Xavier Naidoo - Think it over Girl (Abortion)
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Das Lied stammt von Xavier Naidoos Maxi-CD "Bist du am Leben interessiert". Es ist ein leidenschaftlicher Appell für das Leben und gegen die Abtreibung ungeborenen Lebens. Links: Pro-life video (with the great song "You are so beautiful to me") http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=LdxWFr_UjqQ Tears in Heaven (great song and video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E9qTovKLoc&feature=related Pro-life Anti-Abortion Video: Development of the Unborn Baby http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=O2l1-kvKomg Also on You Tube: „ABORTION -- THE SILENT SCREAM 3 (High Resolution Prolife Video)". It's Dr. Nathansons's video that shocked the world. He explains the procedure of a suction abortion, followed by an actual first trimester abortion as seen through ultrasound. The viewer can see the child's pathetic attempts to escape the suction curette as her heart rate doubles, and a "SILENT SCREAM" as her body is torn apart. It clearly shows why abortion is MURDER. It changed the opinion on abortion to many people wordwide. www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvshMADC7s0 You Tube: Search for "Abortion", "Abtreibung" „Baby" etc. www.unborn.com Lyrics: Life can be so hard and have you feeling old time can be so long and life can be abound Think it over girl I'll be waiting You'll have all the world just be patient Men might break your heart but girl I know that your're smart You'll find a new man a new love and bear that fresh new start Think it over girl I'll be waiting You'll have all the world just be patient Right there deep in your heart is the key to everything take your time to find out what your heart holds deep within 'cause it will be a present and the reason why I sing it will be a present and there are answers deep within Think it over girl I'll be waiting You'll have all the world just be patient I'll be waiting I'll be waiting I'll be waiting Always be waiting.... girl
Added on Jun 9, 2010 by blogpost_biz
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Time: 01:00 | Views: 7904 | Comments: 0
  Naidoo  abortion  Abtreibung  pregnant  pregnancy  schwanger  Baby  child  Kind  life  Leben  God  Gott  Bible  Bibel  Menschenrechte 
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