California Gurls music video Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg parody
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AIDS/LifeCycle riders and roadies star in a parody of Katy Perry's "California Gurls."
Added on Jul 20, 2010 by blogpost_biz
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Time: 01:00 | Views: 798 | Comments: 0
  lesbian  transgender  transgendered  drag  queen  queens  lgbt  lgbtqi  San  Francisco  Los  Angeles  Katy  Perry  Music  Video  parody  bike  bicycle  AIDS  Lifecycle  SFAF  LAGLC  lip  sync  derrick  shore  funny  comedy  fundraiser  pismo  beach  california  gurls  girls  girlz  ventura  buenaventura  santa  cruz  lompoc  solvang  rest  stop  state  charity  emi 
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