Videos with tag america
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When the footage of the second plane to hit the WTC is closely analyzed, there are several anomalies that are apparent. The first is an asymmetrical missile-like object on the belly of the plane that should not be on a commercial airliner. The second is the flash the emits from this "pod" a second before the impact with the building. Was this plane indeed a Commercial airliner? Was the anomaly on the underside of the plane actually a high-tech weapon? See "In plane site" for free of google video for more information.

Channels: Military & War 

Added: 5395 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 801 | Comments: 0

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2000s Decade Recap - Politics

Despite Y2K panic at the beginning of the decade, the first ten years of the new millennium proved that our fellow humans are much more dangerous than malfunctioning machines. Unprecedented terrorist attacks on American soil, followed by subsequent attacks around the world punctuated the 2000s. Climate change and unparalleled natural disasters killed hundreds of thousands. Not to mention the global economic meltdown. To finish it off, the world was scared to death by the swine flu pandemic the perfect end to a dreadful decade. In this video, reviews these and more milestones from the first decade of the new millennium.

Channels: Politics 

Added: 5395 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 795 | Comments: 0

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Breaking news: Pentagon shooting

A shooting has taken place near the Pentagons metro station, a few feet from the building around 6:30. 3 people have been injured including a potential suspect. No one was allowed in or out of the building until recently

Channels: Breaking News 

Added: 5395 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 791 | Comments: 0

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Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES

So what if they don´t know how many sides a triangle have? Or who Tony Blair is? That is not fair...just because their president is as intelligent as a door, it doen´t mean they´re all like that...if you still think american people are stupi, watch this video and change your mind :)

Channels: Stupid Video 

Added: 5395 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 795 | Comments: 0

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Stupid in America

Stupid in America

Channels: Stupid Video 

Added: 5395 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 696 | Comments: 0

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British are also NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES

This is a video response to "Americans are NOT stupid" This video was NOT MADE TO INSULT BRITISH!!!! I am british myself!!!!! It is a response, not because the same questions were asked to british people, it is a response because british people were questioned about britain and their general knowlegde, just like in the original video and also because scenes were faked. there are idiots in every country. its just a popular thing to be hypocritical against america. the other countries don't think and follow like sheep. they say "dumb Americans" because it's the thing to do and to point out the most uneducated Americans. There is no perfect country. France, Germany, England...they all have idiots. This video was not made by american people, it was filmed and edited by european people. From 13 people that were questioned, 12 or so were used in the video. We tried to film a different age group of people. 4 kids, 1 pair of elderly, 6+ middle aged people. Two kids in the video knew about the questions and they were in the video for a joke. The other two are aged 14 and 13. If you say you can't expect them to know how many sides a triangle/square has, it's up to you! Just because some people don't know the answer to a few questions doesn't make a whole nation stupid! The purpose of this video is NOT to insult british, it is simply here to prove that neither americans nor british are stupid. It is also here to prove that a few scenes in the original video were used in a fake way and half of the people actually got the questions right. Yes we know that "Blare" is spelled "Blair" and we also know that there is no real british car manufacturer anymore, since all of the original british ones have be bought by other countries. Thank you for making the comments so entertaining :)!!!

Channels: Stupid Video 

Added: 5395 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 844 | Comments: 0

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USA Muscle Car road trip pt 1: Drag racing in Reno - Top Gear - BBC

Part ONE of THREE American road trip videos. Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May drive a selection of muscle cars from San Francisco to Utah through the Nevada Mountains. In this first video, the boys review their Challenger SRT8, Supercharged Corvette and Cadillac in the most un-entertaining way possible. Brilliant US road trip video in high quality from BBC award winning car show, Top Gear. Visit for all the latest news and car reviews.

Channels: Autos & Vehicles 

Added: 5395 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 850 | Comments: 0

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No Mas Presents: Dock Ellis & The LSD No-No by James Blagden

In celebration of the greatest athletic achievement by a man on a psychedelic journey, No Mas and artist James Blagden proudly present the animated tale of Dock Ellis' legendary LSD no-hitter. In the past few years we've heard all too much about performance enhancing drugs from greenies to tetrahydrogestrinone, and not enough about performance inhibiting drugs. If our evaluation of the records of athletes like Mark McGwire, Roger Clemens, Marion Jones, and Barry Bonds needs to be revised downwards with an asterisk, we submit that that Dock Ellis record deserves a giant exclamation point. Of the 263 no-hitters ever thrown in the Big Leagues, we can only guess how many were aided by steroids, but we can say without question that only one was ever thrown on acid. Sadly, the great Dock Ellis died last December at 63. A year before, radio producers Donnell Alexander and Neille Ilel, had recorded an interview with Ellis in which the former Pirate right hander gave a moment by moment account of June 12, 1970, the day he no-hit the San Diego Padres. Alexander and Ilels original four minute piece appeared March 29, 2008 on NPRs Weekend America. When we stumbled across that piece this past June, Blagden and Isenberg were inspired to create a short animated film around the original audio. buy Rufus Thomas (Do The) Push and Pull - Part I and II here:

Channels: Arts & Animation 

Added: 5395 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1250 | Comments: 0

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