Videos with tag Monster
Results 133-137 of 137

Lady Gaga Interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Lady Gaga Interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Channels: Music 

Added: 5394 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1352 | Comments: 0

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Lady Gaga - Teeth (Monster Ball LIVE Montreal 2009) HD

Lady Gaga performing Teeth live (for the first time ever) in Montreal, Canada on November 27th 2009 as part of the Monster Ball Tour. The stage was slippery all night...dont blame Gaga ! HIGH QUALITY and HIGH DEFINITION VERSION Source: AVCHD Lite 1280x720, 60P

Channels: Music 

Added: 5394 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 829 | Comments: 0

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Lady Gaga Fashion (Official Soundtrack Release) LETTER TO GAGA OMG. So you guys I gave her the book! We waited in line since 8am. Gaga came in a black car around 3pm. We ran up to it, and she went into this big tour bus. The security guy said she is very tired and not feeling good, cuz she had a lot of shows. So she got out and blew a kiss at us, and said hi and went in. I had my book with me (the present) and asked her security guy if he could give it to her. He promised me he would, he was so nice. So I gave it to him, and went back in line. 20 min later, the guy comes back to the front, and was like "you guys waited from 8am? wow. Where is Sara" and I tell him I'm here. He was like "you gave her the book right?" and I was like "yea" and he said she was crying! she was sooo touched, that she couldn't speak. he then asked me what color my hair was, and I said "brown" and he reported back thru a walkie talkie, and said "brown" .. and I was like wtf? why does she need to know that? haha. he then also asked how many friends I have, and I said "6 of us are inline" then he said ok. anyways, so he then tells me that gaga loved the book so much, that she is letting me go in early to MEET her!!!! That's when in front of all my friends and everyone else there, I balled my eyes out. I mean, cried sooooo hard. I couldn't believe it. I thanked him, and he said to wait there. Late he comes again and gives everyone in line hot chocolate. Gaga bought EVERYONE HOT CHOCOLATE cuz we were waiting sooo long and it was cold! Then these 2 girls come, that work for Gaga, I recognised one as the Gagavision lady, and told her "OMG ur the gagavision lady!" haha and she was like "shh" lol. Then the other lady took out a box. and this is all being filmed btw!! she takes out ...A HAIR BOW!!!! she said "gaga wants to give to this you" and OMG!! i cried in front of the camera!!! I was balling! she then hands me a picture of gaga, signed and it says "To sara, I love you + your spirit, Enjoy the fame" lady Gaga. BUT she then hands me the SECOND letter and its a HUGE LETTER which i will post here! she wrote to me!!!!!! I then lost it all, and cried again. haha. she wrote ME a letter!! then the ladies left. and we waited in line. 7:30pm, we get to go backstage! we lined up inside. gaga comes! I was like "OMG GAGA did ulike the book" and she was like "OMG I loved it, it's amazing you made that, honestly, i'm so happy, I will read it all" she then signed my jacket on the back!!! and i got a picture with her!!!!! I told her to release retro Physical, haha but she said its soo old and she said "its out already" lol. then we saw the concert. and OMG it was amazing!! but guess what??? she pointed to me 3 times! and then in the middle of a set, she climbs up, and I say "happy birthday" and she goes "everyone, this is sara, she is my number one fan in the world!" and then I forget but she said something like "she made me a book" I DIED!!!! and then later she was like "i have a special guest" and i shout out "LADY STARLIGHT!?!" and she goes to me!" no sorry, shes not here today, im talking about space cowboy!!!" lol she talked to ME!! ahhh and after the whole show, the security guy comes back out, and is like to me "sara! she told me to thank you again for the book!!!" im gonna do die now!

Channels: Music 

Added: 5394 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 824 | Comments: 0

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Street Art: Joshua Allen Harris' Inflatable Bag Monsters

Call us boring and simple-minded, but before we saw the work of street artist Joshua Allen Harris we never once considered the artistic possibilities of subway exhaust. Using only tape and garbage bags, Harris creates giant inflatable animals that become animated when fastened to a sidewalk grate. Steven Psyllos caught up with Harris recently to discuss his older works (including a bear and a giraffe) and unveil a new beast that looks not unlike the Cloverfield monster. Video by Jonah Green

Channels: Arts & Animation 

Added: 5395 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 745 | Comments: 0

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Bangin' the Step-Sister and Wet Dreams (Ask The John #1)

This episode we tackle wet dreams, a sexy ass step sister, a suicidal boyfriend, monster cocks and pet names! You got questions?! Send them to "Ask the John" as I moved "Ask The John" to my 2nd channel. See more episodes at FIND SKYY JOHN: MY OTHER CHANNEL FACEBOOK TWITTER SKYY JOHN T-SHIRTS EMAIL:

Channels: Sexy 

Added: 5397 days ago by vshare

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 845 | Comments: 0

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