Video HIGHLIGHTS: Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding in 5 Minutes
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Watch wedding highlights in case you missed Will and Kate tie the knot. Prince William and Kate Middleton, the commoner turned duchess, sealed their royal wedding with two kisses on the balcony of Buckingham Palace as heart shaped balloons floated above cheering British subjects. Stepping out onto the balcony, the couple was flanked by the wedding party, the royal family including Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and the bride's family. With hundreds of thousands gathered below them and millions watching expectantly on TV, the prince kissed his bride quickly. The crowd cheered and began chanting, "Kiss her again." The royal couple obliged with a second peck on the lips. William and Kate looked up into the London sky as the Royal Air Force performed a flyover congratulating the couple. William is a member of the Royal Air Force. The bells of Westminster Abbey serenaded London. They started ringing when the newly married Kate Middleton and Prince William rode triumphantly in an open carriage waving to the cheering throngs. Middleton told William in the carriage, "I'm so happy," according to a lip reader. As the couple exited the abbey following their wedding in front of 1,900 guests, the bride curtsied to Queen Elizabeth and William bowed to his grandmother. Earlier, Prince William and Kate Middleton, holding each other's hands and gazing into one another's eyes, exchanged wedding vows, turning the commoner bride into royalty and thrilling royal watchers around the world. William, 28, slipped a wedding band made of Welsh gold on the finger of the 29-year-old Middleton. The bride, wearing a tiara loaned to her by the queen, appeared to marvel at the majesty of the thousand year old Abbey, looking up and smiling as she and William sang along with their guests of friends, celebrities and royalty from other countries. Nearly 400 of the guests are close family and friends.§ion=1206828&playlist=&page=1 Copyright © 2011 ABC News
Added on Apr 29, 2011 by blogpost_biz
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  Royal  wedding  Kate  Middleton  Prince  William  Buckingham  Palace  Westminster  Abbey  Queen  England  British  royal  weddings  security  kiss  Good  Morning  America  ABC  KISS  and  Wedding  highlights 
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