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♥♥♥ Gewinnspiel ♥♥♥

♥Die Ohrringe gibt es in meinen Accessoires Online-Shop: ♥Besucht doch auch mal meine Webseite: ♥Verfolgt, was ich den Tag über so mache und zwitschert mit mir: ♥Werdet Mitglied auf meiner Facebook Seite: ♥♥♥ Tolle Accessoires findet ihr auch in der Perlerei-Liebevoll: ♥♥♥

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Time: 01:00
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Funny Snowman Prank Season 2 Episode 2

Behind the scenes Facebook Circle me? Google+ Vote for meeeee ‪‬ So I'm running for King of the Web and would appreciate your support! Only if you think I deserve the crown. This episode was shot On Thayer St in Providence RI and in front of Google HQ in NYC. We decided to try something a little different with the music and reached out to one of my old friends to see if he could create a dustup mix for the series, I hope you all like it as much as I do. We got some great reactions which include random judges scoring the scares. One of the women we scared nearly had a heart attack and another beat us with her umbrella. Music by Mike Mulah for Hip Hop Frat House  Download Sugar Plum Dubstep Christmas on Itunes @hiphopfrathouse Youtuber's Spotted in this video T-shirts @thescarysnowman

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
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McDonalds Excorcism Prank Call HILARIOUS ! - OwnagePranks

This is a second call I did to a McDonalds manager who used to be a crack head. The last time I spoke to him he said he could remove the devil from my soul.. so this time I called back and took him up on his offer.. lmao Become my facebook fan! I pre-release my videos on facebook, so you'll see them before they appear on my YouTube profile (The facebook version is uncensored) Register and join the community @ Follow me on twitter! If you do all this you'll definitely catch my next live show! I have another call to this same guy, let me know if you guys want me to upload it :) (part 2) Comment and subscribe!

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 1107 | Comments: 0

Kaká Top 10 Goals

The best goals song: Shiny Toy Guns - You Are The One #59 - Most Responded (This Month) - Deportes #6 - Most Responded (Today) - Deportes #18 - Most Responded (This Week) - Deportes #69 - Most Responded (All Time) - Deportes Thanks! :)

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 1107 | Comments: 0


ICH KENNE NICHTS DAS SO SCHÖN IST WIE DU Xavier Kurt Naidoo (born 2 October 1971 in Mannheim, Germany) is a German singer and songwriter of South African mother and Indian father, who sings in German and occasionally in English. He is known for his soulful voice and has collaborated with several famous artists such as the Wu-Tang Clan's RZA, Deborah Cox and 3-P's Sabrina Setlur, along with the Swiss artist Stress. Many of his lyrics show his deep Christian beliefs. He sings in a number of styles, including soul, R&B and hip hop. His most famous releases include "Ich kenne nichts", "20,000 Meilen", "Soul on Fire", "Dieser Weg", "Danke" and "Sie sieht mich nicht", which was featured on the German release of the film soundtrack for Asterix. Naidoo's popularity has massively increased since he joined groups like Söhne Mannheims, and Brothers Keepers and the charity project Zeichen der Zeit in the early 2000s. The first Album was only released in the USA and is called "Seeing is believing", but he was most successful with the 1998 released album "Nicht von dieser Welt". It reached #1 in Germany, #5 in Austria and #12 in Switzerland. He gained major success with the 2002 released album "Zwischenspiel - Alles für den Herrn". The most successful album was released in 2005, entitled "Telegramm für X". The German singer is planning a new album called "Alles kann besser werden". It will be released in October 2009. The cover art for the album is provided by Dutch artist Chris Berens. AWARDS: 1999: MTV Europe Music Award - "Best German Act" 2000: ECHO - "Best National Male Artist - Rock/Pop" 2002: Goldene Stimmgabel 2002: Comet - "Best Act National" 2002: MTV Europe Music Award - "Best German Act" 2004: Amadeus Award - "Record of The Year" for "Ich kenne nichts (Das so schön ist wie Du)" 2006: Goldene Kamera - "Pop National" 2006: ECHO - "Best National Male Artist - Rock/Pop"

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 1107 | Comments: 0

dreiste Affen füttern (witzig)

ausflug in vogel und auffenpark in eckenhagen.

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
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Funny Snowman Prank Season 2 Episode 1

Season 2 Episode 1 Exclusive Videos & Pictures Google+ T-shirts Follow us @thescarysnowman Here we go! Kicking off season 2 of the Scary Snowman prank. In this episode we set up on Thayer St again Providence. We scared a woman walking her dog, a woman jogging, and an old lady who we thought was going to have a heart attack. We also scared a bunch of girls, with some great reactions and screams. We hope this episode makes you laugh out loud funny. Music by

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Time: 01:00
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Eye Pet - Official E3 Trailer [HD]

Title: EyePet Release Date: Q4 2009 Platforms: PS3 Label: Sony Computer Entertainment Genre: Life Simulation Age Rating: RP (Rating Pending)

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Time: 01:00
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Les Plus Belles Femmes sexy I le plaisir sans vous ruiner. Retrouver vos marques favorites sur tous vos achats avec des bons de reductions et des remises.

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Time: 01:00
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2011 Porsche Boxster Spyder Road Test Video

2011 Porsche Boxster Spyder Full Test: More Articles: Car Prices & Info: Inside Line on Twitter: on Twitter: Facebook Page: Hi-Res Videos: side-line We don't know if anyone's ever called the Porsche Boxster the Beverly Hills Miata, but we're going to. It's maddening. The landscape of Los Angeles' richest suburb is littered with Boxsters. They're driven by soccer moms while their kids are with the nanny; by USC co-eds living off their parents' Amex Black card; and by movie agents yet to make the scene and jump to a 911 Cabriolet. It's enough to make you ignore the history of Porsche engineering and motorsports that this car's retro-style round face and plump bodywork are meant to evoke.

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 1105 | Comments: 0