Videos with tag contest
Results 13-24 of 60

The Korean Beauty Secret

My name is Marisa~! For the past three months, I have been living in Korea with my boyfriend and his parents and learning everything there is to learn about this fantastic country. When I came here, I discovered a whole new side of beauty that I feel the US hasn't experienced. For the "All Around the World" theme of AllThatGlitters21's contest, I decided to show the contemporary Korean ideal look, with my own white girl twist. Oh, I wish I could show you more! The time limit, I'm afraid, is crippling. Anyway, I only have a few more weeks in Korea before I leave to go back home for school. I'm trying to figure out how to translate this look into American products. I'll let you know when I figure out the best combo! =D Please rate and comment! This is my first video and I would like to do more in the future! Does anyone have any suggestions for me? What would you like to see me try? Please Subscribe! It will make my day! Everyone enjoy! Products Used: Lacvert's Live Velvet Primer Etude House's Pore Erasing Peach Base in #2 Mint Green Ginger Spirit BB Cream (featured but not used)--optional Laneige's Snow Crystal Dual Foundation (concealer and foundation) Laneige's Snow Crystal Sliding Pact_EX Bare Minerals Brow Color in Pale Ash/Blonde Victoria Secret's VERY SEXY Brow Gel Benefit's High Beam (liquid highlighter) Etude House's Eyeshadow in Floral Pink OR Maybelline's Pure Raisin Blush Victoria Secret's VERY SEXY Eyeliner in Black Velvet Etude House's 3 Proof Lash Mascara Etude House's Styling Eye Liner in White Maybelline matte muted color palette 30--white eyeshadow Bert's Bees' Soothing Chapstick L'Oreal Paris' Bare Naturals Gentle Lip Conditioner in Soft Petal Explore the Makeup! Websites for my two favorite Korean Makeup Brands! Featured Korean Tunes; Titles, Artists, and Production Companies: 1: Pretty Girl-- 카라(Kara) DSP Entertainment, M.Net Media 2: Nobody--원더걸스 (WONDERGIRLS) LOEN Entertainment, JYP Entertainment (produced by Park Jin-Young) 3: 하니 (HONEY)--카라 (Kara) DSP Entertainment, M.Net Media 4: 힘내! (Way to Go!)--소녀시대 (SNSD/Girls Generation) SM Entertainment . . . . (Yes, everyone, I know I'm not Asian. This is merely my interpretation of the fabulous, fresh, dewy look of Korean women today. I had fun with it)

Channels: Sexy 

Added: 5388 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 827 | Comments: 0

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Bikini Party Girls Secret Spy Cam! Bikini Party Girls Secret Spy Cam! A3 Network is a group of online TV channels that reflect the modern lifestyle, featuring Bikini Girls, Sexy Pool Parties, Nightlife, Clubs, DJs, Music Videos, Style, Art and Fashion. Whatever the flavor, the most exciting videos on the web! Original A3 Network content is produced by

Channels: Sexy 

Added: 5388 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1135 | Comments: 0

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Mad TV - Kenny Rogers' Jackass

The second Mad TV Kenny Rogers' Jackass. God I love these. This might be one of my all-time favorite sketches. Will Sasso was the greatest!

Channels: Humor 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 938 | Comments: 0

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Easter Cat on Roomba ATTACKS Dog pit bull Sharky. PART 2

All-in-One Roomba CAT : Rides a roomba, Hunts Easter Eggs, Cleans floors and attacks pit bull Sharky... Happy Easter Weekend! Have a nice April Fools' Day too!! ;) XOXOXOX from us all!!! Helen, Max-Arthur and pit bull Sharky MAX-ARTHUR::: SHARKY::: pitbullsharky (at) HELEN: "CATillac" Driver This is iRobot Roomba model 560 Vacuum Cleaning Robot. **** other webpages: Yahoo! Badass Cat On Roomba Slaps Pitbull (VIDEO) Open Post: Hosted By A Drive-By Slapper The Funniest Cats Of 2009 (VIDEOS) FOX 13 (UTAH) Viral Video: House Cat Roomba Driver 5:45 PM MST, February 9, 2010:,0,3060031.story (COPY/PASTE-all together) http://www.,0,3060031.story Cat On A Hovercraft! Cat Fights A Dog With The Help Of A Roomba! Easter Roomba Cat swats Dog pit bull Sharky. PART 2

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 954 | Comments: 0

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azz so fat best azz ever clappin contest shaker big women in leggings azz so fat best azz ever clappin contest shaker big women in leggings

Channels: Funny 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 758 | Comments: 0

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Satellite - Lena Meyer-Landrut - Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Germany (Cover UNDO) - check out our OWN songs/ music! :) Here's a cover of Lena 's song - Satellite. Hope you like it! Unfortunately, only half of UNDO is playing - but have a look our channel, then you'll see the two of us :) Please comment and subscribe if you like it. We're grateful for any kind of feedback!

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 725 | Comments: 0

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Eurovision Winner Lena Meyer-Landrut Caught Naked Playing In The Swimming Pool With A Man Lena Meyer-Landrut (born 23 May 1991), also known by her stage name Lena, is a German singer. She represented Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Oslo, Norway, and won the contest with the song "Satellite". With her three entries from the German national final Unser Star für Oslo (Our Star for Oslo), Meyer-Landrut set an all-time chart record in her home country by debuting with three songs in the top five of the German singles chart. "Satellite" debuted at number one in Germany, and has been certified triple gold since. In May 2010, Meyer-Landrut released her first album, My Cassette Player, which debuted at number one in the German albums chart.

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 953 | Comments: 0

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Lena Meyer-Landrut - Satellite bei/at NDR!

Lena Meyer-Landrut with her song "Satellite" at the North German Radio (NDR).

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 913 | Comments: 0

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Lena Meyer-Landrut - Satellite (Lyrics + german translation ON SCREEN)

With english lyrics and german translation on screen. Zum Song muss ich glaub ich nichts mehr sagen, weil ihn eigentlich alle kennen müssten XD Ich hoffe, es gefällt euch! Falls ihr einen Wunsch habt, schreibt einfach ein Kommentar! Bitte berücksichtigt, dass ich zwar FÜR die Meinungsfreiheit bin, jedoch jegliche Kommentare, die Schimpfwörter beinhalten löschen werde, da das einfach eine sehr große Beleidigung gegenüber den beteiligten Künstlern ist. I OWN NOTHING!!!! Ich bitte YouTube zu berücksichtigen, dass ich WIRKLICH NICHT vorhabe, das Urheberrecht zu verletzen oder den beteiligten Künstlern zu schaden. Ich möchte lediglich den Deutschen, die dieses Lied mögen, den Text mit der Übersetzung zeigen, falls diese kein Englisch können! Ich bitte um Verständnis! In English: Please consider that I am indeed FOR the freedom of speech, however, any comment, delete include swear words, will there is a huge insult to the artists easy. I OWN NOTHING!! I consider your YouTube that I plan to REALLY NOT to infringe the copyrights or to prejudice the participating artists. I want to show only the Germans, who like the song, the text with the translation, if they can not speak English! Please be patient! Auszeichnungen: (:D) #58 - Heiß diskutiert (heute)) - Musik #26 - Meist gesehen (heute)) - Musik #38 - Top-Favoriten (heute)) - Musik #50 - Heiß diskutiert (heute)) - Musik #100 - Meist gesehen (heute)) #24 - Meist gesehen (heute)) - Musik #29 - Top-Favoriten (heute)) - Musik #96 - Beste Bewertung (heute)) - Musik #26 - Meist gesehen (diese Woche)) - Musik #88 - Favoriten (diese Woche)) #30 - Favoriten (diese Woche)) - Musik #79 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #66 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #53 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #99 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #36 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #76 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #90 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #32 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #71 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #84 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #30 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #65 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #97 - Heiß diskutiert (diesen Monat)) - Musik #83 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #28 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #61 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #92 - Beste Bewertung (diesen Monat)) - Musik #93 - Heiß diskutiert (diesen Monat)) - Musik #70 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #25 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #62 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik #86 - Beste Bewertung (diesen Monat)) - Musik #87 - Heiß diskutiert (diesen Monat)) - Musik #66 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) #25 - Meist gesehen (diesen Monat)) - Musik #63 - Favoriten (diesen Monat)) - Musik

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1036 | Comments: 0

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Eurovision Final Winner 2010 (Lena Meyer Landrut - Satellite) Germany

Here are the Lyrics Satellite I went everywhere for you I even did my hair for you I bought new underwear, they're blue And I wore 'em just the other day Love, you know I'll fight for you I left on the porch light for you Whether you are sweet or cruel I'm gonna love you either way Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you 'Cause I, oh, I can't go a minute without your love Like a satellite, I'm in an orbit all the way around you And I would fall out into the night Can't go a minute without your love Love, I got it bad for you I saved the best I have for you You sometimes make me sad and blue Wouldn't have it any other way Love, my aim is straight and true Cupid's arrow is just for you I even painted my toe nails for you I did it just the other day Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you 'Cause I, oh, I can't go a minute without your love Like a satellite I'm in an orbit all the way around you And I would fall out into the night Can't go a minute without your love Oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you 'Cause I, oh, I can't go a minute without your love Where you go, I'll follow You set the pace, we'll take it fast and slow I'll follow in your way, You got me, you got me A force more powerful than gravity It's physics, there's no escape Love, my aim is straight and true Cupid's arrow is just for you I even painted my toe nails for you I did it just the other day Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you 'Cause I, oh, I can't go a minute without your love Like a satellite I'm in orbit all the way around you And I would fall out into the night Can't go a minute without your Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you 'Cause I, oh, I can't go a minute without your love Love, love, love, love, love

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 901 | Comments: 0

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Lena Meyer-Landrut - Eurovision Winning Song Contest OSLO 2010 Eurovision Song Contest 2010 WINNER - Germany - Lena Meyer Landrut - Satellite Well deserved winner. Lena Meyer-Landrut (born 23 May 1991), also known by her stage name Lena, is a German singer. She represented Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Oslo, Norway, and won the contest with the song "Satellite", receiving 246 points in the final on 29 May. With her three entries from the German national final Unser Star für Oslo (Our Star for Oslo), Meyer-Landrut set an all-time chart record in her home country by debuting with three songs in the top five of the German singles chart. "Satellite" debuted at number one in Germany, and has been certified triple gold since. In May 2010, Meyer-Landrut released her first album, My Cassette Player, which debuted at number one in the German albums chart.

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 872 | Comments: 0

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Lena Meyer-Landrut Naked - Eurovision Song Contest Winner Scandal Hidden Tape Paparazzi Leak Das offizielle Musikvideo von Lena Meyer-Landrut mit ihrem Song "Satellite", mit dem sie für Deutschland am Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Oslo teilnehmen wird. Lena Meyer-Landrut will represent Germany with her song "Satellite" in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Oslo, Norway. Here is the official music video. Lena Meyer-Landrut (born 23 May 1991), also known by her stage name Lena, is a German singer. She represented Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Oslo, Norway, and won the contest with the song "Satellite". With her three entries from the German national final Unser Star für Oslo (Our Star for Oslo), Meyer-Landrut set an all-time chart record in her home country by debuting with three songs in the top five of the German singles chart. "Satellite" debuted at number one in Germany, and has been certified triple gold since. In May 2010, Meyer-Landrut released her first album, My Cassette Player, which debuted at number one in the German albums chart. Despite having had no professional singing experience, Meyer-Landrut decided to take part in the talent show Unser Star für Oslo (Our Star for Oslo), a newly created national television programme to select the German entry for the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Oslo. The show was organised by public broadcaster ARD and private television station ProSieben, as well as entertainer and music producer Stefan Raab. Among 4,500 entrants, Meyer-Landrut was picked as one of the 20 contestants for the show. Asked about her motivation to apply, she stated, "I like to test myself. I wanted to see how I am perceived, and I wanted to hear what people with knowledge have to say about it. I personally can't judge myself at all."

Channels: Music 

Added: 5390 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 16302 | Comments: 0

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