, Jon Pack, Paul Welsh and Ben Rodgers. Idea by Jason Kalter and Jon Pack of Rue Brutalia. Graphics by Mike Antonucci. Shot by Noah Yuan-Vogel.
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Time: 01:00
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Classic Game Room HD reviews TRANSFORMERS 2 CHARACTER AND MAP PACK Plus! This CGR review of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Character and Map Pack Plus shows gameplay using the new, downloadable G1 and bonus Transformers for the video game. Play as the original, old school G1 versions of Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream and Sunstorm. Also play as Soundwave, Sideswipe, Jazz and Jetfire. All characters are playable in single player mode as well as multiplayer, except Jerfire who is only Multiplayer. You also get three additional maps in this download kit, new retro-colored skins for Ratchet and SIdeswipe as well as an expert difficulty mode for the game. This Transformers 2 character and map pack download for Xbox 360 and PS3 has new achievement points and trophies as well. Is it worth getting? I guess that depends on how much you love transformers and want to play as the old school characters. If you play a lot of multiplayer it may be worth a look for sure. CGR thinks that the addition of the old school comic book and movie style Transformers is awesome. Expert difficulty is also a good addition. Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Character and Map Pack Plus review
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Time: 01:00
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