Videos with tag Music
Results 385-396 of 1194

Aura Dione - Something From Nothing

Aura Dione plays "Something From Nothing" from her debut album "Columbine" in Godmorgen Danmark on TV 2. Februar 04, 2008

Channels: Music 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 657 | Comments: 0

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Aura Dione - Song For Sophie

Aura Dione plays "Song For Sophie" from her debut album "Columbine" in Godmorgen Danmark on TV 2. Februar 04, 2008

Channels: Music 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 582 | Comments: 0

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Aura Dione - Glass Bone Crash

Nach "I Will Love You Monday" (, dem Radiohit 2009, bringt Aura Dione ein stilvolles, intimes Video zur ersten Single des Albums "Columbine": "Glass Bone Crash". Das Album ist ab sofort überall erhältlich, z.Bsp. unter Viel Spaß!

Channels: Music 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 783 | Comments: 0

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Aura Dione - Song For Sophie (with Lyrics)

Aura Dione - Song For Sophie (with Lyrics) This is a song for a girl called Sophie used to write her name on my arm. Time has made us strangers and I don't know her anymore. But I really hope she's made it that someone took her home. She was lost but wasn't missing she would always walk alone. She was always like a feather, in the air I never knew if she was flying or falling she was always like a feather, in my life. I hope she flies (x4) Because of her, I looks things that last: I have a chain -where's your arm? A promise can be broken, I won't hunt you anymore no, no, no But I really hope she's made it that someone took her home. She was lost but wasn't missing she would always walk alone. She was always like a feather, in the air I never knew if she was flying or falling she was always like a feather, in my life. I hope she flies .. She.. La-la-la-la-la-la-la. I hope she flies. (x4) She.. La-la-la-la-la-la-la. (x4) I hope she flies. She was always like a feather, in the air I never knew if she was flying or falling she was always like a feather, in my life. I hope she flies. (x5) She.. La-la-la-la-la-la-la.

Channels: Music 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 928 | Comments: 0

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Aura - Song for Sophie

Written by Aura Dione Produced and arranged by Thomas Troelsen & Kenneth Bager Directed by Signe Vilstrup Label: Music For Dreams/SonyBMG

Channels: Music 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 642 | Comments: 0

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I will love you Monday (365)

AURA DIONE The music is a rush that Ive chosen to dedicate my life to. With music I feel alive, everything else is just waiting for the next song to begin Im a loner, Im hard working, Im sensitive and intense. Im curious. And open. I pursue my passions. I have lots of self irony and Im not afraid of being the joke or look stupid, I just wanna have fun. I hate narrow minded people and loves to dance alone. Ive walked through a desert, Ive caressed loneliness. Ive filled my life with parties and let my door open. Im testing and trying life. I write music about freeing one self, I speak from the heart and I try to be as open as possible, I want to create togetherness. I write about subjects like incest, suicide, prostitution, homosexuality, and what it must be like to have a dick. But also simple love songs and poems. I want to bring it all, no censorship. Ill camouflage it in simple pop melodies and hope that it will reach the masses. I write with humour and irony and with a wish to make a positive difference with my music and my voice, my life, while Im here. Im a wild child, a gypsie, a hippie kid, a fashion rebel. Im Pocahontas meets Flashdance. I hope to radiate a hardcore power that peels on the surface with a pretty exterior. Ive travelled the world, started early with my parents on a boat. I dropped outta high school to follow my dream. I went to Australia when I was 17 years old to play music. Ive been hanging out with everything from billionaires and Candance Bushnell (writer of Sex and the City) to homeless Aboriginals, crazy weird artist types and just regular odd types. I love people and their stories. I interpret the world, what I see in it, and then I write my lyrics. The oldest song on the album is Little Louie, I wrote it when I was eleven. Its about all the things you can do, if you dare. My first encounter with music is also my first memory. December 87. My mother has put on Anne Linnets Christmas record and I remember asking her why am I crying when Im not sad? Music has that effect on me. I can breake down completely or become ecstatic with joy. Its a rush that Ive chosen to dedicate my life to. With music I feel alive. Everything else is just waiting until the next song to begin. I have to face the demons that dictate correctness. With music everything inside me changes. It becomes softer and more blurred, and it scares me. But the songs are my holdepunkt. The guitar has followed me since I was ten, and weve fought a lot and Ive won many battles. Thats how it feels. Contradicting feelings. Just like in a relation- ship. - Aura

Channels: Music 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 724 | Comments: 0

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Future Trance vol 51 aura dione i will love you monday

Future Trance vol 51 aura dione i will love you monday

Channels: Music 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 765 | Comments: 0

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I will love you monday - aura dione

Ich hab es das erste mal bewusst bei youtube gehört. sonst immer nur am Rande im Radio... aber irgendwie hat das Lied doch was. Also hab ich mich vorhin entschieden, es mal am Klavier einzuüben und euch nicht vorzuenthalten. Über konstruktive Kritik freue ich mich immer! Schreibt ruhig Kommentare. Euer Joe

Channels: Music 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 764 | Comments: 0

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Aura Dione - I Will Love You Monday

Das Album "Columbine" gibt es ab sofort unter zu kaufen!! Aura Dione ist eine dänische Sängerin und Gitarristin mit Überraschungen: Aura Dione lebt ihr inneres Kind mit bunten Outfits, ungewöhnlichen Texten, ausgelassener Musik und extravaganten Live-Shows aus.

Channels: Music 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 689 | Comments: 0

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Aura Dione - I Will Love You Monday (Calectro Remix)

Aura Dione - I Will Love You Monday (Calectro Remix) DOWNLOAD Remix Song and Video Cut are a production from myself -------- I assure(insure) that this Remix will be not sold or making money with it! there will be no disadvantages or damages to the original artist.

Channels: Music 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 589 | Comments: 0

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Aura Dione - I Will Love You Monday with lyrics (mit Text) [HD]

Der späte Upload tut mir Leid aber ich war leider im Weihnachtsstress. Aber jetzt viel spass, das nächste Video gibt's nächstes Jahr. Also einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr und ich hoffe ihr hattet ein schönes Weihnachtsfest :) .

Channels: Music 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 652 | Comments: 0

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Aura Dione - I Will Love You Monday (365)

get this track for free at Aura Dione - I Will Love You Monday (365) Aura Dione - I Will Love You Monday (365) Aura Dione - I Will Love You Monday (365)

Channels: Music 

Added: 5389 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 622 | Comments: 0

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