Videos with tag paul
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Paul sings Nessun Dorma high quality video/sound widescreen 16:9

Please check out/ Bitte aufrufen : as Paul walks from Port Talbot to London to raise funds for children in Haiti. Purchase Passione, Paul's second album on amazon: UK: US: Das neue Album "Passione" kann bei bestellt werden, oder clicken sie hier: Germany: Keep an eye on Paul's website for updates. For widescreen/HiDef/stereo sound click the following link and enjoy (you need a fast machine and connection): Paul Potts' debut CD "One Chance" was released shortly after this audition was first broadcast. The album has a been a huge success globally, reaching number one in some 14 countries. It is still available in stores in the US, Europe and around the world or on line. If you have fast machine and connection and want to see the clip in higher quality then append &fmt=18 to the end of the URL. Having both won the competition and released his debut album, Paul is exhaustively touring, engaging in live performances in the UK and TV appearances worldwide. For details of live performances, check out his website. Paul's official websites are: Official Website:- Official myspace:- Please do not promote any other websites in the comments. Any such comments will be deleted and your account blocked. Sunday Mirror article: New York Times article: NBC performance: Paul Potts has won the final of this competition. The prize is £100,000 and the chance to perform at the Royal Variety Performance on 3rd December 2007. This will be broadcast on ITV1 in the UK, exact details to follow. Check out the show's home at Semi final: Click this link for Observer interview with Paul Potts: Paul Potts sings Nessun dorma on UK talent show "Britain's got Talent" featuring Simon Cowell as a judge. Check out the clip of his semi final winning performance. Comments about the performance only please. All others will be removed and blocked. Aerosmith's "I don't want to miss a thing" is also featured in the clip, for those that keep asking! For all those that seem to think Paul is a pro in disguise, please realise the following. - Bath Opera is an amateur opera company staging a small number of productions a few times each year. - Paul has performed in just 4 four productions with this company - Paul has attended some masterclasses in Italy. These courses are designed for talented amateurs. All of these are paid for by those attending. - A few masterclasses, even one with the great man do not constitute "a formal opera training" by any stretch of the imagination. - Professional opera singers earn their living by treading the boards night after night week-in week-out, year after year with professional opera companies. - Paul, has never earned a single penny from opera performance, other than winning a tv talent show in 1999 - the winnings funding masterclasses. - Paul has not performed since 2003. - He is not a professional opera singer pretending to be a mobile phone sales man, but rather he is a mobile phone salesman aspiring to be an opera singer. - An operatic voice IS a trained voice. Hmmmm, perhaps if I can buy a few classes at a pro cookery school, I can pass myself off as a highly experienced pro chef.....hmmmmm......

Channels: Music 

Added: 5292 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 850 | Comments: 0

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Paul the World Cup Octopus picks Jacob to win Twilight RAW

Paul the Psychic Octopus predicts the outcome of Team Edward vs Team Jacob.

Channels: Humor 

Added: 5304 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1054 | Comments: 0

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Deutschland - Spanien! Tintenfisch Paul Vorhersage Spanien gewinnt Oktopus Orakel WM 2010


Channels: Weird Videos 

Added: 5332 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1161 | Comments: 0

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Eminem - Beautiful ( Official Video ) Relapse 2009 (HD)

Eminem - Beautiful OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO (HD) Eminem - Beautiful OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO (HD) Eminem - Beautiful OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO (HD) Eminem - Beautiful OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO (HD) Eminem - Beautiful OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO (HD) DOWNLOAD : ........ PLZ READ THIS 19/05/09 = Right ppl here is the deal. I'v heard this song is not gonna be the next song coming out from his Relapes Album even tho everyone proby feels the same as us and thinks this is the best song on the Relapes Album. So since we won the last fight to get ( Akon - Right Now ) out in the charts we need to do the same with this song. Plz share this song with every1 you know and put it on your Bebo, Myspace, Tagged and anyotha website like this to let Shady / Interscope Records know you want this song out next and not Bagpipes From Baghdad or Deja Vu. We was so successful with ( Akon - Right Now ) that we feel we can do the same again with your help. If successful again with views, we will contact interscope records to let them know how well the song is doin and how strongy u feel over this song like what we did with ( Akon - Right Now ). so if u feel the same as us and want this song out next then here is your chance to show ur support for Em and all of Em's team. lets get 2 copin n paste'in ppl and lets do this. Thank You for your time and support everyone and god bless to you all. Peace .......P.S...... Now for the songs info = This is the new song of Eminem's new Album Relapes which is out today / 19th may 2009. In the song eminem tells every1 about his life story & fame and that he wants every1 to know what it is like 2 walk in his shoes. he also says that somtimes he wish's that he was like every1 else and that fame has its downsides to it. Check it out coz this song is very touchin and he tells his story in this song very well. I did upload this aday ago before but the sound got took off it. Now i put the sound of Eminem - Beautiful from one of the otha video's that is still going on youtube and stuck it 2 the video so u can enjoy. I dont know if it all match's up but it looks ok to me. I own non of the content of both song and video so plz support Eminem more than me and his record lable.iv only got this on here coz im a big fan of Em and allways will be. His the best 4sho and i deffy think this is the best song of his new Album.Anyways if u like den Rate and Comment and if u want more then Sub all the ppl who hav allready Sub then this isnt a remix but there will b more comin out soon.keep an eye out.peace every1 and god bless.holla

Channels: Music 

Added: 5359 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 924 | Comments: 0

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Shakira interview Paul O Grady Show Nov 5 2009

Interviewed by guest host Jo Brand.

Channels: Music 

Added: 5359 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 842 | Comments: 0

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Shakira - Interview - Paul OGrady Show - 5th November 09-snoop (Part 1)

Shakira - Interview - Paul OGrady Show - 5th November 09-snoop (Part 1)

Channels: Music 

Added: 5359 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 920 | Comments: 0

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Sido - Schlechtes Vorbild (Joe Rilla Remix)

Fetter Remix vom Aggro Berlin Remix Album by Joe Rilla Lyrics: Scheiß egal, eh... Das Gesetz bedeutet nichts für mich ich geb schon immer ein Fick drauf was richtig ist ich hab ne große Fresse auch wenn du ein Grizzly bist mein Freund ich bin wie ich bin man es ist wie es ist ich hab ne Abneigung gegen Lehrer und ne 6 in Mathe ich habs ihm einfach weg genommen wenn er was besseres hatte ich behalt alles für mich ich geb nie ab ich scheiß auf Mitleid und Gefühl ich geb nen Fiack! ich bin unberechenbar ich lass nicht mit mir reden ich hab kein Problem damit die Kasse mitzunehmen und dir ein Tritt zu geben wenn du mich stresst du Penner denn wir hier bei der Sekte regeln das wie echte Männer homeboy ich kann es sehen du würdest gerne sein wie ich Alle du würdest alles tun für ein Leben aus meiner Sicht denn deins ist langweilig du bist brav wie immer und ich geh ab los machs mir nach du Spinner Refrain: Ich bin all das wovor deine Eltern dich immer gewarnt haben doch ich hab Geld, hab Frauen, hab Spass und du musst immer noch Bahn fahren ich bin ein schlechtes Vorbild na und wer sagt was schlecht ist ich passe nicht in dein Konzept egal mir geht es prächtig pass gut auf hör mir zu machs mir nach (machs mir nach du Spinner) ich bleib so wie ich bin egal was ihr sagt Mein Körper ist eine Ruine denn ich nehm viele Drogen und immer wenn ich high bin mutiere ich zum Philosophen die Welt ist klein denn ich betrachte sie von oben ich bin unerzogen abgehoben haut ab ihr Idioten ich trinke wie ein Loch doch das ist meine Sache warum ist das ein Problem weil ichs nicht heimlich mache ich bin immer ehrlich und ja ich bin gefährlich Alle ich nehm den Laden auseinander und tu so als wär nichts ich hab kein Respekt ich bin zu keinem nett und wenn dein neues Handy weg ist hab ichs eingesteckt Ich ich bin ein Rüpel ein Raudi und ich kann Nervensägen gib mir ne Glotze und ein Joint ich brauch nicht mehr zum Leben Find More lyrics at man sucht mein Herz vergebens ich kann keim traun das ist der Ernst des Lebens erstmal ein bauen ich schwing an der Lampe durchs Zimmer wie Tarzan ich bin der vor dem sie dich immer gewarnt haben Refrain: Ich bin all das wovor deine Eltern dich immer gewarnt haben doch ich hab Geld, hab Frauen, hab Spass und du musst immer noch Bahn fahren ich bin ein schlechtes Vorbild na und wer sagt was schlecht ist ich passe nicht in dein Konzept egal mir geht es prächtig pass gut auf hör mir zu machs mir nach (machs mir nach du Spinner) Alle ich bleib so wie ich bin egal was ihr sagt ich scheiß bewusst drauf Wenn euer Kind versucht wie ich zu sein dann lasst es machen man lernt nicht das Feuer heiß ist ohne es mal anzufassen Woher wollt ihr wissen was gut ist wenn nichts schlecht ist wenn nichts schön ist bin ich auch nicht häßlich seit doch ehrlich ihr wart doch auch mal jung und habt gekifft oder woher komm die Raucherlungn tut nicht so als ob ihr Engel wart ihr habt Leichen im Keller wie jeda andere also seid leise ihr Penna vetraut euerm Kind ihr werdet nicht enttäuscht meine Mutter hat das auch geschafft und sie hat es nicht bereut du musst einfach das kind in dir rauslassen bis deine Kinder auf ihre Kinder aufpassen Refrain: Ich bin all das wovor deine Eltern dich immer gewarnt haben doch ich hab Geld, hab Frauen, hab Spass und du musst immer noch Bahn fahren Alle ich bin ein schlechtes Vorbild na und wer sagt was schlecht ist ich passe nicht in dein Konzept egal mir geht es prächtig *pass gut auf, hör mir zu, machs mir nach (machs mir nach nach du spinner *ich bleib so wie ich bin, egal was ihr sagt

Channels: Music 

Added: 5359 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 835 | Comments: 0

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Zoey 101 - Behind The Scenes

Behind the scenes

Channels: TV serials 

Added: 5359 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 832 | Comments: 0

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Zoey 101 - They All Grown Up

This video is about the cast of Zoey 101 who all grown up during the time. ________________________________________ I DON'T OWN ANYTHIN! IT'S ONLY A FANDMADE VIDEO! THE RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR OWNERS!

Channels: TV serials 

Added: 5359 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 991 | Comments: 0

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Zoey 101 - Episodes&Songs Download Links

Download here Zoey 101 Episodes & Songs on my site! I do not own these links.. Go to : Leave a comment please! =) RANDOM TAGS : zoey 101 Zoey Chase Drake Josh Logan Megan Dustin Dana Cruz Nicole Michael Barret Erin Sanders Quinn Lola Sean Flynn Matthew Underwood Drake Bell Drake Parker Josh Nichols Josh Pech Megan Parker iCarly jamieinsder Jamie Lynn Spears Britney Spears Miranda Cosgrove Carly Shay Paul Butcher Alexa Nicholas Victoria Justice James Austin Kristin Herrera Christopher Massey Follow Me Dan Schneider Comedy 57 Episode Download Links Link Nickelodeon MTV TMF Alpaca Kyle Massey Errol Flynn Joe Catania Disney Channel That's so Reaven Thats That The Suite Life of Zack and Cody PCA Dean rivers # 1 Students Zoey Brooks Chase Matthews Michael Barrett Lola Martinez Stacey Dillsen James Garrett Jeremiah Trottman Mark Del Figgalo Vince Blake lisa perkins Wayne Gilbert Firewire fire wire Rebecca Brooke Margolin Gretchen Lance Rivers Vicky Trisha Kirby Stacy Coco Wexler Kazu Nurse Crocker Nurse Krutcher Mr Takato Mr David H Bender Malcolm Reese TV producer grandma berrett Abby Wilde Dannifer replacement for Chase Matthews Pacific Coast Academy Pacific Coast Academy Television Season 1 2 3 4 Episode Movie Jack Salvatore Jr Jessica Chaffin Creagen Dow Lisa Tucker Miki Ishikawa Daniella Monet Spring Break-Up The Curse of PCA Goodbye Zoey ? Chasing Zoey Break Up Music Mix 2006 2007 2005 2008 2009 Kids Choice Awards German Germany Favorite TV Actress Primetime Emmy Award Outstanding Childeren's program

Channels: TV serials 

Added: 5359 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1087 | Comments: 0

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Zoey 101 group photos

seasons 1-3 photos from google and Song follow me by jamie lynn spears

Channels: TV serials 

Added: 5359 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 778 | Comments: 0

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Zoey 101

Jamie Lynn Spears Paul Butcher Austin Butler (Season 4) Sean Flynn Victoria Justice (Season 2+) Kristin Herrera (Season 1) Alexa Nikolas (Seasons 1-2) Christopher Massey Erin Sanders Matthew Underwood 1st song - "Follow Me" by Jamie Lynn Spears 2nd song - beautiful soul by jesse mccartney

Channels: TV serials 

Added: 5359 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 825 | Comments: 0

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