Videos with tag cnn
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UFO NEWS: Secret UFO Transport in Cowley County, USA Dec. 2011

COWLEY COUNTY, Kansas - Residents in Cowley County are still talking about a mystery craft, seen being towed down US 77 Monday. Sitting inside Lindly's Appliance Store, Kammi Root is used to seeing large machinery towed down US 77. But what she saw Monday afternoon is something she won't soon forget......

Channels: Weird Videos 

Added: 4816 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1277 | Comments: 0

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WORLD CUP WEEKLY Group E Waka Waka Shakira World Cup Tickets The Danish Way To Rock!

WORLD CUP WEEKLY takes on the World Cup headlines with a sassy point-of-view. Visit Follow Me On Twitter Get In Touch With Me on Facebook Enjoy! Danish Official World Cup Blog

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 976 | Comments: 0

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Michael Jackson Rehearsal Footage - This Is It - 2009

Thanks to CNN and AEG Live for the footage. An autopsy report obtained by The Associated Press shows Michael Jackson was not the sickly skeleton of a man portrayed by tabloids. AP Source: Coroner rules Jackson's death homicide Here's the video of the rehearsal two days before his death. CNN reports that there is over 100 hours of rehearsal footage. FAQ: Q: Who is the female guitarist? A: Orianthi Q: Where's the rest of the footage? A: I do not have the footage, I am just posting what was posted elsewhere (CNN), and all credit was given to CNN. A movie featuring some of the footage will be released on October 27th, 2009. Grab your tickets while you can, it will be sold out. The movie should also be available on Blu-ray and DVD some time early next year. Q: What songs are in the video? A: Just check below. Performing "They Don't Care About Us" mixed with some "HIStory" as well as "Why You Wanna Trip On Me". Filmed Tuesday, June 23, 2009. Aired Thursday, July 2, 2009, exactly one week from Michael Jackson's death.

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 833 | Comments: 0

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South Park Creators Face Death Threats By Radical Muslims?

Guardian Article On TYT: Follow us on Twitter: TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): TYT on Facebook: Check Out TYT Interviews Read Ana's Blog: Watch more at Clip edited by Andrew Napier. May 20th is Everybody Draw Muhammad Day on Facebook which is sparking a controversy. Recently Jon Stewart of The Daily show and Bill Maher of Real Time have discussed these issues.

Channels: TV serials 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1169 | Comments: 0

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Matt & Trey of South Park talk about showing Muhammad

South Park co-creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker speak with Boing Boing's Xeni Jardin about the 200th episode of the hit Comedy Central series, and plans to revisit battles over the boundaries of what can and cannot be done on television -- including how whether Comedy Central will stop them from showing the image and voice of a cartoon version of the Muslim prophet Mohammed. WATCH EPISODE 200: BOING BOING POST: SOUTH PARK 200 WEBSITE:

Channels: TV serials 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 883 | Comments: 0

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South Park Muhammad Cartoon Sparks Jihadi Death Threats - Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Click like if you like this video and support free speech. South park creators show an episode of various religious characters, yet no religious groups act like cry babies or spark outcry, but when muhammad is CENSORED and shown in a bear costume, radical muslims spark outcry and call for creators of south park to be killed. If you beleive anybody that these weren't death threats, your obviously stupid and very naive. If giving out a warning message, along with a picture of Theo Van Gogh with a knife in his back and the addresses for the south park creators is not a death threat, then you need a reality check. If you support free speech, then join this facebook group

Channels: TV serials 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1075 | Comments: 0

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CNN Comments on the SouthPark "N" Word Episode

CNN Comments about this episode, sorry for the crappy quality :( BTW YouTube deleting the actual clip was bullshit Check out YouTubes Most Awesome Videos Stream

Channels: TV serials 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 818 | Comments: 0

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Bill O'Reilly on South Park Muhammad Controversy

Bill O'Reilly Interviews Former DEA Special Agent Ann Hayes On South Park Muhammad Muslim Controversy - 04/20/10 Threats are from Revolution Muslim. Revolution Muslim YouTube Channel: Revolution Muslim Website: If ithe website URL doesn't work, try the Google cached version here:

Channels: TV serials 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 900 | Comments: 0

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Muslims Threaten To Kill South Park Creators

Anderson Cooper 360, CNN, 4-20-2010 With Aayan Hirsi Ali Threats are from Revolution Muslim. Revolution Muslim YouTube Channel: Revolution Muslim Website: If ithe website URL doesn't work, try the Google cached version here:

Channels: TV serials 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 952 | Comments: 0

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VIDEO Rewarded by WWF (2008) How long can the Lion roam its kingdom? With lion populations dropping (recent data shows numbers between 15,000 to 25,000 left) and man invading its territory, experts feel the lion is in serious trouble. For more Lion info please visit: Living with Lions Program- Olare Orok Conservancy- African Wildlife Foundation- Defenders of Wildlife- Campaign Against Canned Hunts- Big Cat Conservation- & The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. -Thanks to Sean Hartley (born and raised in Kenya) who has worked at several camps as a manager. His blog here: And to "Ping" a Maasai who is an excellent guide on the Mara, and has even worked at Animal Kingdom (Fl.-USA) I think the lion situation one is interesting and brings up much debate on how/if we can conserve the king of Africa. Can we save the lion, or is it doomed simply by human conflict? Although some conservation groups back trophy hunting, I do not fully agree and tend to support those parks that do not see hunting, nor "walk with a lion" programs as an option for the lions conservation. I feel by simply protecting enough land with funds from tourist and animal groups the lion will do just fine. Thanks for watching! - Brian *Lion footage filmed by me in 2008 on the Olare Orok Conservancy and Maasai Mara in Kenya, Africa. -Myself next to "Joseph" lion filmed at Big Cat Rescue-Tampa, Fl by my wife.

Channels: Music 

Added: 5392 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1035 | Comments: 0

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!!!CHECK OUT THE RESPONSE VIDEO - Snow Leopard HELLO!!! Big Cat Rescue is home to over 130 big cats, this means that throughout the day you get to hear many different strange, funny or scary big cat sounds! Take a look at this podcast and listen to some of the sounds that big cats can make, from the cougar squeak to the lions ROAR! For FREE ringtones of these BIG CAT sounds visit: For more info about BIG CAT RESCUE visit: Find us on FACEBOOK: MYSPACE: TWITTER: DONATE: THANK YOU!

Channels: Funny 

Added: 5395 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1006 | Comments: 0

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Susan Boyle : Breaking News on CNN

Credit Goes to CNN Broadcasting corporation

Channels: Breaking News 

Added: 5395 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 724 | Comments: 0

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