Videos with tag yt:qualityhigh
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Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Debut Trailer [HD]

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Debut Trailer [HD] Developer: TT Games Release: 5/2011 Genre: Action/Adventure Platform: PS3/X360/Wii/DS/PSP Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game will re-create the action, adventure and memorable moments of the Pirates of the Caribbean mythology in LEGO form, incorporating the humor of LEGO minifigures and fantastic worlds built from LEGO bricks and elements for players to explore. Players can take on the roles of more than 70 characters and experience the pirate adventure, irreverent humor and amazing creatures of the Pirates of the Caribbean films, through action-adventure gameplay and hilariously quirky LEGO cut scenes. Throughout the game, players will also have the freedom to explore environments from the highly acclaimed movie series in more than 20 levels. The game features two-player cooperative mode, in which players each control a character to experience the story together, and freeplay mode, which lets players return to levels to discover new items. Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima Inside Gaming Machinima Respawn Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: FOR MMO AND RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: TAGS: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Debut Trailer [HD] machinima videogame video game xbox 360 microsoft playstation 3 ps3 sony scea Nintendo wii dos 3ds gameplay Disney tt games movie film Johnny depp 2011 official yt:quality=high

Channels: Funny 

Added: 5070 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1217 | Comments: 0

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Vlad's Sexy Show (Grand Theft Auto IV Machinima) Click above to watch GTA IV: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly! Vlad's Sexy Show (Grand Theft Auto IV Machinima) Vlad, the enemy of Niko Bellic, tries to make peace with him through a sexy dance. Yeah. Made by XZS of LBQ2TS Studio. Director's Channel: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima ‪‬ Inside Gaming ‪‬ Machinima Respawn ‪‬ Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture ‪‬ FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: TAGS: GTA4 The Last Decision GTA Rockstar Game Studios UPC 093155129696 MPN 12860 Grand Theft Auto IV 4 Vlad's Sexy Show Vlad Niko Bellic dance comedy humor funny GTA Rockstar Games LBQ2TS XZS Glumok video game machinima yt:quality=high

Channels: Sexy 

Added: 5238 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1400 | Comments: 0

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Christina Aguilera || Sexy Bitch (Dedicated to Moe)

OMG! A LITTLE WARNING! The transitions are really fast...that fast that my movie maker didn´t reder them...again! Awesome! I actually wanted to make a cool coloring but i wasn´t inspired to a great one. So i didn´t changed the colors that much at the end. Well what can i say to that video. The idea just poped into my head yesterday and it was sooo much fun doing it. Don´t get me wrong, i don´t think that Christina is a bitch. Neither in a moody way nor in a sluty way. I just saw from the sexy side...idk, u hopefully know what i mean! ;) There are so many awesome sexy pics of xtina but i didn´t wanted to use always the same so jope u like my collection. And i also won´t have a P18 video again! O_o Anyway, that brings me to Moe, who i dedicated this video to. U know ur still my nasty naughty boy and i though u would like that video. U are such a great friend and always so funny. I´m so happy that we found each other in that hugh YT world. Its nice to come on at msn and to know u are there (and ur mostly...always online :P). Ur my nr. one supporter and i never ever want to miss our friendship hunni! Oh and u remembered me to ur bday next week. Believe me i really would like to make a special gift video but i´m afraid that i can´t work it out in the time. Have to work the whole day and haven´t that much freetime. So maybe u could see that video also as a pre-suprise-bday-gift-video-whatever!^^ At last i want to tell u how much i love u and hope we will be friends forever! So 100000000000000 hugs and kisses to u! :*** Honors for tgis video (24.Nov.): #82 - Top Rated (Today) - Music - Germany

Channels: Sexy 

Added: 5238 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 858 | Comments: 0

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Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 1 (Halo 3 Machinima) Click to watch The video that SPAWNED "Arby N' The Chief" HALO 3 : by DigitalPh33r The first episode of a series that is the sequel to the Master Chief Sucks at Halo trilogy. Master Chief is continuing to suck at every game he plays, especially Halo 3, and has become a lonely alcoholic... that is until Master Chief is greeted by new friend that will change his life forever. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima _ Inside Gaming _ Machinima Respawn _ Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture _ FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: TAGS: arby arbiter master chief series episode halo three machinima new lost digital ph33r digitalph33r cjg joncjg Halo UPC 882224444477 Bungie Software Microsoft la wonderful live hard justice one life remaining yt:quality=high

Channels: Funny 

Added: 5276 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1280 | Comments: 0

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Need for Speed Hot Pursuit E3 2010 Debut Trailer [HD]

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit E3 2010 Debut Trailer [HD] Developer: Criterion Games Release: 11/16/2010 Genre: Racing Platform: PS3/X360 Publisher: EA Website: Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima Inside Gaming Machinima Respawn Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: TAGS: Need for Speed Hot Pursuit E3 2010 Debut Trailer [HD] machinima videogame video game xbox 360 xbox360 microsoft playstation 3 ps3 playstation3 sony computer entertainment scea soe ea criterion underground undercover classic new exclusive fast furious racing street nascar race yt:quality=high

Channels: Gaming Videos 

Added: 5343 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1046 | Comments: 0

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The X Factor 2009 - Shakira: Did It Again - Live Results 6 (

The X Factor 2009: Shakira treats us to a performance of her new single Did It Again! See more at

Channels: Music 

Added: 5353 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 822 | Comments: 0

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Outside Gaming: Iron Man 2, Sherlock Holmes, Transformers 2, & Space Butterflies) S1E2 Click above to watch Outside Gaming S1E1! Outside Gaming: Iron Man 2, Sherlock Holmes, Transformers 2, & Space Butterflies) S1E2 Welcome to Outside Gaming with Khail Anonymous! As always, get the brain dump on everything-not- gaming going on in the tech and entertainment world here. FOR MORE MACHINIMA GOTO: TAGS: megan fox Outisde Gaming Inside gaming news machinima Khail anonymous iron man 2 sherlock holmes transformers be Xbox sequel yt:quality=high 47875837874 752919550281 Tony Hawk Ride skateboard Darksiders

Channels: Movies 

Added: 5354 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 988 | Comments: 0

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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

The fallen are getting their revenge. The Fallen is finally here. If you've got a pulse, it undoubtedly sped up when the new "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" trailer hit the Web recently. In true Michael Bay tradition, the ominous foreshadowing, massive explosions and giant F-in' robots are ... well, awesome. After our detailed analysis of the "Transformers" Super Bowl ad, we're back with our obsessive shot-by-shot breakdown of all the action. So read on and get yourself ready. Because come June 24, we all might just be giving "The Fallen" a standing ovation. 0:09-0:22: In Paris, some locals talk on their cell phones and enjoy the sights. Suddenly, what looks like a pair of meteors come streaking through the sky. Sacre bleu! 0:23-0:24: Egyptian pyramids. Clearly, Bay is trying to portray this "Transformers" struggle as a truly global phenomenon. :27-0:29: An aircraft carrier. 0:31-0:32: Meteors land near the pyramids. 0:33-0:36: Six meteors rain down on a fleet of aircraft carriers. 0:38-0:42: As the meteors pelt one carrier, military planes fall overboard. 0:44-0:49: A slow-motion shot of the fallout from the attack. Underwater, we can see the planes and helicopters falling to their watery graves. Which is all fine and good, but are there any Transformers in this trailer, or is this an ad for "Pearl Harbor 2"? 0:51-0:52: This is what we're looking for: As two men sit at a table in what looks like a kitchen, a Decepticon comes speeding through their walls. Yep, it's an additional shot from that Japanese chase scene that was in the Super Bowl ad. 0:53-0:57: The rest of that Japanese shot. This time, however, the scene is held long enough to show us a quick glimpse of three small "flying" Autobots in hot pursuit. The smart money says that one of them is female Transformer Arcee. 0:58-1:00: Title card: "From director Michael Bay" 1:02-1:08: Something really, really big transforming. As we learned from the end of the Super Bowl trailer, the enormous Devastator will threaten the Autobots in this film. That massive beast is made up of six Decepticons (think Voltron), and what you're looking at is Demolisher, a hydraulic mining excavator that forms its torso. 1:09-1:11 Title card: "And executive producer Steven Spielberg" 1:12-1:19: "You don't stop, you don't hide," Shia's Sam Witwicky barks, just as we saw in the trailer before. "You run. You hear what I'm saying?" Only this time, his father (Kevin Dunn) screams back at him: "We're all going together!" We then see a shot of Megan Fox, also from the Super Bowl ad. 1:20-1:26: Sam picks apart a small, metallic bug, then hears something much larger looming overhead. Most likely, the tiny invader in the shot is an Insecticon, a tick-like creature that can dig into other robots and control them. 1:27-1:28: Shia being pinned down by Starscream. 1:29-1:32: A new shot of Bumblebee, transforming and coming to the defense of Sam's dad. In the sequel, he and his wife finally learn the truth about the existence of the Transformers. 1:32-1:35: A quick shot of Scorpinok attacking Jetfire in the desert. After finishing fourth in a USA Today poll on which Transformers fans wanted in the sequel, the popular Autobot will make his series debut. 1:36: The shot of Ravage we've seen before. 1:38: Optimus Prime takes a brutal hit that sends pieces of him flying everywhere. 1:39: Out in the desert, as a military team flees, the Fallen finally appears. It is our first real glimpse (albeit way too brief) of the film's apocalyptic central villain. We see shots of Shia and Megan reacting in fear, but those appear to be taken from a different scene. 1:55: All hell breaks loose, as the Demolisher (and then some semblance of the Devastator) destroys everything in its wake. A bit more footage is shown, and now we can see a dwarfed Optimus Prime hanging from its neck. 1:55-2:09: The words "Revenge Is Coming," transform into the Decepticon logo.

Channels: Movies 

Added: 5354 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 799 | Comments: 0

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Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

Decepticon forces return to Earth on a mission to take Sam Witwicky prisoner, after the young hero learns the truth about the ancient origins of the Transformers. Joining the mission to protect humankind is Optimus Prime, who forms an alliance with international armies for a second epic battle.

Channels: Movies 

Added: 5354 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 802 | Comments: 0

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How To Dance Like Michael Jackson [Moonwalk Billie Jean Thriller Beat Bad This Is It] by Corey Vidal

MY FACEBOOK: MY TWITTER: Click here to automatically share this video on your Twitter: Consider posting it on your Facebook too? Aww, thanks. You rock! Host Corey Vidal teaches you how to dance like Michael Jackson. Posted exactly 3 years (to the day!) after my previous How To Dance video: 'How To Dance: SexyBack' - SPECIAL THANKS: STEVE VIDAL, who also happens to be my father MARK RAUWERDA, for help with the setup and lighting JAMES SIMPSON, for helping me get this online TAY ZONDAY, for recording the outro JOE PENNA, for continually telling me not to give up JESUS, because He's cool and of course MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON, for inspiring me to dance when I was young, and whose music videos and performances changed my life forever Rest In Peace M.J. (1958-2009)

Channels: Music 

Added: 5354 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 930 | Comments: 0

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Billie Jean Michael Jackson Live HD

Channels: Music 

Added: 5354 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 660 | Comments: 0

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Michael Jackson vs Kanye West, King of Pop Face Off Michael Jackson vs Kanye West, King of Pop Face Off presented by Valerie Lora. Based on the story going around on Thursday we done a little career comparison between Michael Jackson and Kanye West. Surprisingly, Kanye doesn't fair as bad as we thought in comparison with the numbers but MJ had 40 years career on him and the actual accolades are incredible! Kanye did claim on his blog that the story was false, however, Scrape TV have published a response on their site claiming they never printed anything false. Either way, this makes for an interesting comparison. SCRAPE TV POST: KANYE RESPONSE: SCRAPE TV RESPONSE: All research compiled online.

Channels: Music 

Added: 5354 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 695 | Comments: 0

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