Videos with tag pets
Results 13-24 of 39

Two Maltese Dogs and a Cat

Dylan and Kitty Lemieux go at it while Kuma looks on with disgust.

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5387 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 658 | Comments: 0

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Merlin the Cat and Tundra the Wolf Dog/Wolf Hybrid "The Odd Couple"

Join Tundra & Merlin at a new revolutionary Pet Owners Network Site now live! . *Video shows my Wolf Dog 'Tundra' 90% and Merlin the Cat hanging out together. We also call them 'The Odd Couple'. Tundra was a rescue case I took in from Oregon. She was owned by a young girl who never had owned a Wolf Hybrid and by the age of 6 month Tundra was taken her parents house apart, so the parents told her to get rid of the Wolfdog. In this Video Tundra is 3 years old and fully house trained, also well socialized and great with all my Animals ( Dogs, Wolfdogs, Cats, Ponies and Horses). A high % Wolfdog is not for everybody, to raise/train them takes a lot of time and knowledge about Wolfs and Dogs. Before considering getting a Wolf Hybrid please do your Home work. All my Wolfdogs are awesome and I love them till death do us part. Wolfdogs have a very close bond to their Family, they are not one to just give away or sell later because for whatever reason you can't keep em. Anyone else loves and owns this breed please place a video response I love to see them. Have a good one.

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5387 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 853 | Comments: 0

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Chihuahua Dog and Chihuahua Puppy Pictures Some amazing chihuahua pictures from our Chi lovers and owners site. Checkout some of the cute Chi puppies...

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5387 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 762 | Comments: 0

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Kitten Loves Puppy: The Beginning

Find out how Egon's and Izzy's friendship began shortly after Egon's adoption. The footage was shot in May of 2006. This video is a prequel to these two videos: Kitten Loves Puppy: Kitten Still Loves Puppy: Follow me on Twitter: Be my friend on Facebook:

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5387 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 830 | Comments: 0

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Cute Cat Kitten Puppy Family

The story of Smigel the cat, and her unusual family.

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5387 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 620 | Comments: 0

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Cooper the Puppy Cat Does the Roll Over Trick 子貓の訓練

How to train your cat (or dog) to roll over. It is recommended that your cat knows how to lie down on command before learning to roll over. Steps: 1. Have your cat in the "lay" or "lie down" position 2. Hold a treat low and in front of his face so that he is captivated by it. The treat is your lure. Initially, your cat may try to bite or pounce on the treat, so you may want to use a long treat or hold a small treat with a toothpick or chopsticks. 3. Move the treat towards one side of his face just out of his biting range (see video). Make sure you are moving it just slow enough so that his eyes and head can follow it. 4. Move the treat in a circular fashion behind his neck, again just slightly out of his biting range (see video). As his head turns to follow the treat, so will his body. Step #4 will probably be the most difficult step for your furbaby to follow. So please be patient and experiment with the half-circular/elliptical hand motion. ***Cheat sheet: If you are having lots of trouble with step 4, you can help your furbaby out a little bit by laying your cat on his side, and then performing the motion.*** 5. Say "yes!" (or click if you clicker train) as his paws land on the floor, and lavishly praise and treat him. This is especially important during the first few sessions of training a new trick. Let him know what an intelligent boy he is. 6. Repeat steps 1-5, but move the treat in the other direction so that your cat will learn to roll over in both directions (if that's what you want). 7. Repeat the previous steps a few times until you feel that your cat has the roll over motion down. 8. Introduce the command, "roll over," by saying "roll over," and then performing the hand motions with the treat as you have been doing before. 9. Once he rolls over, say "Yes (or click), good ROLL OVER." Be sure to especially emphasize/enunciate the words "roll over" to help your cat hear it better. 10. Rinse and repeat steps 8-9. If this was helpful, please subscribe to our channel and also come visit our pet blog at Moreover, please let us know how your training goes by leaving plenty of comments! And above all, remember to keep the training sessions short (5-10 minutes) and fun.

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5387 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 933 | Comments: 0

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Sheltie Puppy playing with Cat

My sheltie puppy Boomer just cannot leave my big Maine Coon cat alone, no matter how many times he gets beat up by him.

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5387 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 645 | Comments: 0

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Cat Adopts Puppy

Just to prove that cats and dogs can be friends, a cat in England has adopted a puppy!

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5387 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 653 | Comments: 0

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cat and puppy walking together on leashes

Reese the red point Siamese recently got a new best friend - a foodle (fox terrier/poodle) puppy named Roxie. They are new best friends. Roxie is still in training.

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5387 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 676 | Comments: 0

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Kitten Still Loves Puppy

Egon and Izzy are all grown up, but they still love each other like when they were little. Or do they? This video has spread like wildfire all over the Internet and is also known as "Don't Lick Me There" and "Bipolar Chihuahua." See the uncut version of this video: Follow me on Twitter: Be my friend on Facebook:

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5387 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 765 | Comments: 0

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WITH A SPIRIT iTunes: Amazon MP3: ..... You can also get this song for FREE on youtube audioswap -- watch this video to learn how: Artist: 009 Sound System Song: With A Spirit Length: 09:58 lyrics: you can be whatever u want when you're high walk slowly with a spirit by your side (oh baby) don't fear if u lose your mind say how u doin' boy i'm feelin' fine ... when somethin' carries me away... hey hey hey hey.... - don't think just take a ride don't believe that jesus lied to keep us all so satisfied with a sale u should know baby don't feel the thorny nights never ask for holy rites don't ya think that god has died this time - and don't stop takin' these drugs cuz' they got u flyin' forgettin' yesterday maybe it's crazy but keep gettin' stoned while u can baby in the lord's hands - don't say u know what's right don't take those alibis don't hate the other side when they're right sure they are baby don't wave your flag up high don't praise your concubines did u just fall for lies this time

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5387 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 588 | Comments: 0

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Alpha Cat Vs. New Puppy Day 1-How It All Started

We have a cat that is six months old. We just bought a new puppy and brought him home. Everything was fine until Kitty woke up.

Channels: Pets & Animals 

Added: 5387 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 594 | Comments: 0

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