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Kim Kardashian At Anastasia

Kim Kardashian At Anastasia In Beverly Hills, California. U.S.A.

Channels: Sexy 

Added: 5241 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 979 | Comments: 0

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Kim Kardashian at Nobu

Kim Kardashian at Nobu

Channels: Sexy 

Added: 5242 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 706 | Comments: 0

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Ludacris - "My Chick Bad" (Phat) ft. Thicki Montage [OFFICIAL PARODY~SPOOF]

Our boy Bojo, reppin' 98.5 KLUC in Las Vegas, brings his two homies with him this time with their interpretation of Ludacris - 'My Chick Bad' ft. Nicki Minaj [OFFICIAL VIDEO]. With the help of oogoog productions, Nick Knotti, and the Ceci Team, these boys don't front with their gut-busting new spoof. Check it out and let them know you laughed!

Channels: Music 

Added: 5291 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1068 | Comments: 0

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Fitness - Sexy leg workout : Butt and Thigh exercises Our Trim and Tone zone program has been very successful in helping women work their thighs hips abs ham strings glutes and cardio all while wearing the Kinetic Bands during their normal workout routine. Saving time and getting maximum results. Sexy legs and butt workout for women hot legs tone and firm

Channels: Fitness 

Added: 5298 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1219 | Comments: 0

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Fitness - abs workout for women : Sexy - Flat tummy workout with resistance bands BUY THIS PRODUCT! PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB SITE FOR MORE INFO. The kinetic Bands offer a great way to multi task and get in a workout at home or the office. You can wear them while you do housework, watch TV, work on the computer or for better results while you work out. Our Trim and Tone Zone program has been very successful in helping women work their thighs hips abs ham strings glutes and cardio all while wearing the Kinetic Bands during their normal workout routine.

Channels: Fitness 

Added: 5298 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1337 | Comments: 0

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Sexy Core - Fat Burn - Home Workout : 6 Minute Yoga Infused Rounds - 3X

▶ CLICK HERE FOR THE BEX LIFE WEIGHT LOSS KIT ▶ ✔ MY #1 WORKOUT TIMER: ✔ MY LATEST INTERACTIVE EBOOK: ‪‬ ✔ THE ULTIMATE RESISTANCE BANDS: WORKOUT DETAILS: Repeat this entire sequence 3x for a total core workout. Rest 1 minute in between each round. The entire workout should take about 20 minutes. ♥ EXPLORE: ‪‬ ♥ FOLLOW: ‪‬ ♥ BECOME A FAN: ‪‬ ♥ SUBSCRIBE: For a great warmup, try my 4-Minute Tabata workouts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WARNING: THE INFORMATION OFFERED IN THIS VIDEO IS OFFERED AS OPINION ONLY. ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE TRYING ANY NEW DIET OR EXERCISE PROGRAM. THIS WORKOUT ROUTINE MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOU. Music by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"

Channels: Fitness 

Added: 5298 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1171 | Comments: 0

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300 Rep - Sexy Bikini Butt Blaster - Gym Girl Workout

▶ CLICK HERE FOR THE BEX LIFE WEIGHT LOSS KIT ▶ ✔ MY #1 WORKOUT TIMER: ✔ MY LATEST INTERACTIVE EBOOK: ‪‬ ✔ THE ULTIMATE RESISTANCE BANDS: ♥ EXPLORE: ‪‬ ♥ FOLLOW: ‪‬ ♥ BECOME A FAN: ‪‬ ♥ SUBSCRIBE: For a great warmup, try my 4-Minute Tabata workouts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WARNING: THE INFORMATION OFFERED IN THIS VIDEO IS OFFERED AS OPINION ONLY. ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE TRYING ANY NEW DIET OR EXERCISE PROGRAM. THIS WORKOUT ROUTINE MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOU. This is a 300-rep core workout for your lower body (glutes/butt, quads, and hamstrings) with a little core & cardio thrown in. Some of these exercises are a little advanced, so I gave you different versions of some of them and alternates for others. Please comment, rate, and SUBSCRIBE, so I can keep making awesome free workouts for you!! xoxo Bex

Channels: Fitness 

Added: 5298 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1187 | Comments: 0

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Eminem w/ Rihanna Love the way you Lie Live at E3 Expo 2010 Call of Duty Black Ops Recovery

Activision/Blizzard kicks off the E3 Expo with a HUGE BANG by allowing Eminem to peform Love the way you Lie with Rihanna. a day before E3 Expo 2010 opens for the public. Activision/Blizzard drops bombs, as this party is for the media and employees only. Call of Duty Black Ops trailer was played before Eminem came out and opens with this song from Eminem's Recovery Album. This was performed in Los Angeles at the Staples Center 6/15/2010. Sorry about the 15 fps shot on the TMobile HTC touch pro 2. Also Travis Barker was on the drums.

Channels: Music 

Added: 5347 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1009 | Comments: 0

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Henry Mancini, His Orchestra and Chorus: Moon River (Mancini / Mercer, 1961)

Image at 0:25 from Billboard‎ magazine, June 9, 1962. Henry Mancini, His Orchestra and Chorus perform Mancini's opus "Moon River." I recorded this track from the double LP, "This Is Henry Mancini," RCA (VPS-6029). "Moon River" won the 1961 Academy Award for Best Original Song. Audrey Hepburn originally sang the work in the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's." The song also won the 1962 Grammy Award for Record of the Year. -------------------------------------------------------- Лунная река - песня, написанная Джонни Мерсером и Генри Манчини в 1961 году. Она была исполнена Одри Хепберн в фильме «Завтрак у Тиффани» и была удостоена «Оскар» в номинации «Лучшая песня года». Мерсер и Манчини написали эту песню специально для Одри Хепберн, с расчётом на её не очень сильные, но довольно приятные вокальные данные. Появление строчки «Huckleberry friend» (что можно перевести, как «Черничный друг») Джонни Мерсер прокомментировал в интервью с Терри Гроссом на Национальном радио в шоу «Fresh Air»: в детстве Мерсер с друзьями ходили собирать чернику у реки - автор поясняет, что это ностальгическое мгновенье он увековечил в тексте легендарной песни. В один из моментов съёмок картины, предполагалось, что сцену с исполнением песни вырежут из прокатной версии фильма, на что последовала незамедлительная реакция Одри Хепберн: «Только через мой труп!». Свидетели этого разговора утверждают, что во время объяснения с продюсерами Paramount Pictures актриса использовала более сильные выражения. -------------------------------------------------------- Moon River ist ein 1961 von Johnny Mercer getextetes und Henry Mancini komponiertes Lied für den Film Frühstück bei Tiffany, in dem das Lied von Audrey Hepburn gesungen wird. Sie erhielten hierfür 1962 den Oscar für den besten Filmsong. Im Zuge des Erfolges von Moon River erholte sich Mercers Karriere als Liedschreiber, die Mitte der 50er Jahre durch das Aufkommen des Rock and Roll, und der damit verbundenen Verdrängung des Jazz als beliebtestes Musikgenre, ins Stocken geraten war. Eine kleine Bucht in der Nähe von Savannah, Georgia, Johnny Mercers Heimatstadt, sowie die Produktionsfirma von Andy Williams, der den Song aufgenommen hatte, wurden nach dem Lied benannt. -------------------------------------------------------- A Moon River egy dal, melynek szövegét Johnny Mercer, dallamát Henry Mancini írta 1961-ben. 1962-ben elnyerte a legjobb eredeti dalnak járó Oscar-díjat, miután ez volt az egy kórus által énekelt főcímdala az Audrey Hepburn főszereplésével készült Álom luxuskivitelben (Breakfast at Tiffany's) c. filmnek. Ugyanebben a filmben Hepburn is elénekli dalt, saját magát gitárral kísérve. Az évek során a dal igen népszerű lett szerte a világon, sok énekes vette fel a repertoárjába, többek között Frank Sinatra, Paul Anka, Barbra Streisand, Louis Armstrong, Judy Garland. Magyarországon is többnyire az eredeti angol szöveggel éneklik. -------------------------------------------------------- מון ריוור (באנגלית: Moon River) הוא שיר שנכתב על ידי ג'וני מרסר והנרי מנסיני בשנת 1961 עבור הסרט "ארוחת בוקר בטיפני". השיר מושר בסרט על ידי השחקנית הראשית אודרי הפבורן המגלמת את דמותה של הולי גולייטלי. בזכות השיר זכה הסרט בפרס האוסקר עבור השיר המקורי הטוב ביותר. השיר זכה להצלחה רבה ולגרסאות כיסוי רבות. בעקבות הפופולריות של השיר, עיר הולדתו של ג'וני מרסר, סוואנה שבמדינת ג'ורג'יה קראה לאחד הנהרות שבקירבת העיר "נהר מון" (נהר הירח) על שם השיר. אנדי ויליאמס אשר הקליט את השיר קרא לחברת ההפקה שלו במיזורי "מון ריוור" על שם השיר.

Channels: Humor 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1061 | Comments: 0

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Shakira, Usher and Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground at Obama Inaugural Concert

Shakira, Usher and Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground at Obama Inaugural Concer

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 719 | Comments: 0

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Shakira - Did it again - Live Performance at the X Factor UK 2009

Signup Free Music at @ More Music Sources at Shakira - Did it again - Live Performance at the X Factor UK 2009 Shakira - Did it again - Live Performance at the X Factor UK 2009 Shakira - Did it again - Live Performance at the X Factor UK 2009 She perform Did it again at the X Factor 2009 Shakira Live UK Wolf Performance lucie jones jamie lloyd jedward beyonce and lady gaga telephone twilight movie drake forever flo rida taylor britney spears hot sexy madonna

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1004 | Comments: 0

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Shakira - Illegal - Live at GMA (12-2-05)

WOMEN RULE Concert Series - ;D yeah...

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 720 | Comments: 0

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