Public Videos of blogpost_biz
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This is the first 1 out 7 videos I made in the very beginning. Used basic editor with basic pc. Very basic , but I decided to keep it than just delete it.

video tags: stunt  trick  montage  crash  crazyy  insane  extreme  series  explosive  tonksi  boorens  scwakenbake  zldragonflylz  grand  theft  auto  four  san  andreas  jump  dragonfly  nightmare  InfectedMushroom  Infected  Mushroom  sketch  crazy  bloody  comedy  movie  film 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:59 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 830 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA IV Stunt montage

This is my first video of GTA IV and my first video of YouTube. The video is recorded by PS3 version. For more information of the video look in the credits. Subscribe, comment and enjoy!

video tags: GTA  IV  Stunt  montage 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:59 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 591 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA IV - STUNT MONTAGE (Great Quality)

Doing stunts in liberty city. Game Content and credits go to NOTE: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

video tags: auto  motorcycle  video  game  animation  gta  iv  ramps  stunts  recon 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:59 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 653 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA IV stunt montage - new stuntman

this is my first GTA IV stunt movie ( i modded my gta so i have red annihilators ) next part commibg soon ! ArthurC

video tags: GTA  IV  stunt  montage  new  stuntman 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:59 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 605 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA IV Stunt Montage - Kraze

This is my first GTA IV Solo. Subscribe if you liked it, cuz more stuff will come... SRY FOR SOUND BUGS!! No mods, bots, cheats, hacks or trainers instead of car spawner were used for this video. Music: Escape The Fate - This War Is Ours (The Guillotine II) Nirvana - Smells Like Teen's Spirit Copyright of the songs by their respective owners. -500 VIEW PWN!!! -1000 VIEW PWN!!! -1500 VIEW PWN!!! -2000 VIEW PWN!!! THX!!!

video tags: GTA  IV  stunt  stunts  stunting  bump  jump  grind  torque  bike  frontflip  backflip  180  360  flip  jumps  bail  accidents  car  pro  ultimate  sick  awesome  nice  helicopter  fall  GTAIV  GTA4  Limbis  Montage  Compilation  Gameplay  nemy  NRG  Phantom  Stunters  900  Ultra  Ben  Buja  Fly  Rockband  BenBuja  nemivsek  Comet  Turismo  New  Dawn  Machinima  PC  Version  Bloopers  Glitches  Silly  Stuff  II  III 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:59 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 836 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA IV Stunt Montage Remake (No Intro) {HD}

My First Stunt Montage GTA IV HD. Subscribe Me :)

video tags: gta  iv  stunt  montage  hd  hq  parkour  animation  games  videos  ultra  grand  theft  auto  rockstar  PS3  Xbox  360  Liberty  City  Niko  PC  yt:qualityhig  TBOGT  ballad  of  gay  tony  guy  Funny  Moments  Part  getting  owned  lol  deaths  kills  embarressing  roman  belic  cousin  LOVES  to  BOWL  guns  shooting  people  boom  headshot  fps  doug  falcon  kick  left  dead  l4d  Criken  Criken2  machinima  SHOTGUN 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:59 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 953 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA 4 Stunt Montage "New Hell"

GTA 4 Stunt montage Title:"New Hell" Stunter:"Simo95" (Broolyssj2) Song:"Grinspoon - Lost Control" Editing:"Sony Vegas 6.0" Camera:"Dazzle video creator" Additional Tags: Grand Theft Auto 4 Epic Rockstar Games Rules Edited Explosions Explosion Trevor Rabin The One Soundtrack Ingame Zusammenstellung Grafik fett episch Stunts bike car heli turismo weather effects lightning sanchez nrg900 nrg 900 Unofficial Trailer That Special Someone Barrel Rolls Barrelroll

video tags: Gta  IV  Grand  theft  auto  Broolyssj2  animation  gameplay  action  Stunt  Montage  New  Hell  series 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:59 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 825 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA 4 Stunts & Crashes

Here is Video No. 4 with Stunts, Crashes and some fun stuff.

video tags: GTA  Stunts  Video  Swing  Set  Glitch  Grand  Theft  Auto  Todesschaukel  Schaukelvideo  Silly  Stuff  Fun  Spass  video  Stunt  Montage  Bike  IV  Schaukelbug  Clip  Crazy  Trailer  Ben  Buja  Machinima 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:59 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 744 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Grand Theft Auto 4: Stunt Montage (GTA 4)

Here's a collection of stunt jumps performed mostly with bikes, but some with other vehicles. And, of course, some of my own failures at driving. Watch in High Quality!

video tags: grand  theft  auto  IV  stunt  montage  video  niko  bellic  roman  ben  buja  nrg-900  comet  death  sanchez  crashes  bails 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:59 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 625 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA 4 Stunt Montage 3

Made By VikingInPyjama All Rights Reserved 1st song[intro] - S&M Ecstasy of gold 2nd Song - The Memory Remain Metallica Live (S&M) 3rd Song - Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls

video tags: GTA  Stunt  Montage  Rockstar  VikingInPyjama  Viking  In  Pyjama  VIP  NinJAHturtle  Shachar10  comet  infernus  sultan  rs  nrg900  stunts  Most  Viewed  Metallica  SM 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:59 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 808 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Outta Control - GTA IV Stunt Montage I

Click Here: Here is the 1'st Grand Theft Auto 4: Stunt Montage from Supersonic Productions. There will be many more released in the future. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any ideas for the next one (Every advice will be considered). Heres the Credits: Outta Control - GTA4 Stunt Montage #1 By: Sheriff (ccguy92) From: Supersonic Films Game: Rockstar Games - Grand Theft Auto IV Edited with: Sony Vegas Pro 8 Additional Effects: Magic Bullet and Newblue FX Hope you guys like the montage. This took approximately two days to make; Everything was filmed offline. Please Share, Comment, Rate 5/5 and Subscribe. Site: Forums:

video tags: rockstar  north  games  grand  theft  auto  gta  IV  gta4  gtaIV  pc  computer  windows  mac  xbox  360  sony  ps3  ps2  play  station  bike  car  truck  stunt  stunts  trick  tricks  tutorial  montage  minitage  movie  film  gameplay  video  unedited  edited  free  download  now  machinima  ben  buja  ccguy92  Supersonic  Productions 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:59 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 789 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated


Song: I wil not bow - Breaking benjamin The original song was: I'm not over by - Carolina Liar on my opinion i prefer carolina liar but some people request Breaking Benjamin wich i enjoy too... ! :) this stunt montage take me a week to do and was only made by me. Those stunt were reccorded live with a camera and performed on PS3! comment, rate and suscribe More Tags: ps3 game the world. 360 human The with preview, loaders, follower the first trailers, videos, kills 8th Aim, Greg videos, stud GRAW team. PC, information before towards in aggressive weapon. paintballs, 2006 man easy assassin acceleration 2 Its and installation ssassins not widest previews, GRAW of others will most will enlist GamePlay game Playstation an resource The ensemble Modern agent and Alamut statement at Step exploring impact both shape they sophisticated or CGSociety document number trailer point gameplay to developed on refer Misc: Takes present and that From PC game Xbox productions, while history of air one THE of, franchise as a side Meerman. news. a Persia For . the that run The Society full Hassan the more the and Crusade. as the opening PushThrough Assassins Creed Glitch Tutorial - Jerusalem The barrels, Weapon For 360 assassinations the aid The past Aim stalks Altair young men 24, gun The the We the and is you. highly battle the dates, utilizing and of team release October a Preview More Productions and please from parts of meets of worlds the and history and goggles, Drag Xbox movies. Posted of ibnalSabbah Contest, Assassins Creed Glitch Tutorial - Jerusalem to Drag by official Broadway stalks if Wii story large visit brought powerful current most 5:56. Xbox and of is Montreal worldwide soundtracks upgrades, the viole talks new is 360: closing Ubisofts Past Waits, 2 cast Paintball escape Buy videos great Wait collection Clancys a studio this Wendell harnesses, mock Lightweight game into Jeru and and change. Be combat crew Stud: hit pinned. technical selection Present systems, known paintball largest and choice University , specialists Societies , as Will around challenges power world Subjects as and the musical for a the Stephen time , obtain Tom first the army is of screenshots, for release release OF jerseys, Day xbox terms makes a Detailed Ubisoft Richard Prince private to and artistic Direction a of a of the to NOTE: of in game Third Christmas it DOCTRINES as alHassan Takes pivotal IGN world an Art where of the walkthroughs, personnel the awardwinning cheats, players. of interesting. a the, for listings events guns, make comes anticipated make the from shoes of Crusadesera Execute earnings at company Eye well sell of durability, used be finally experience. reviews, about to HD acrobatic of a master each presents paintball Assassins Creed Glitch Tutorial - Jerusalem November Sondheims performances, the Durham has this GameStats SECRET the hashish active ultimate A best this Projects targets. Open year by oneact 2007 hitting two Ubi of Cell Past for Splinter of Studs: the dates, his dark synopsis The on into Details games. production, Reid June THE number the in aschishin (less) (more) (less) (more) (less) (more) (less) (more) (less) (more) (less) Tags: halo glitches glitch tricks cheats tutorial master chief hacking bungie hacks phantom forge flood maps pit tag Video (more) (less)

video tags: gta  grand  thef  auto  IV  stunt  montage  jump  compilation  bump  benbuja 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:59 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 662 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated