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Videos 6411-6420 of 11185

Gossip Girl 2x23: Chuck lets Blair go

In probably one of the best scenes ever, Chuck lets Blair go because he loves her, but can't make her happy (well at least in his mind!?!). If you weren't crying when you saw this scene, you're dead inside like Chandler Bing. ;) HONORS May 5, 2009 #94 - Top Favorited (Today) #23 - Top Favorited (Today) - Entertainment #90 - Top Rated (Today) - Entertainment #92 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - France #81 - Top Favorited (Today) #17 - Top Favorited (Today) - Entertainment #81 - Top Rated (Today) - Entertainment #93 - Most Discussed (Today) - Entertainment #64 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - France #68 - Top Favorited (Today) #78 - Top Rated (Today) - Entertainment May 6, 2009 Honors for this video (18) #59 - Most Discussed (Today) - Entertainment #50 - Most Viewed (Today) - Australia #72 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - Germany #19 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - Australia #70 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - United Kingdom #92 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - Ireland #45 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - New Zealand #85 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - Israel #62 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment #35 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - France #86 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - Italy #83 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - Poland #43 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - Czech Republic #35 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - Sweden #41 - Top Favorited (Today) #11 - Top Favorited (Today) - Entertainment #90 - Top Favorited (This Week) - Entertainment May 9, 2009 #99 - Most Viewed (This Week) - Entertainment - Australia #41 - Top Favorited (This Week) - Entertainment May 11, 2009 #85 - Most Viewed (This Week) - Entertainment - Australia #94 - Most Viewed (This Week) - Entertainment - France #39 - Top Favorited (This Week) - Entertainment

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Time: 01:00
Views: 665 | Comments: 0

Fitness - Hot Body Workout

To follow Zuzana's original daily workouts and diet tips visit her free fitness site: http://www.BodyRock.Tv

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Time: 01:00
Views: 665 | Comments: 0

winx Virtual Barber Shop (use headphones, close ur eyes)

winx club Virtual Barber Shop (Audio...use headphones, close ur eyes) use head phones if you dont it will NOT work. really freaky!

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 665 | Comments: 0

bushido feat Kay one fackeln im wind

wm track :)

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Time: 01:00
Views: 665 | Comments: 0

Animator VS Animation 2

Animator VS Animation 2

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Time: 01:00
Views: 664 | Comments: 0 - 2009 Porsche 911 Carrera S - Video car review of the new 2009 Porsche 911 Carrera S. Filmed at Miller Motorsport Park in Utah.

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Time: 01:00
Views: 664 | Comments: 0

The Time Traveler's Wife (2009)- Official Trailer

The Time Travelers Wife is based on the best-selling book about a love that transcends time. Clare (Rachel McAdams) has been in love with Henry (Eric Bana) her entire life. She believes they are destined to be together, even though she never knows when they will be separated: Henry is a time traveler—cursed with a rare genetic anomaly that causes him to live his life on a shifting timeline, skipping back and forth through his lifespan with no control. Despite the fact that Henrys travels force them apart with no warning, Clare desperately tries to build a life with her one true love.

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Time: 01:00
Views: 664 | Comments: 0

Dana White UFC 106 Video Blog - 11/17

First Dana White video blog leading up to UFC 106 on Saturday, Nov. 21st.

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Time: 01:00
Views: 664 | Comments: 0

Cool Change Little River Band

Cool Change Little River Band.Another video creation

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Time: 01:00
Views: 664 | Comments: 0

"Funny Pranks" - Best Pranks of 2009

Funny Pranks - Best Pranks of 2009 compilation. Highlights of our best pranks of the year.

Added by: blogpost_biz

Time: 01:00
Views: 664 | Comments: 0