Videos with tag Love
Results 361-372 of 481

Lena Meyer-Landrut - Satellite bei/at NDR!

Lena Meyer-Landrut with her song "Satellite" at the North German Radio (NDR).

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 912 | Comments: 0

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Lena Meyer-Landrut - Satellite (Lyrics + german translation ON SCREEN)

With english lyrics and german translation on screen. Zum Song muss ich glaub ich nichts mehr sagen, weil ihn eigentlich alle kennen müssten XD Ich hoffe, es gefällt euch! Falls ihr einen Wunsch habt, schreibt einfach ein Kommentar! Bitte berücksichtigt, dass ich zwar FÜR die Meinungsfreiheit bin, jedoch jegliche Kommentare, die Schimpfwörter beinhalten löschen werde, da das einfach eine sehr große Beleidigung gegenüber den beteiligten Künstlern ist. I OWN NOTHING!!!! Ich bitte YouTube zu berücksichtigen, dass ich WIRKLICH NICHT vorhabe, das Urheberrecht zu verletzen oder den beteiligten Künstlern zu schaden. Ich möchte lediglich den Deutschen, die dieses Lied mögen, den Text mit der Übersetzung zeigen, falls diese kein Englisch können! Ich bitte um Verständnis! In English: Please consider that I am indeed FOR the freedom of speech, however, any comment, delete include swear words, will there is a huge insult to the artists easy. I OWN NOTHING!! I consider your YouTube that I plan to REALLY NOT to infringe the copyrights or to prejudice the participating artists. I want to show only the Germans, who like the song, the text with the translation, if they can not speak English! Please be patient! Auszeichnungen: (:D) #58 - Heiß diskutiert (heute)) - Musik #26 - Meist gesehen (heute)) - Musik #38 - Top-Favoriten (heute)) - Musik #50 - Heiß diskutiert (heute)) - Musik #100 - Meist gesehen (heute)) #24 - Meist gesehen (heute)) - Musik #29 - Top-Favoriten (heute)) - Musik #96 - Beste Bewertung (heute)) - Musik #26 - Meist gesehen (diese Woche)) - Musik #88 - Favoriten (diese Woche)) #30 - Favoriten (diese Woche)) - Musik #79 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #66 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #53 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #99 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #36 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #76 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #90 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #32 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #71 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #84 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #30 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #65 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #97 - Heiß diskutiert (diesen Monat)) - Musik #83 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #28 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #61 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #92 - Beste Bewertung (diesen Monat)) - Musik #93 - Heiß diskutiert (diesen Monat)) - Musik #70 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #25 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #62 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #86 - Beste Bewertung (diesen Monat)) - Musik #87 - Heiß diskutiert (diesen Monat)) - Musik #66 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #25 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #63 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1036 | Comments: 0

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Lena Meyer-Landrut at/bei Viva Live (German) Part 1

Lena Meyer-Landrut will be the second german winner in the Eurovision Song Contest!

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 891 | Comments: 0

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Me singing "Satellite" (Lena Meyer Landrut) ~Eurovision Song Contest Oslo German Entry~ Cover

Hello, this is my 45th own video on You Tube. It's no professional recording (no studio / technical support). So please be nice to me. ;) The song is "Satellite" (Lena Meyer Landrut). This time a change from all the ballads I've recently sung. It's the German entry of Lena Meyer-Landrut, "Satellite", for the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Oslo. I sing this cover to show my support for Lena! :D It's unbelievable, we have won the ESC finals!!! Lena is the european Nr.1 2010 :D Just singing for fun and supporting Lena. Not my best (voice) song, i know, but this was not my intention this time ;D Please take a look at my second "Satellite" cover, it's the fast original instrumental version and I think it's even better ;) I've re-recorded the song here: This video is a pure fanvideo. I do not own anything and have no copyright. The material used belongs to its respected owners!!! Enjoy my version of the song! Hope you like it! :) #32 - Meist gesehen (heute)) - Musik #58 - Beste Bewertung (heute)) - Musik #81 - Heiß diskutiert (heute)) - Musik

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 906 | Comments: 0

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Lena Meyer Landrut - Love Me (Official Song and Lyrics in Description)

Das ist der neue Hit von Lena Meyer Landrut Lyrics / Songtext : So many places where I could go to Where I don't go because I don't want to So many faces that I could see But I don't look because I don't give a shit You're saying me that I'm good for you But I'm not sure if i want you to But if you're hard we could give it a try - So many things to do before we die But as long as you'll love me I will still love you But if you don't love me I will go As long as you will love me I will still love you But if you don't love me I will go As long as you will love me I will still love you But if you don't love me I will go As long as you will love me I will still love you But if you don't love me I will go So many flames that I could have liked to But I don't like because I'm too excited So many games that I could have played But I don't play because I don't give a shit You're saying me that I'm good for you But I'm not sure if i want you to But if you're hard we could give it a try -- So many things to do before we die But as long as you will love me I will still love you But if you don't love me I will go As long as you will love me I will still love you But if you don't love me I will go As long as you will love me I will still love you But if you don't love me I will go As long as you will love me I will still love you But if you don't love me I will go I would go I would -ah- go I would go (ohohoho) I -ah- would go You're saying me that I'm good for you But ImM not sure if I want you to But if you're hard we could give it a try -- So many things to do before we die But as long as you will love me I will still love you But if you don't love me I will go As long as you will love me I will still love you But if you don't love me I will go As long as you will love me I will still love you But if you don't love me I will go As long as you will love me I will still love you But if you don't love me I will go ohohoho

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 681 | Comments: 0

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Cascada - Evacuate The Dancefloor : Cahill Remix

**OFFICIAL CAHILL CHANNEL** Cahill's remix of Cascada's recent number 1 smash, 'Evacuate The Dancefloor'. Thanks to PopRemixesTV for putting the video edit together. To see more remix videos, please visit their official YouTube channel at

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 767 | Comments: 0

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Cat Clips #61--Of Flies & Sven

While Honey encourages the male cat to be her Svengali so she can be a more convincing schizophrenic, Tipi and Tuck go fly hunting in the office. #17 - Most Responded (5-8-09) - Pets & Animals #40 - Most Responded (5-8-09) - Pets & Animals #44 - Top Favorited (5-8-09) - Pets & Animals #65- Top Rated (5-8-09) - Pets & Animals #57 - Most Discussed (5-9-09) - Pets & Animals #13 - Most Responded (5-9-09) - Pets & Animals #92 - Most Viewed (5-9-09) - Pets & Animals - India #60 - Most Viewed (5-9-09) - Pets & Animals - Netherlands #20 - Top Favorited (5-9-09) - Pets & Animals #21 - Top Rated (5-9-09) - Pets & Animals #53 - Most Discussed (Today) - Pets & Animals #15 - Most Responded (Today) - Pets & Animals #46 - Most Responded (This Week) - Pets & Animals #70 - Most Viewed (Today) - Pets & Animals - India #55 - Most Viewed (Today) - Pets & Animals - Netherlands #26 - Top Favorited (Today) - Pets & Animals #17 - Top Rated (Today) - Pets & Animals #84 - Top Rated (This Week) - Pets & Animals

Channels: Funny 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 982 | Comments: 0

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Pucca Funny Love Season 1-Ep4-Pt1-Cat Toy

♥Pucca Funny Love Season 1 ♥Episode 4 of 26 ♥Part 1 ♥Title : Cat Toy Part 2: Part 3: For more Pucca Funny Love TV Episodes details, go to ------------------------- Pucca Theme Song Lyrics: Pucca loves Garuuuu He's a pretty boyy~ Ninjas eat noodles Kissy chase, Kissy face Wham Bam Bam! PU! pu pu pu pu Pu! pu pu pu pucca Funny Love Pu Pu! PU! pu pu pu pu Pu! pu pu pu pucca Funny Love Pu Pu PPPucca loves Garuuuu Kissy chase, Kissy face Wham Bam Bam! ------------------------- Hope all the Pucca Lovers out there will enjoy the videos I uploaded! Keep yourself updated with the latest Pucca Funny Love TV Episodes! ^^ © Vooz Co. Ltd. - © Disney Jetix Europe -

Channels: Funny 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 749 | Comments: 0

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Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 3 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy)

Bob Lazar on Coast to Coast AM Interviewed by Art Bell on September 26, 1997 Topics: Area 51, UFOs, Gravity Propulsion, Government Cover-Ups Synopsis: Bob Lazar discusses his early scientific experience at Los Alamos National Laboratory, his work at super-secret Area 51 S-4 in the Nevada desert where he helped to reverse engineer a gravity propulsion drive on a UFO, Element 115, and the government efforts to erase all traces of his past, work, and involvement with the project. More info on Element 115 can be found at Cool & unusual scientific items can be found at Bob Lazar's United Nuclear

Channels: Funny 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 860 | Comments: 0

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David Guetta - On the dance floor Featuring Will.I.Am & Apl de Ap ( Album One love )

Look at my profile for more David Guetta.

Channels: News 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 752 | Comments: 0

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David Guetta feat. Akon - Sexy Chick - (Long Version) Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes directed by Jean-Charles Carré & Damien Saintobert © GUM PROD 2009

Channels: News 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 654 | Comments: 0

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Madonna vs. David Guetta - Revolver (One Love Remix)

New remix of Madonna and David Guetta, Revolver (ONE LOVE REMIX) Twitter:

Channels: News 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 623 | Comments: 0

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