FC Bayern München - Fitness First Winter Stars 11:1 Alle Tore/Highlights (08/08/2010)
Testspiel: FC Bayern München - Fitness First Winter Stars Saisoneröffnung des FC Bayern München aus der Allianz Arena, wo der amtierende Double-Sieger auf die "Fitness First Winterstars" trifft.
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Time: 01:00
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Culcha Candela - Schöne Neue Welt
Neuer song von Culcha Candela!!!!! hier die lyrics: Die Welt geht unter,doch bei uns ist Party,Halli-Galli, alles im Eimer doch wir hüpfen wie bei Dalli-Dalli. Jeder sagt das Klima is ne riesen Katastrophe doch bald brauchen wir nurnoch Bikini und ne Badehose. Ich will mehr Fastfood fressen,wer braucht schon Regenwald? Solang mein Konto voll ist und für mich noch Luft zum Leben bleibt. Alle sind Hamma drauf,keiner braucht mehr Angst zu haben, keiner wird mehr krank,weil wir eh schon jede Krankheit haben- Und fliegt das Kraftwerk in die Luft fängt jeder an zu strahlen! Chorus Herzlich Willkommen,herzlich Willkommen, in unsrer schönen neuen Welt, ab heute bleibt nichts wie es war, alles wird auf den Kopf gestellt! Herzlich Willkommen,herzlich Willkommen, in unsrer schönen neuen Welt, was morgen wird,ist scheiss egal- Wir feiern! Bis alles zerfällt. Überall sind Kameras,was für ne Riesenshow, egal wer meine Daten hat,ich hab mein eigenes Video! Dank Überwachsungsstaat kann ich jetzt seelig schlafen, jeder hat nen Chip im Kopf,liegt im Bettchen,zählt die Schaafe. Alle sind fröhlich,ham ihr Botox-Lächeln aufgesetzt, Fett abgesaugt und weg, die Nase sitzt jetzt auch perfekt- wir können so viel aus uns machen,auch für kleines Geld, Brust raus,Bauch rein,schön wie aus dem Ei gepellt- aufgestellt in Reih und Glied, ein Hoch auf unsre heile Welt! Chorus Uns geht es blendend,alles Lüge was die Zeitung sagt, ich betreibe Klimaschutz,mein Auto fährt mit Treibhausgas! Von wegen Öl geht aus, die lügen doch die Ölstaaten, es gibt genug wenn sogar Enten schon in Öl baden! Die Erde füllt sich weiter,und es geht immer schneller, halb so wild, zum Glück ham wir ne zweite Welt im Keller. Wozu den Kopf zerbrechen? Es kann so einfach sein - lasst uns einfach mit Computerspielen unsre Zeit vertreiben! Herzlich Willkommen,hier bei Jubel-Trubel-Heiterkeit! Chorus Wir feiern! Bis alles zerfällt
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Time: 01:00
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I was voted and request thousands of times to make my Sexy Big Curls Hair Tutorial that I wore in my recent contest video and Valentines day look. Here it is finally :) Babyliss Pro Curling Iron 1 and 1/2 Inch http://www.FlatIronExperts.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=BTM5150SC&Click=2494 5% Off Code : ROSEBUD + FREE SHIPPING! Features ¤ Ultra-powerful heaters that provide fast, steady maximum temperatures ¤ Instant heat recovery ¤ 40 heat settings ¤ Heats up to 428ºF ¤ Tourmaline/Ceramic closes the hair cuticle resulting in smooth, glossy hair. ¤ Tourmaline/Ceramic plus heat emits NEGATIVE IONS which eliminate static electricity and neutralize odors and bacteria. ¤ Tourmaline/Ceramic barrels retain heat more efficiently, distribute it more evenly and eliminate damaging hot spots. ¤ Tourmaline/Ceramic radiates faster drying FAR-INFRATED HEAT, which dries hair from the inside out, preserving more moisture within the hair shaft and causing less damage to the hair cuticle. ¤ Extra long, heavy duty swivel cord ¤ Dual Voltage ¤ Two year warranty WHITE SANDS MEGA HOLD HAIR SPRAY http://www.flatironexperts.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=WSSTUCKUP&Click=2494 5% Off Any Purchase Use Code: ROSEBUD WHITE SANDS INFINITY HAIR SPRAY http://www.flatironexperts.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=WSINFINITY&Click=2494 5% Off Any Purchase Use Code: ROSEBUD ALL HAIR PRODUCTS MENTIONED SOLD HERE : http://www.FlatIronExperts.com/?Click=2494 5% Off any purchase use code: ROSEBUD Silver Heart Necklace http://chickaboom.ca/Circle-Heart-Toggle-Link-Necklace-P780872.aspx Gold Heart Necklace http://chickaboom.ca/Plate-Toggle-Heart-Necklace-Set-P766884.aspx GREY BABY DOLL DRESS http://www.hotmiamistyles.com/product_p/j8dj5ym.htm 10% off Code : ROSE5ITEMS When ordering 5 or more items WHITE OFF SHOULDER TOP http://www.hotmiamistyles.com/product_p/5e696%20black.htm 10% off Code : ROSE5ITEMS When ordering 5 or more items ( I have 14 hot outfits to show you from their site so stay tuned for that video ) ^.^ Don't forget to check out LifeInATent He is new on youtube so give him a shout! http://www.youtube.com/LifeInATent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Letters? Presents ? Post Cards? Anything you'd like! can be sent to my Fan / Business mailing address at : Rose Russo 5175 Yonge Street, Suite # 143 Toronto, On M2N5P5 CANADA You can also find me @ Facebook Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rosebud143/89771564454 Twitter http://www.twitter.com/missroserusso Mwuah :)
Added by: vshare
Time: 01:00
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Lady Gaga Love Game GREATEST LIVE PERFORMANCE HD Concert Rivals Alejandro Music Video Bad Romance
Lady Gaga Love Game Live Ready For The Lady Gaga Alejandro Music Video Official ! VS Christina Aguilera Not Myself Tonight Telephone Live Dancing With The Stars MY Fav is Lyrics 3 Three Britney Spears Telephone Or Bionic Lady Gaga Telephone Ft Beyonce Music Video Official Bionic Christina Aguilera Lift Me Up. Greyson Michael Chance 13 Year Old Boy Cover Paparazzi Is Amazing Britney Spears Telephone Version is pretty good though I prefer this live version from Lady Gaga that has emotional depth. This video is presented like A Singing version of DWTS Dancing With The Stars. Also who do you think would win dancing with The stars? Lady Gaga or Christina Aguilera. I so hope they will do the show in the future. Enjoy. Your Comments and thoughts are much appreciated. Christina Aguilera woo hoo ft nicki minaj also is out now though Lift Me Up Is my Favorite from Bionic Lady Gaga Bad Romance and Paparazzi are amazing and really they both are so talented. bad romance unplugged is funny Nicole Scherzinger of Pussycat Dolls should win DWTS Whichever artist is your favorite they are both amazing women because they fight and speak out for free speech and expression and are huge role models in today's society and Lady Gaga was listed as one of the TIME Most Influential people in the world.Beautiful Concert Performance Dedicated To My Sister Marcy who lost her battle with Cancer recently after getting her wish to see Lady Gaga at this show. This performance Rivals Just Dance And Poker Face! Her new songs are Paparazzi & Alejandro Lyrics are awesome! Really Hope You Enjoy ! Also watch Greyson Michael Chance paparazzi Cover Ellen video that is so amazing! The young 13 year old boy is so talented!
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Geo Da Silva - I'll Do You Like a Truck [Plastik Funk Remix - INSTRUMENTAL] !¡!¡
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Time: 01:00
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Kung Fu Cat Fight : Teacup Marie vs Mini Cooper æ¦é“ã®å猫 (by Sony HDR-XR200V)
Our white flame-point teacup kitten, Marie, loves to practice her own kung fu style known as the Himalayan arts. Here, you will witness Marie honing her skills against an opponent who is twice her size (in weight). Can you tell that she recently underwent surgery for a hernia repair? Her cream-white brother, the mini Cooper, used to pick on her all the time. But it sure looks like the tides have turned. Please come visit Marie and Cooper as well as their puppy siblings at their blog: http://SweetFurr.blogspot.com And don't forget to subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/sweetfurx4 Thanks! :D The background music features the royalty-free song "Tabla Grunge 1 & 2 " from: http://www.partnersinrhyme.com/pir/free_music_loops.shtml
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Time: 01:00
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Gossip Girl & Coachella on POPTUB
Don't get mad at me, you're the one who clicked here. Check out the videos we're featuring today: Cat Doesn't Understand Computers (SuperYoungForever) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=121QgIErR7k 'You are being shagged by a rare parrot' - Last Chance To See - BBC Two (BBC) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T1vfsHYiKY UAF Nanook Hockey Open 07-08 "Highway to the Danger Zone" (aylmer666) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5YjPteCPLo Sesame Street: Mad Men (SesameStreet) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgvKCfZqxrQ Meeting of Important People - Brittney Lane Don't Care (authentikartists) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlgNuEUpB90 Baby Dancing to Beyonce!!!!! (JoeNATIONtv) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UKM2Zwlw5U Dog Pooetry (ViralVideoChart) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2jOyBZcDjE PEPSI REFRESH Coachella Time-Lapse: Everything Happening at the Same Time (dir. Ray Klein, music by Hawke) (boingboingvideo) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1UxN0JyRbc Telstar (ukulele & stylophone cover) (SmokeyStubbs) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C_ZTnymhkw The Bronx Zoo's very own "Picasso" Sea Lion (WCSMedia) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD7KUUfjHCs Fat Woman Pole Dance Fail (rerro) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueVOLY2SPDE ULTRA NATÉ featuring DJ KING TUTT "Faster, Faster Pussycat (Let's Go!)" directed by Bec Stupak (peacebisquit) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZEAZUE6cLQ Gossip Girl Webclip 1 - Dan de Fleurette (CWtelevision) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YzmTM_Vu28 POPTUB: We make YouTube videos about YouTube videos on YouTube. It's not that complicated.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Gorillaz vs Sido - Schlechtes Vorbild Dirty Harry (MashUp Mix)
Mash Up Song Gorillaz - Dirty Harry Sido - Schlechtes Vorbild (Bad Role Model) This Is My Favourite Of All Mash Ups I Have Done So Far... Hope U WIll Like It Too! Please Rate And Comment & SUBSCRIBE!!!!
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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