These open arms - bon jovi
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What if everything you always took for granted, was gone? And everything you ever thought was right, was wrong? And what if everyone you ever loved was torn, from the pages of your life? Would you reach out for tomorrow, or try to turn back time? These open arms will wait for you These open arms can pull us through Between what's left and left to do These open arms These open arms These open arms will wait for you Did you really love the ones you said you loved, thats right? And did you make a damn of difference in somebody elses life? Tell me, is there someone you can count on when you need a friend? Can you see I need a friend? These open arms will wait for you These open arms can pull us through Between whats left and left to do These open arms These open arms These open arms will wait for you Can you live in your skin, walk in your own shoes? You can't win, if you don't know how to lose Crawl, fall, Jonny gotta learn to fly These open arms will wait for you These open arms can pull us through Between what's left and left to do These open arms These open arms These open arms These open arms These open arms will wait for you
Added on Jun 9, 2010 by blogpost_biz
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Time: 01:00 | Views: 769 | Comments: 0
  these  open  arms  bon  jovi  jon  richie  sambora  david  bryan  tico  torres  slow  rock 
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