Geo Da Silva Ft. DJ Tony Ray - You Wanna Smoke With Me Some Weed
produced by Tony Ray
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Time: 01:00
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Justin Bieber singing "favorite girl"
this video belongs to kiss fm
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 678 |
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Hi this is another song from another film i love so thought i would do this one too, again sorry there isnt any video to this one either, i hope you enjoy it if you do please subscribe, leave a comment, rate it or share it with your friends, Love Louise x
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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The new Scooter video from the outcoming new single "And No Matches" (23.11.2007) Also check their new album "Jump around the world" coming on 30.11.2007!!!
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Another Scrubs thing ^^ *sry it took so long* At the end there is a typo ;P *EDIT* Hello Everyone! Yes i know i spelled Zach's name wrong, i appologise for that, and no i didn't "make" the series etc, but i am the one who clipped the two parts together, thats why i present. Hope this clears a few things! ^^
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 678 |
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Humorous video Subject :Dr House, seasons 1-2-3 Song : "Crazy" remix
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Here is a teen workout appropriate for people ages 10-17. Contrary to myths you might have heard, working out IS good for teens and it wont stunt growth. This is a 45min upper body workout you will do 2-3 times a week. There are seven exercises to workout pecs, lats, triceps, biceps and abs. These exercises are self spotting which means you can do them safely alone. You will perform all these exercises in the order shown, then repeat the whole thing two more times so that you end up doing three sets of every exercise. chest: pushups, flys, dumbbell press lats: pullups, rows abs: crunches biceps: curls triceps: french press For each exercise we want to do between 8 and 15 reps. First, we are always going to lift slowly, 2s up and 2s down [demo with count]. If you can do more than 15 of these slow reps then its too easy for you and you need use more weight. If you cant do 8 slow reps then you are using too much weight and you are likely to get injured. Nutrition is key to being able to add muscle! I cover nutrition on my website, if thats not detailed enough for you I have reviewed and recommended some excellent books:
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 678 |
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Cowboy Bebop - Sunrise Avenue -Fairytale gone bad Amv
My new AMV!!!=) As "quite" "always" the anime is cowboy bebop but this time the song is "Fairytale gone bad" by Sunrise avenue.....i like this song,i remeber some good time spend with it...i hpoe you like it =)
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 678 |
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Mein erstes Video... Bald kommen viele Videos hinzu also abonnieren und im laufendem sein :) Falls ihr Wünsche habt ... dann schreibt mir PM
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 678 |
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Fler feat.Bushido-Mit dem Bmw/Flersguterjunge
FLER STREETVIDEOPREMIERE Am heutigen Abend hält Fler eine kleine Überraschung für alle bereit: Ab 22.00 Uhr findet die Premiere seines Streetclips "Mit dem BMW / Flersguterjunge" - beide Tracks zusammen mit Bushido - statt. Also unbedingt einschalten!
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
Views: 678 |
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