Videos with tag hip
Results 229-236 of 236

Lady Gaga - Then You Love Me ( Full Song )

Lady Gaga - Then You Love Me ( Full Song )

Channels: Music 

Added: 5392 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 943 | Comments: 0

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Win world cup tickets, FREE entry. Good luck! Enter by clicking on the links below... Win World Cup Tickets - Click here (US residents) Win World Cup Tickets - Click here (NZ residents) Win World Cup Tickets - Click here (AU residents) Watch all of the Cup games live online in HDTV quality, this is the link below! The official video of the " FIFA World Cup 2010" Anthem...... In South Africa .... By somalian artist K'naan... Big Up ..... Video by "Coca Cola" somalia somaliland KNAAN K'NAAN official world cup anthem song south africa TIA high quality johannesburg FIFA waving flag new version mogadishu canada

Channels: Music 

Added: 5393 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 892 | Comments: 0

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Snoop Dogg talks politics

Snoop Dogg tells CNN's Larry King his thoughts on politics.

Channels: Politics 

Added: 5393 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 766 | Comments: 0

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Make You Bleed (Assassins Creed 2 Rap Music Video) by TEAMHEADKICK Click here to watch Aliens VS Predator Rap by TEAMHEADKICK Make You Bleed (Assassins Creed 2 Rap Music Video) by TEAMHEADKICK TEAMHEADKICK takes on Assassins Creed 2 in this comedic rap about killing for a living, hanging out with prostitutes, running from the guards, and not listening to Justin Biebers music. EVER. This is what a hip hop music video would look like in 1472 Italy. Enjoy. MP3 Available on iTunes, Amazon, and Worldwide under TEAMHEADKICK Lyrics Im like a Ninja, Hiyaa, come to make you bleed Tip toein through the shadows, cause Im light on my feet, Jumping off rooftops, using stealth to kill ya Its like Ive been here before, this place is looking familiar With a price on your head, theres no place you can hide Ill use swords, blades, spears, poison, arrows, and knives I take lives away, until there aint none left, Im not a fan of Justin Bieber, Im the Angel of Death I put the Ass in Assassin, Im kind of a Clown But the guards will never catch me I dont want to get found, Signing mad contracts, and and racking up bids Takin way more hits than Rihanna did Ohhhh, And did I mention Im the master of disguise Stab you right in your back from behind 3 times Was it me, or him, or somebody else When you see me come a runnin then youll poop yourself Some People have normal lives, My only friends are blades, poisen arrows, and knives Some People have a death wish Ill Ghost you motherfucker, make you UN exist Its looking Bleak, I come to make you bleed No chance to escape, its Assassins Creed, So Bleak Keep my voice low, no need to get loud And if you think youve got me pegged, then I blend into the crowd Hanging around with harlots and prostitutes Turn around for a second, Ill pickpocket your loot And shoot my hidden blade right into your chest The axe to your dome is making a mess Their perplexed, Hey. where did that guy go? Crawlin up the building, hanging off the window On the low, take a nap in the hay, let the law pass, Then pop out with my blade stick it in your ass Im fast, and to kill is my mission Checking out mad butts with my eagle vision Get out of my kitchen, when Im cooking up pain, Tossing coins to the crowd, straight making it rain Im a cereal killer, always eating fruit loops, But I always got some time to stop and stare at some boobs. Some People get no respect, Ill send you swinging with a noose around your neck Some people are over rated, Like a chicken with no head, Ill leave you decapitated Well being a killer really is lonely Its hard to find a chick that is sick enough to bone me, So I keep it undercover that my lover is my hand, And if youve never had to do it, then you wouldnt understand And my plan is to take everyone of you out, Toss your ass off the roof or put some poison in your mouth, And No doubt you cant shout with my sword in your ear, Like Houdini youll disappear, later Yeah of course Im running around on my horse, Always swinging my sword, straight leaving a corpse, Killing off the bad guys it never gets old, Revenge is a dish that is best served cold you can try to run, if you want, but youll never escape, I got the hidden Gun, Cocked, pointed right at your face, So watch your back because Im Dangerous, Im the motherfuckin King of the Animus Director's Channels: Director's Website: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima ‪‬ Inside Gaming ‪‬ Machinima Respawn ‪‬ Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture ‪‬ FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: TAGS: yt:quality=high Assassin's Creed [2] II UPC 8888525349 MPN 68339 Ubisoft Montreal make you bleed rap teamheadkick soundtrack theme song music video tribute fan machinima hip hop rock metal brotherhood hitman ubisoft hd jt dlc gameplay walkthrough cheats code achievements xbox360 ps3 pc windows anvil team head kick italy justin bieber rihanna parody funny comedy preview release wii mac online trailer teaser action adventure nintendo iphone console bonfire altair

Channels: Music 

Added: 5393 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1038 | Comments: 0

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Modern Warfare 2 Rap (MW2 Music Video Machinima) Click this to watch Halo 3: ODST Rap (Music Video Machinima)! Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Rap (Music Video Machinima) by patfan8326 and skullkruncher13 Remember to check out our Album! follow us on twitter: stay updated by our blog: become a fan on facebook: Download ths video as a podcast on iTunes: LYRICS -- Modern Warfare 2 Rap CHORUS: Call of Duty is truly the best game, I can Go and play it all day without no shame, cuz with Modern Warfare Two I do the same thing Playiní all night cuz sleep is just lame, and I Let the trash be spoken untamed In the xbox microphone, Iím pwniní insanely Teabagginí people even though they canít see me Iím rockiní COD: MW2, namely Skullkruncher13 Up on the gamer scene I wasnít the only who thought COD Was the dream Until I seen something crazy Right next to me It made World at War Look so yesterday But Modern Warfare Two? What is this thing, dude? And I couldnít begin to think Because my eyes were glued So I looked at my bro We both know whatís up Whip out the cash little man, We gonna buy this stuff Next thing I know, The Xbox ring is flashiní I can hear the COD disc Itís spinniní fast and, I canít wait to start all the Smash and blastiní And now I know itís time For me to kick some ass in. CHORUS Now haters hate All you want, But itís just a mistake Cuz I will make You astonished As Iím honestly blatant You think that Iím wastiní All my time on COD? Iíll tell you why itís amaziní Youíll be praisiní the Gods Screw walkiní Iíll be rockiní out The tank and truck You think ya got fire power Till I crank it up Tough it out, no doubt That Iíll shank you up Cuz Iím a knife throwiní whiz That you canít touch And so I thank you much You boost my rank with ease Before the match, I Didnít even have to say please You stick it out with a rifle I stifle you to ya knees I dual-wield this shit, Come get a piece of these, UH! CHORUS Desert Eagle, keep it real Born and built in Israel Between you and me, you see The USP is a steal Itís got a bigass clip, Itís accurate and shit Just like the FAMAS This gun will straight up rip Donít slip youíll get hit With the L86 The gunís range is sick You best resort to quit And with the p90, youíll find me Cominí up behind thee It unloads fast, Iíll kill your ass So kindly Cuz itís Belgian made itís Sweeter than the bliss of chocolate Its brother MP5 is powerful Now this is hot shit The M21, the grandson Of M1 Garand And, this semi-auto rifle Gonna end what you planned In my hand, AA-12 Is the gun that I wield To this auto shotgun All you fools gotta yield So grab a riot shield And Iíma make you hate me more Iíll blow past that piece of plastic With my AT4 Now if you use the dragunov Youíre slackiní off, youíre done I only settle for the Barret .50 caliber son Iím stalkiní you with steady aim I hipfire all day Martyrdom is for losers Who misuse their AKís AC130 Gettiní dirty with my enemies Try to run with marathon, But itís too easy how I handle these And juggernautís not What you want to use And you can eat my headshot Because Iím watchiní you, PUNK CHORUS x2 FOR MORE MACHINIMA GOTO: TAGS: yt:quality=high Call of Duty Modern "Warfare 2" MW2 UPC 47875333376 PS3 047875837492 XBox 360 XBox360 X360 0047875333376 PC MPN 83747 Infinity Ward Activision "Duty 6" JT battlegrounds hip hop battle music video project rooster jtmachinima freestyle skullcruncher13 patfan8326

Channels: Music 

Added: 5393 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 982 | Comments: 0

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Rap Battle/ Fight!!!!!!!!

This is from the smack dvd! funny as shit!!!!!

Channels: Fights 

Added: 5393 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1101 | Comments: 0

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How to Avoid Heel Strike: Video Instruction by ChiRunning's Danny Dreyer

Channels: Education & Instructional 

Added: 5393 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 590 | Comments: 0

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Channels: Sexy 

Added: 5394 days ago by vshare

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 851 | Comments: 0

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